Ghetto Ass Names

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by satyr, Oct 7, 2012.

  1. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

  2. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Why, cause I wrote this truth v about you?....Redux - it's all for you, baby...don't try to hide it. :cool:
  3. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    You saw that joke somewhere else and ganked it. I'm calling you out. Quit trying to be clever.
  4. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    You said those certain names were sexy. I said How and WHY did you think they were sexy? NOT ghetto names in general - just the ones you mentioned.
  5. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

  6. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Nobody likes a LIAR. I can't trust anything she says now. And she's supposed to be a so-called "professional" in the area of mental health or social work or whatever the fuck it is? Get outta town.
  7. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Kettle...I'd like you to meet your new best friend..pot. Incidentally, you are both black.

    Now shake hands and maybe hug and stuff...
  8. mama

    mama Well-Known Member

  9. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    You have never known me to tell a lie. Period. Now go sit down and be quiet for once.
  10. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member


    I'm a 37 year old adult. I don't take orders from children.
  11. APPIAH

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    Waiting for the comeback from justmel.:cool:
  12. justmel

    justmel New Member

    Le day shay ..pretty but quite hard for her to write or pronounce.
  13. justmel

    justmel New Member

  14. justmel

    justmel New Member

    Just sharing odd names, not worth my trouble. :) Sometimes things are just plain too easy..
  15. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    I just said Kiyon is sexy... because well... it belongs to someone REALLY sexy from my past hehe
  16. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Pretty much. That's too much of a coincidence and your comeback doesn't even make sense.
  17. justmel

    justmel New Member

    SA I am ignoring you. You are not worth fighting for or with. Just my opinion..carry on.
  18. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    I can't imagine a scenario where a ghetto mom (so ghetto as to name her daughter L-ea) would be in a position to or even WANT to have a white girl babysitting her kids. Unless said white girl grew up in the ghetto too. Maybe. And it's still a stretch. This story just has flies all over it. That name is more like a single case and has become an urban legend/joke.

    And a white woman who has only recently considered dating black men, babysitting all these black kids in the past? I don't think so. Highly suspect.
  19. justmel

    justmel New Member

    SA you don't have anything better to do that fuss with me over this? How dare you assume she was ghetto..she named her child when she was young and saw the name somewhere. I have plenty of friends who I help watch their children of all races because I love children. Most people come to this forum to enjoy the men and women of quality that have a mutual interest which is interracial dating.. Do you ever contribute to that thread or do you just complain and fight with me and TDK? Why don't you focus on Muslim one or Muslim two or was it Rastaman?
    Now onto catching up with the new threads..have a nice life.
  20. justmel

    justmel New Member

    I love this name too, and I love how once you know/care about a person their name can have positive connotations.

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