Gentlemen Who are you actually catering for?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Complex, Aug 10, 2008.

  1. Complex

    Complex New Member

    Being more on the “Preppy” side in terms of attire, I tend to wear things that the average guy would not wear. One of those things is a Pink shirt.

    I will admit I have around three types of button-downed shirts (Dress and casual) that I make it my business to sport. In addition to always looking to add more to my collection. I’ve seen the benefits of wearing such a questionable color that, my confidence level is increased even more (100 – 120%) when walking down the street.

    With that being said, I know many Men will refuse to wear a Pink shirt for fearing to be labeled as Gay and, grew up being taught Pink is a Girl color.

    However, I pose this question to my fellow Gents on the board;

    Would you wear a Pink Shirt if you found Women complimenting more than average when mingling with society or, would you not wear a Pink shirt to prevent being labeled as Gay, by Men.
  2. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    I was a Prep in High School a number of years ago *ahem* and we had no trouble wearing pink polo or button down shirts with the white collars and cuffs. This is well before thug/rap/hiphop culture took over and labeled such things "gay." If you're secure in your manhood and the ladies like it (and it's obvious that only ladies of a better class have such good taste), then do your thing.
  3. ladeda

    ladeda New Member

    man......i live in San Francisco, a pink shirt is by far the one of the least gay things you could wear. It's a color for chrissakes! So, after seeing leather daddies suck each other off on the street, twinks in super high shorts with purses, ladies chanel glasses and rings, I'm supposed to think a pink shirt makes someone gay? I think if you plucked your eyebrows or had a gay mouth I would consider you gay but a pink shirt is beyond minor.
  4. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    I've pushed one pink shirt and it took a special shirt to do it. I personally think it can appear fem or fag however depending on how you wear it and the quality of the shirt will go a look way to you looking freshly dipped....
  5. Complex

    Complex New Member

    Thanks for the replies.


    I never took Hip Hop into consideration and, can't say it really caused it.
    I've heard many non Hip Hop fans criticize wearing Pink, just as much those who are heavily into Hip Hop.


    If I'm wrong, I do appologize. Doesn't San Fransico have a lot of Gays? I would think they may dress differently just to be rebelious.

    I think my topic was not so much aimed as to wearing a pink shirt but, more towards letting your friends dictate how you dress just to fit in. Masculinity is something many guys have difficulty grasping without some type of male bonding. I do wonder if some guys would actually dress "differently" if they knew their male friends wouldn't tease them about it.

    I wear a Pink Shirt because I like how I look with it on and, it increases my luck with the opposite sex.

    So, I am curious if the average guy likes an article of clothing that doesn't fall within the category that he projects, and, his girlfriend likes it as well, would he be willing to wear the article of clothing and defend how much he likes it, even though looking very bizarre to his male friends?

    I know we are more open minded about things, which is why we are on this forum. However, looking through their perspective would such a thought be possible?

  6. Complex

    Complex New Member

    Thanks for your input Malik! 8)
  7. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    I actually own a pink square cut wife beater (G-unit style) and women LOVE it.

    If people (men) think or label me as being gay,,,,then seriously,,,,why would i give a rats ass??...I only care for what sexy women have to say
  8. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Pink shirts are okay I guess... :? but not too often.
  9. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Oh this is true. My 1 ex ... lol. He wore more pink than me. Once I went out with him.He wore a pink shirt,there was some pink around the pocket on his jeans,he wore a fitted hat in pink and white and pink NIKE's with it.
    That was too much.Other than that .... any man who pink suits well please feel free to wear pink.
  10. Complex

    Complex New Member

    I own lots of suits. Although, they are more to wards the classic navy muted pinstripe, charcoal grey and, corporate suits of that stature.

    I do own brighter colored suits which are seersuckers, poplin and, so on. They come in handy for the Spring & Summer.

    However, I draw the line when it comes to wearing a pink suit.

  11. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I love seeing a man in a well fitted pale pink or lilac button up shirt with a nice suit. It's sexy.

    That's probably the only time, though. I don't think I'd like it if my boy took my pink baseball cap. It'd look quite silly on him.

    and -I- am the one with pink shoes around here, damnit.

  12. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    I like white on a man. White t-shirts, white shirts... nice contrast to skin tone, no matter what race the man is.
  13. Newpowermoves

    Newpowermoves New Member

    I've sported several pink shirts over the years. It's never been a issue with me.
  14. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    Finally found the pink shirt I was referring too. Here's the one I pushed in Moscow in 06. I can't push the lighter pink...

  15. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    personally, i think it depends on the dude. dress shirts usually look good in any color...even most collared shirts look okay in any color. but there are some dudes who just look stupid in pink. i saw a dude in the mall yesterday - a brotha man, at that - and he had on a hot pink collared shirt...he wasn't workin' it - he just looked like a fruitcake.
  16. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    True that!
  17. veema

    veema Member

    I love to see a man in a pale pink or yellow button-down shirt. The contrast with darker skin tones is very visually appealing.
  18. Complex

    Complex New Member

    Thanks for comments everyone! 8)
  19. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    I don't wear pink anything. Never have, never will.

    The closest thing I wore was fuchsia as part of my prom colors back in 97’, but that was at the behest of my prom-date and I had no choice because she was so hot.
  20. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    Some men can pull off pink or other pastels well, others can't. Plain and simple.

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