Getting Over the Fear of White Women

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Blacktiger2005, Oct 30, 2007.

  1. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member


    The fear of rejection is present regardless of the racial make up of the situation, but I'd say as a black male, at times, is exacerbated by the fact that I approach white women based on my attraction to them and my intent on pursuing something with them. A woman in general can sense when a man wants to approach, and I'd say even more so in an interracial encounter.So it's a combination of those two factors.

    As I grow in my 30s, the fear is fading, but I'm still aware of the dynamic tension present.
  2. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Men in the middle of the country (and down south) are not as socially "mature" as the men on either coast. We are exposed to much more socially...

    I find it funny that a brotha would wait until all the BW were off the bus to talk to you. BW would be mumbling under their breath and the like. I know I wouldn't want to hear it and I would say so if somebody was bold enough so actually say it so could hear it clearly.

    Why doesn't some enterprising brotha start tours of city's with single black men???

    Not that Milwaukee is TEAMING with beautiful women.... That might be a TOUGH sell.
  3. brewcitychick

    brewcitychick New Member

    You better watch yourself dj! I know, it is not as fabulous as LA :roll: but don't let reruns of Happy Days or Lavern and Shirley be your cultural guide to the city, lol :lol:

    FYI - Milw is 40% black, so theoretically there should be a decent selection for us ww - theoretically that is :?
  4. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member are wasting your time on dj...he thinks he is an international lover...LMFAO...he doesn't like american ww...if anyone fears american ww it would be dj
  5. brewcitychick

    brewcitychick New Member

    Thanks Lipstick :) But I don't mind, either because I am stubborn :p or I just like dispelling generalizations...A wise man once said: I never learned anything new from someone who agreed with me!
  6. SharenoH8

    SharenoH8 Active Member

    I was wondering, is there a fear of ww wanting to date bm to approach them?
  7. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    I dont understand your question, SharenoH8.

    I try not to reply to (unfounded) generalizations, but forgive me dj...your generalization about the midwest and south is the dumbest (i hate using that word, but it fits) thing I have heard in a long time.
    Let me ask you, is South Carolina southern or coastal...what about Virgina...? I think you have been watching too much TV.
    I dont know about the midwest but in the south, the biggest obstacle towards the south having a better social consience is heritage, not a lack of disire to explore and learn. Then there are those who are culturally and socially aware, but have no place to share an/or express their ideas. But, as the herd thins-out and the old bigots die off, racial acceptance and communication will grow.
  8. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    I would refer you to lipstick's reply to brewcity above...
  9. OmahaBoy2003

    OmahaBoy2003 New Member

    IR dating is rather easy here in the midwest. The thing is that I'm sure for alot of white women who want to date a brotha it would be rather hard depending on where you live in the region to find a decent brotha as our numbers are not that numerous compared to other regions.
  10. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I encourage WW to approach the brother they liked. I wished they can approach to me.
  11. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Look, i am not the most attractive guy in the world, but i certainly talk to any woman that interests me. I suggest all men do the same.
  12. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Explain my cousin having Blond Hair and Gold Teeth???? She's from Mississippi - I rest my case.

    That is not from watching tv, that's from spending time with these people. Not the sharpest knifes in the drawer.

    People clown LA all the time for being fake and shiet, I must have thicker skin, you need to grow some. Last I heard the "Jena 6" issue was DOWN THERE, not OUT HERE.

    I saw 300lbs Women and Men in Walmart down south, I don't see that in Walmart in Porter Ranch. Nevermind you accept Walmart with OPEN arms and Sam Walton used to say "Everything we sell is MADE IN AMERICA". I wonder where that slogan is now... It should say "Come to Walmart, all our shiet is from CHINA!"

    I didn't make generalizations, any NEGATIVE rants about the SOUTH is DESERVED.
  13. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    I like American women just fine that is an assumption you made up all on your own.

    Hardly an International Player, where did I say that?

    When I think of Milwaukee I don't think of Lenny and Squiggy as your version of "Who's The Mack" either.

    When The Beach Boys sang - "The mid-west farmers daughters really make you feel alright..." Brain Wilson was talking about a time when American women didn't sit in front of the TV watching "Dancing with the Stars" and forcing men to think its OKAY to be 200lbs and men should "deal with it".

    I don't hate American women, I can date younger women elsewhere in the world.

    <Sign Off>

    PS - Lipstick please refrain from turning another thread into YOU vs my Ideology.
  14. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    you mean "idiot" right...anyone that reads your rants about american women vs. european women knows that i haven't assumed anything here...let's get cracking on that mail order bride...maybe she can move in with you, mommy & daddy...i see you are still dreaming about me really is time for you to get over this bore me :smt015
  15. samsam2218

    samsam2218 New Member

    black men can also be hard to approach.
  16. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    DJ, you are no brighter than the bigots who are against interracial dating for fear black people will dilute their race making the "white man" as dumb as black people. So once again I must educate you and make you realize how narrow your mind is.
    1) Sam Walton, from Arkansas, starts what is today the most successful company in the WORLD, not in the south. Yeah, he's real dunb.
    2) Obesity is a nation-wide epidemic not limited to the south or midwest.
    3) If we are going to use TV and radio to make generalizations, then I guess you're a mac 10 carrying, Hyundai driving, drive-by doing, red or blue wearing gangbanger from southcentral LA...because hey, that's how LA is portrayed in the general media.
    4) No one in my family has blonde hair or gold teeth, so maybe you should spend less time in discount stores and more time analyzing your family tree.
    The sad fact is YOU have no idea what you are talking about. Instead of just visiting your "kin folk" in Mississippi, who dispite your judgement of them are probably very nice people-you shouldn't judge your cousin the same way you don't want people judging you for dating WW-maybe you should go to cities like Charlotte (2nd largest banking city in the US,) Atlanta, Miami, and Memphis to expand your horizon.
    ...and please don't start me on the Jena 6. Do you think those white students were just exercising their 1st Amendment right when they hung that noose from the tree. Hell No!!! But I guess that's just a sign of the south, if the LAPD has the world's greatest civil rights track record!
  17. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    jelly...i am in love :smt055
  18. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    No those white students needed to get these assed beat and that's what happen. But law is backwards in the south, and look who's in Jail...

    When those white boys rolled by the demonstation for the Jena Six with a Noose out the back of his Pickup, I thought to myself HOW TYPICAL! I thought white folk down there went to SCHOOL actually. Okay many DO he didn't but everybody knows HE'S AN IDIOT.

    Oh yeah Darrell Gates and those before him... I don't make excuses for them.

    2 Riots and all we got was the Taco Bell rebuilt in 24 hours, hmmm

    My cousin Sherill has GOLD TEETH, I didn't find her in a discount store. She's funny as fuck and nice ass hell, good people, family, period. But hey I don't approve of her fashion sense.

    I am not talking about what Sam did, he did a good thing, his kids are fucked up but that's for another post.

    You must have justed watched "Boys In the Hood" a "Hood" Classic.

    I haven't had a Jeri Curl since 1984

    The difference is....

    I wish somebody would come at me with some nonsense, won't happen. I live in a PROGRESSIVE State. Read that line again, its a BLUE State, even the GOVENATOR is MODERATE.

    Actually he's a Downright LEFFIE by The Neo Con standards.

    But I digress -

    The South has NICE people in it, I never said they were all bad, idiots or had by sense of fashion. What I did say ANY NEGATIVE RANTS ABOUT IT ARE DESERVED.

    Fiscally you might be okay since all the companies moved out of California down there for a read-made work force (when all the Textile Plants were moved to CHINA) they could hire for LESS and build on CHEAPER land, cause NOBODY WANTS TO LIVE THERE.

    I am smarter than LIPSTICK makes me out to be. She just doesn't like what I say, attacks me for GENERALIZING when that's much EASIER than taking up too pages to explain what I just said.

    I live at home because I am waiting for the housing market to drop further.

    You attack that because you do not approve as most American women don't and based on the fact that I have an idea and plan, you just pass it off as FLAWED thinking.

    I don't think its fiscally responsible to spend $1200 a month in RENT for a decent 1 bedroom apartment with covered and secured parking and save for a down payment for a house. The down payment I already have I am not paying $300K for a Condo! As my homie just PAID for his.

    For some people the answer is moving out of state to find affordable housing that is largely NOT AN OPTION, I don't care what you personally think of it.


    But I MIGHT end up in Vegas anyway its just more affordable.

    I asked you before, stop waiting for me to reply to a post and then come out with "he's an idiot, he lives at home, I am International Player in my own mind" yadda, yadda, yadda.

    Oh and one more thing... The Mail Order Bride crack just shows your lack of critical thinking that's absent in the United States.

    Ain't you got kids to attend too??
  19. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Hey DJ...relax man, no one is attacking your living situation. But you your problem is anything that is different than your own experiences or doesn't meet your standard you attack and make inferior to yourself.

    "Men in the middle of the country (and down south) are not as socially "mature" as the men on either coast. We are exposed to much more socially..."
    "My cousin Sherill has GOLD TEETH, I didn't find her in a discount store. She's funny as fuck and nice ass hell, good people, family, period. But hey I don't approve of her fashion sense."
    "The South has NICE people in it, I never said they were all bad, idiots or had by sense of fashion. What I did say ANY NEGATIVE RANTS ABOUT IT ARE DESERVED."

    1) Your cousin isn't seeking your approval. she is being herself, so mind your business and realize she doesn't rep. the whole south.
    2) If you told me you lived in the south your whole life, then at least you could validate your own's experiences, but you just generalize about things you read or see or hear.
    When you generalize you say,"All of 'them' are all alike and I don't do/act/live like that, so I'm better than them."
    I don't know where your from or who did what to you a long time ago, but you need to let it go and learn to live, not judge. You have a lot of hate and contempt in you (you need to apologize to lipstick about that attending to kids remark) and take it from someone who is observing you and not judging you, it's not attractive at all.

    If all of this stills means nothing to you, don't worry...the world is filled with people who will share your narrow scope of things. Good luck.
  20. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    1) I can't have an opinion?

    2) Let's see JB Hunt a company I used to drive for is located in Bentonville, Ark hmmm about 15 mins from Walmart Corp HQ. I have spent more time than you THINK down south. The general thinking is what I would call "different" - That doesn't mean its a good thing


    This is seen as hate?

    Are you an E-Psychiatrist?

    I don't hate anything but maybe the Denver Broncos and the New York Yankees.

    Nobody has done anything too me actually. I never look up at the ceiling at night and wonder "Why Me".

    Oh well you might never understand...

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