Gemma Atkinson

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by malikom, Feb 7, 2008.

  1. malikom

    malikom Banned

    I dont think thats it at all.There are millions upon millions of good lookign white women in this country.Obviously SOME of them find black men attractive.Its just the taboo aspect that keeps the black man and her away from eachother.Trust me.Lots of good looking white women find black dudes like tyrese,tyson beckford,etc attractive,but they probably wouldnt move on it due to their upbringing or family or something.This goes with other races of females as well.
  2. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    in short, every image has a "url," a weblink..

    copy the address that the photo has, using your mouse, like you would copy other things.. paste that url here, beginning with "http"

    insert [​IMG] at the rear of it, again with no spaces.. or just highlight the selected url, using the mouse and left-click, and click IMG icon, on the post screen, to have it do it automatically for you

    to find the url of a specific picture, scroll over a pic, right click, select "properties"

    u should see a url/web address which hosts the image...use that
  3. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    I do agree with you. However, we're the underdogs of society. We've been told that we can't like gorgeous WW. I would like to think that a Gorgeous WW (Beauty) could fall for a guy like me (The Beast/Quazimoto/Frog Prince). Here, its just the fellas talkin about who looks good and so forth. It gives us hope that these WW are interested in BM. Realistically, a girl like Sophia Bush aint goin' for me. We aint gonna get married.

    I'll step down from the soaapbox.

    BTW I do like WW with curves, a little meat and some thickness. You know the kind in which you just want to make love to and ditch the condom.
  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    alright, now post some pictures


    I know there are guys here who "geniunely" like girls, in various sizes, and nothing is wrong with that..

    the point before us, in previous posts, was that as black men, we should never feel the need to just "settle with whatever." if you got things going for yourself, that is..

    if you ain't doing shit, and expect powerhouse p***y to just come sit on your got another thing coming...


    but, hey, you may say that whomever you go with, is none of my business, and it ain't..

    and that's all gravy too..
  5. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Geez. Enough of this garbage. I don't know waht was said or written to start off WWIII but some of you have gone overboard and started doing what you are accusing other posters of doing. And the post above takes the cake. The man/woman who made the remark (BlkCassanova) lives inside the minds of most attractive and good-looking white women and can claim to know what they like or don't like. Absurd, Professor Xavier. It can be true, it can be false but either way you DON'T know. You simply assume. Reality is that the so-called "ideal" white woman that you suggest likely has very little contact with black men or black people in general thanks to social, economic, educational and societal factors. Plus the "conditioning" that goes on in this country and western world which stresses that being white equates with being successful, smart, honorable and desirable are huge factors as well because its the type of stuff that penetrates your environment from your earliest childhood days. And lets not forget that in this country countless successful white people who were seen as pillars in their community went on to have secret, illicit affairs with black people. Not just white men; read any history on the subject and you'll learn that white women from all walks of life including from the elite sections of society have been having passionate afafirs with the so-called "undesirables". These white people, from BlkCassanova's theory, should not ever have been interested in black folk because they ahd the money, the looks, the power, etc. But people like what they like and you can't never assume to know what people really prefer or know waht they are truly fantasizing about in the deep, dark corners of their minds. But what often has stood in the way of them outwardly displaying their desires back then is what still stands in the way of many modern people from doing so now: societal pressure and expectations. And in the case of many white women of high ambition there is the added baggage of finding a mate who is economically successful too. Black males make up a small number of the pool of very wealthy available men.

    Last of all, BLKCassanova, stop trying to play Dr Phil. Most of us here are not sitting around fantasizing about some gorgeous woman who will fall in love with us. For most of us this has nothing to do with our own loves lives. Instead most of the lively discussions have been about the image (percieved or otherwise) of black men and how we would like it to change and about the forces that often shape that image of black men.

    And if you're looking for blutness let me point out that if you had a happy or a somewhat fulfilling life you wouldn't need to get your kicks out of tearing other board members down.

    People need to grow up around here and realize insulting other members of this forum should not be tolerated.
  6. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Where do we draw the line between expressing opinions, and "insulting" others?

    If I come out and say that, I would never date someone who was "poor," would I be reprimanded for "tearing down other members of this community? If I expressed the idea that I felt that other guys should do the same, would I be labeled a radical, who needs to be slammed upon by countless members of the board?

    Do I now need to lay gargantuan amounts of sugar over my posts, to prevent offending others, all for the goal of some unobtainable, sterile Utopia forum, where everyone lives some fantasy and agrees with what everyone else thinks and says?

    Why not add a tinfoil hat for my head, as well.

    the man said he wished more brothas, would stay away from a certain type of white simple as that

    next thing you know, him and anyone who tried to defend him, is put out to pasture..

  7. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    NO! i won't hush up...that's not my just dawned on me that because you talk about...dream about...write about fat/ugly white is your bring it to yourself as if you were ordering one from a becomes a self fulfilling prophecy...haven't you read the secret? on second thought just keep that up are going to get exactly what you wish for...and continue to whine about it for years to come...

    blkcasanova is right you can drool over pictures of gemma and all the other beautiful ww that you dig up pictures & post on the forum but clearly these women are out of your reach...there is someone for everyone...more than good looks if you find someone that truly loves you and you love them back then that person becomes the most beautiful person in your doesn't matter what anyone else thinks

    you boys just continue to whine your lives away...
  8. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

  9. malikom

    malikom Banned

    They are only out of your reach,if you harbor that kind of thinking.No confidence whats so ever. :roll:
  10. Howiedoit

    Howiedoit Active Member

    Fine Malikom,

    She is standing NEAR a black man.

    Until you have an article or even a video that they are dating you have no leg to stand on.

    Wishful Thinking?
  11. malikom

    malikom Banned

  12. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    lol..if he was referring to gemma and marcus..

    he needs to look through "all" of the pages, before he decides to post


    someone else already had info on those two, moving in together..

    as someone else said also, in the UK, IR relationships don't seem to be under as much scrutiny, on average, as US ones..

    again, this is probably because of our glorious history, and both sides, black and white, that still harbors proponents of racism, in some way, shape or form, that does not want to see the two of us, get along.

    as much crap as I talk on the forums, i'm still for interracial relationships in any color..

    more power to them
  13. Howiedoit

    Howiedoit Active Member

    Thanks what I am talking about.

    Good work!!!
  14. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member the other pages of the forum, homiedoit


    I know there is a lot of garbage and skirmishes to sort through, but you'll find some jewels..

    seeing them move in together, was the first of any kind that I seen, for me..that dealt with public figures, black n white, doing something like that..

    as a couple anyway..
  15. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Marcus Bent has a reputation when it comes to dating pretty WW in the UK.

    Him being with Gemma is no stretch of the imagination.

    Actually, it makes sense.
  16. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    am i the only one who develops a slight chuckle, at the guy's last name being "Bent"

  17. Howiedoit

    Howiedoit Active Member

    Petty, to be honest I only read the first few post and just thought it was just another brother who saw a black man standing next to a white woman and freaked out about it so much he decided to post it on this site.

    I hope in the future posters have concete evidence that the couple has a more . . . intimate relationship via articles, videos or just come right out and say that "We slept together more than once"!!!

    I work at an organzation where there are plenty of college educated hot white women walking around, unfortunately I can't mess with any of them because I LOVE my job. But I do love to hear about other brothers tapping the white strange.

    Peace Out
  18. englishman17

    englishman17 New Member

    Back on topic.....she's a very welcoming person - You don't feel that she's intimidated by you because you're black. I've met her a few times and have had a couple chats with her - very down to earth.
  19. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    don't take me too seriously..

    i normally don't look through 8 or 9 pages of garbage, to find one edible jelly donut either


    As for not being able to mess with pretty looking white girls..

    imagine being in the military, and having a subordinate who was very hot...

    would make something with her, and risk you career, or would you prefer to keep your job and comply with the no-fraternization rule..

    or..maybe you could just leave the service all together..

  20. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    i would actually LOVE it if i could avoid your posts petty but you are impossible to get away are everywhere...on every if you are the authority on everything...your need for constant attention and wanting to be noticed is getting joined in 12/2007 and already have over 800 posts...that's a bit much isn't it? don't you have a day job?

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