Game of Thrones & GOT Spinoffs

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Max Mosley, May 26, 2011.

  1. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  2. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

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  3. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    Can you give some examples of foreshadowing in Game of Thrones?

    An often overlooked example of foreshadowing in the aSoI&F book series is the strategic decision by Lannister loyalists led by Lord Tyrion Lannister ~ Hand of the King to place Prince Tommen Baratheon into a protective shelter at Rosby Castle in the days preceding the invasion of King’s Landing by King Stannis Baratheon . . . where Prince Tommen had his golden blonde hair dyed dark brown and he was stationed as a page.

    I hold that this was a prime example of literary foreshadowing of the yet to be revealed placement King Viserys III as a page at Starfall preceding the invasion of Dragonstone by Lord Stannis Baratheon . . . where the boy king Viserys had his silvery blonde hair dyed with a streak of midnight black and he was stationed as a page as his more permanent shelter of High Hermitage was being completed under the agreement reached between her Grace ~ Queen Rhaella Targaryen, Ser Arthur Dayne, Lady Ashara Dayne and the Prince of Dorne ~ Prince Doran Martell as ravens flew from Dragonstone to Sunspear during her Grace’s gestation sanctuary.
    I absolutely refuse to accept that her Grace, Queen Rhaella Targaryen just did nothing for night after night . . . then week after week . . . then month after month while Robert's Rebellion raged on in the aftermath of the Ruby Ford and then the sack of the Red Keep resulting in the slaughter of her beloved grandbabies Princess Rhaenys and Prince Aegon. She did NOT do nothing for several moons!!
  4. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  5. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Confirmed: Rhaenyra’s baby was indeed deformed in House of the Dragon.

    The finale for HBO’s hit series House of the Dragon aired not so long ago, and in it was a particularly terrifying sequence with Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen giving birth to her daughter. Alas, the baby did not survive and while it wasn’t shown very well on camera, there were debates among fans whether the baby was normal-looking or deformed. Now we have definite clarity on the subject.

    Prosthetic designer Barrie Gower took to his Instagram to post the photos of the stillborn child. It has scales, deformed head, non-human nose. All roughly in line with the description in the books. Take a look:


    This birth is described in George R.R. Martin’s Fire & Blood, and earlier in The Princess and the Queen

    “When the babe at last came forth, she proved indeed a monster: a stillborn girl, twisted and malformed, with a hole in her chest where her heart should have been and a stubby, scaled tail. The dead girl had been named Visenya.“

    The baby was clearly among those rare cases in the Targaryen line, where it was described that an unsuccessful birth had produced a stillborn baby with dragon-like features. Most famous of those cases was none other than Daenerys Targaryen, who had a similar case of birth in the first book, when she gave birth to Rhaego.

    “He was scaled like a lizard, blind, with the stub of a tail and small leather wings like the wings of a bat. When I touched him, the flesh sloughed off the bone, and inside he was full of graveworms and the stink of corruption.”

    In the Game of Thrones adaptation, none of this was showed and all was left to the audience’s imagination.

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  6. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  7. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    ATTN: @Tamstrong @Ra @SilverSmith @Tony Soprano @Skaddix @Thump

    A Forum of Ice and Fire A Song of Ice and Fire & Game of Thrones:

    "ASoIaF is a tale of wonder and mystery, full of secret identities and swapped babies. This theory includes secret identites, and, instead of swapped babies, swapped children.

    We are in the midst of Robert's Rebellion. Queen Rhaella looks at the prospects of survival for her House and starts to despair. Four of the Kingdoms are in open rebellion, Tywin Lannister doesn't move from Casterly Rock, Mace Tyrell is wasting his power besieging Storm's End. It is possible that the rebels might win, and the risk is too great for the Queen to take. She fears for her own life, and especially for the life of her children and grandchildren. Her eldest son, a grown man and heir to the Iron Throne must do his duty and fight against the rebels. But her younger son, Viserys, is still a child and has to be protected. So she devises a plan to insure his survival in case everything goes wrong.

    The plan is to swap Viserys with another child with Valyrian features. Conveniently, House Dayne can provide such a child: Gerold Dayne, a cousin of the renowned Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning, sworn brother of the Kingsguard. With the help of Ser Arthur Dayne, Queen Rhaella prepares this contingency plan, to put into practice only if everything starts going wrong.

    And everything starts going wrong. The rebellion carries on. Rhaegar is killed by Robert at the Trident. King Aerys decides to send his wife and son away to Dragonstone. This is the Queen's opportunity. Once in Dragonstone, they send Viserys south to Dorne, while Gerold Dayne assumes Viserys' place. Most people in the entourage know, but they are faithful to the Queen, and will remain in relative isolation in Dragonstone. If the rebellion is crushed, they can send Viserys back from Dorne. If the rebels win, he will remain in relative safety under his assumed identity, even if Dragonstone falls . . .

    Things go horribly wrong. King's Landing is sacked. The King is murdered, and so are Princess Elia and her children. Dragonstone is now under siege. Queen Rhaella dies giving birth to her daughter Daenerys. Ser Willem Darry escapes to Essos with the Princess and Gerold Dayne, but he does not risk retrieving Viserys from Dorne, fearing that that would blow his cover. He secretly negotiates a marriage treaty with Doran Martell. One of the conditions of the secret treaty is that Doran Martell will keep the real Viserys safe and his identity secret, until such time as a Targaryen restoration is possible."

    For my part . . . I don't think that Gerold Dayne ever existed at all . . . I think it is a false identity created by the caretakers of the boy king Viserys III down in Dorne. I think that (f)Viserys came from among the dragonseeds at Dragonstone Village where Targaryen loyalists of Queen Rhaella had hoped to find a suitable royal decoy for Prince Viserys III . . . and they eventually did find one to meet the final approval of her Grace. What do all you aSoI&F book enthusiasts think though?!? Was Princess Myrcella Baratheon so uniquely precious to the Lannisters that only she was deserving of a royal decoy for her security detail down in Dorne . . . and not one of the Targaryen loyalists devoted to Queen Rhaella on Dragonstone had any similar thoughts in the days and weeks following the sack of the Red Keep?!? WHAT SAY YOU!?!


    ^^^ Could this be the fully grown Prince Viserys III who fled King's Landing at a mere eight years oldwith Queen Rhaella after the Ruby Ford when Prince Rhaegar was slain during Robert's Rebellion?? Who better to entrust the Targaryen royal child to than his kin . . . the Lords of the Tourantine at Castle Starfall ~ House Dayne!?! They could see to his welfare and protection and raise him up with as much martial prowess any noble house in Westeros . . . skills of swordsmanship that young king would surely benefit from in the dire and uncertain days ahead as the tide of the War of the Usurper turned further and further against House Targaryen in the years to come right?!?
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2023
  8. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

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  9. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

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  10. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    I did not know this . . . so the editors from Bantum Books have had to do this TWICE successfully now and GRRM is not going to relent a third time?!? Why in the world would he be so dead set against WINDS Volume I this fall or last fall for that matter!?! The motherfather book is already too big for a binder to physically fit!!
  11. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    Here is something VERY well produced on House Velaryon that made me think you might enjoy it @qaz1 ~
  12. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    Hey good lookin out! I'll give those a look this weekend.
  13. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    You are most welcome!! I shared it because the first video made me think of you! I know you raised this particular issue last September lol.
  14. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    Going to buy the Master Class Series Sony A90J this weekend at over 50% off and no tax down at Christiana, DE :). This TV was originally $3,000 when it was released in Spring 2021 two years ago. My Vizio M558 died on me in February the week after the Super Bowl. Those TVs really do have issues of shutting off or providing sound at times plus mine only lasted 3.5 years :(
    The Sony will last infinitely longer I am confident and it is the BRIGHTEST OLED that Sony has ever produced too. You can get one now for $1,400 in a tax free state just to let you know at 55 inches!! It has all the features and specifications you could ask for!! There is also an 83 inch and 65 inch model if you prefer.
  15. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    I checked them out! Thanks again for sharing. I definitely wouldn't have gotten that info on my own lol
  16. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  17. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    It is OFFICIAL!!!! ~
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  18. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Apr 17, 2023
  19. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    BREAKING NEWS!!! The official casting for season two of "House of the Dragon" is underway and I just rushed in to say that the Black guy why played the father android on "Raised by Wolves" on HBOmax as well as the heroic slave "Pedro" for SKY television & PBS on "Jamestown" has made the final selection!!!

    His name escapes me as I type this but I think he is a Black Briton with an Arabic name (Abu Hakar Salim??) from hearing his voice on behind the scenes footage from "Jamestown". The man is 100% Black from my ethnic analysis so I wonder who he could play?!? A new Velaryon . . . perhaps a son of the late Vaemond Velaryon who we know has offspring from the books that play a major part in the future. Hope they give him something juicy whatever it is. "TheDragonDemands" will have more information on YouTube later today. This was VERY unexpected news and I must say rather intriguing. I had hope the actor that played "Ragnar Lothbrook" on '"Vikings" that HBOmax had cast for "Raised by Wolves" would be considered for the season two cast of "House of the Dragon" but I never foresaw this . . . let's hope they let this brotha eat and feast on some fine females ;)
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2023
  20. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    ^^^ His name is Abubakar Salim so damn that was a good guess on my part lol. He has been cast as Alyn of Hull according to reports from "Variety" and "Deadline". This news just broke this morning!! So guys we have a Dark skinned Black male joining the fray of "The Dance of Dragons" but that's all I can confirm for now and surely there will be more breaking news to come

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