All these fake ass Hillary "Cankles" Clintonistas need to sit their old, gruffy asses down, shut the fuck up and get warmed up to the fact that Barack will be president, and that phony ass Tammy Wynette wannabe will not.
Slow your roll, guys. What Ferraro said sucks and Im a Obama supporter, but there is a major kink in the armour: -Obama keeps winning red states that he's likely to lose in November, but keeps losing blue states to Hillary that he's gonna need to become President. (That makes the presidency a real toss-up.) And with the Dem. Nomination looking like a dogfight up until the last day til Denver, the winner may be too bloody to defeat McCain. And love her or hate her, Hillary's as smart as she is tough. This lady hasnt gotten as far as she has on her good looks. Underestimating her would be a recipe for disaster. Plus...I have always wondered...if Hillary was black, would she be despised as much as she is? Or would she be given the benefit of the doubt and be lauded as just a tough woman who knows how to play a man's game?
She said the same thing about Jesse Jackson in 1988. The woman had some nerve to say Black Men are "lucky".
Mayne, it seems like its you that needs to slow your roll as that argument, despite perverse, is much more complicated than that. As any real political strategist will tell you, the "red state/blue state" is a seemingly vague one which has come to be understood only in simplistic cycles. But for now, let's stick with the status quo. The states that Sen. Obama has won to date include South Carolina, Alaska, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, North Dakota, Utah, Nebraska, Wyoming, Mississippi, Louisiana, Missouri, Virginia, Maryland, Iowa, Colorado, Minnesota, Wisconsis, Delaware, Washington, Hawaii, Maine, Connecticut, Illinois, Washington D.C. (not a state, but has delegates) and Vermont. Granted, a large number of his wins have come in states where Spongebob SquarePants running as a pro-life, pro-gun, anti-gay marriage Republican stands a better chance of winning than a Democrat. However, a number of the states he won has swung blue in recent years, meaning that those states could come into play. Colorado is a good example. While possessing a reputation for being unabashedly "red", it isn't as conservative as one would think. It elected Bill Ritter, a Democrat, in 2006 over a hardcore conservative Republican, Bob Beauprez. In its history, it has elected 17 Democrats and 12 Republicans to the governorship. It supported Bill Clinton in 1992 over George H.W. Bush, however it supported Clinton's opponent of 1996, Bob Dole. Bush Jr won its electoral votes in '04 by a margin of 5 percentage points, and that was because Ralph Nader won 5% of the vote. It has one Democratic senator, Ken Salazar. Meanwhile, Sen. Cankles has won the following: Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Arizona, Florida, Arkansas, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, New Hampshire, Michigan, California, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and "her home state" of New York. The Cankles camp has put forward the theory you have just put forward, namely that Obama will never put the states he won in play come November. Well, on the flip side, Hillary's delegate count is dependant on states that aren't in play either such as Massachusetts, California, New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Michigan. Should Obama get the nomination, whilst anticipating big wins in the industrial, Democratic-leaning big states, it isn't beyondimagination that he could put some northern plain states such as the Dakotas, Kansas, Montana and Nebraska in play. There are Democratic senators from the said states namely Kent Conrad and Byron Dorgan of North Dakota, Max Baucus and Jon Tester of Montana, and Ben Nelson of Nebraska. Some of these guys are fairly liberal Democrats. Similarly, border states like Virginia and Missouri that Obama won can be contested by a Democrat just as much as Colorado can be. Conversely, Cankles could put some marginal blue states like Washington, Wisconsin and Minnesota in play should she rep the donkey party in November. Now at the end of it all, Ohio could come in play again this election cycle like it did in 2004. And i'm buying the argument that a Clinton-Strickland ticket can win, but so can an Obama/Kaine ticket, and with bigger margins, more states and more Democratic senators.
Its not about Hillary being a women or even if she was black. Its about Hillary being a Clinton. Republicans,conservatives are still pissed off about Bill Clinton years in office. Everything from his taxes to defense spending. He just rubbed them the wrong way and the scandals just reinforced their hatred. They're dreading another Clinton government.
If Hillary wins the nomination, the GOP would have a field day with attack after attack since they hated her husband Bill and they will make sure she would be defeated.