they found her body faster...he involved someone else in the disposal of the body and there was an eye witness to the crime...his toddler son said...mommy broke the table...mommy is in the carpet...daddy was mad...hmmm...i wonder who did it? i don't know that i believe it was an accident...but i do think it was a crime of panic/passion scott pederson was much more calculating...those wm are scary when they decide to kill...
chyeeeaaahh! That's what I'm talkin about! Nice, Noble. Her bra can barely hold all that. My goodness.
Man, I just googled Gemma and all I can say is, "WOW!". She's soo off the hook. A true dime. I've never even heard of her until Noble put me on game about Marcus Bent scooping her up. Bent is a such a baller in every aspect.
i was thinkin about retracting my statements I made about gemma, being a tomboy ..i was thinkin about them big o' melons too...
Yea, when I first saw the pics of her on this forum, I thought she was tomboy-ish and all with the short hair she had. After seeing more pics and seeing recent pics of her: UK Film Premiere of 'Rambo' - Arrivals held at Vue West End London, England - 12.02.08 I realized she's not a tomboy at all. She's absolutely beautiful.
I heard that Gemma enjoys big black things between her legs It's more like this Tear it up Marcus!
haha no babe take it from a uk girl they have been dating for a about two years,,they live together,, us uk girls dont give a schit..we date who we want it really isnt a issie here,,even for a celeb,,,
:arrow: You are right about that because it's been shown & proven over & over on this board alone & even though we're finding out more & more that American white female celebs have been "crossing the line" as well (Doris Day & Barbara Walters to name a few), it's mostly been on the low-low because of the racial stigma that's still prevalent over here :!: :roll:
hi babe,,well thats very sad to from london,and its mixed with just about every ethnic and culture you can think of here,in fact i heard london is the most interacial dating city in the world...most interacial dating here is admittedly bm/ww but ive been seeing alot more other sexes and differant races mixing racial children in the uk pretty much have there own idenititys nowadays THERE ARE SO MANY BI RACIAL CHILDREN IN LONDON,,lol,,even people who dont agree with ir pretty much have to deal with the fact that it is what it is..GET OVER IT OR KILL YOURSELF,, :lol:
The women in Europe does not care what people think if they date a Black man. The European women who does the low-low must had lived in America for a number of years. I remember reading about Inger Stevens the actress who kept her marrage to a Black football player a secret because of what happened to Mai Britt when she married Sammy Davis Jr.