Game of Thrones & GOT Spinoffs

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Max Mosley, May 26, 2011.

  1. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    like the end move by Cat tho


    she was like fuck it :D
  2. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    That's one of the big hooks with the novels. Just like real life fucked up shit can happen to anyone, even death, to both characters you like & those you hate.
  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    i knew somethin was about to go down when Cat watched the dude lock them big ass doors

    that's always a bad sign
  4. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Old man Frey played that shit smooth like a mutha didn't he? Didn't see that shit coming at all in any way until it was too late.
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I still don't get why no one attempted to kill that old fuck. Throw a knife at him anything. But if we have to be fair the Starks had it coming, the only practice honor and holding to your word when it suits them. Remember the very first episode? They were all about the beheading of that dude for breaking his oath to the Night's Watch, no explanations no exceptions. They expected to skate when they broke their word and it didn't go down like that. Its not a shocker when you really think about it. Robb got that poor girl killed by breaking his oath.
  6. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    that shit was Kool and the Gang

    my man rolled out all the girls and was like 'yo son, you coulda had ANY one of these'

    havent seen a move like that since Keyser Soze

  7. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    yeah i was kinda feelin's just that you DID NOT SEE IT COMING

    that shit was lookin real good for a minute

    dude was even trying to get some action from his wife inside that mothafucka's hall after what he did

  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You may have not seen it coming but that shit shouldn't be a shock after you think about it. Another set of mofos who think the rules don't apply to them for some reason.
  9. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    You know old man Frey only did that shit because the Lannisters promised him a nice big pay out & bigger status for taking out the Starks. Plus Robb really fucked himself when he trusted Theon, leading to the fall of Winterfell. Never mind beheading Lord Umber for killing the Lannister kids as payback for Jaime killing his son when he escaped. If he wouldn't have done either of those two things shit may have worked out on a positive for the Stark camp.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    He couldn't have seen the Theon thing coming though. They grew up as best friends. Totally agreed about Umber, that shit was bs. His mom let Jaime go, that was their best bargaining chip and she went unpunished. Like I said the Starks were all about their word and honor until it applied to them. If he had kept his oath its possible that Frey wouldn't have betrayed him for the money.
    I haven't read the books but I pray the God of death finds that piece of shit in the worst way. He didn't have to kill the pregnant woman like that.
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    GoT be raw as FUCK
  12. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Yeah, if he would have kept his oath to Frey he wouldn't have been betrayed because Frey was looking for a position of power & status. With Robb being declared "King of the North" and Frey marrying off his daughter to him he would have went from just a nobleman of Riverrun to the father in law to the declared king of all the northern territories. With Frey's betrayal of the Starks he now has control of the Riverrun territories which was ruled by the Tully's, Catelyn Stark's family, by way of her younger brother marrying the Frey daughter that Robb was suppose to marry, plus he now swears loyalty to the Lannisters. And yes Frey did have to kill the pregnant woman to ensure the end of the Stark line since they believe everyone else except Sansa is dead and with Jon Snow being both a bastard son and part of the Night's Watch he has no claim to any Stark titles or property or vendettas. Remember he wanted to leave the Wall when he learned about his father being killed but was persuaded into keeping his oath to the Night's Watch.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I wonder what Jon will do now they killed his brother too, the Lannisters have to go. The biggest problem is how do you get close enough to do anything to them. Arya fucked up not making using one of her three wishes to kill papa Lannister when she had the chance.
  14. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Jon can't do anything because he has sworn an oath to serve the Night's Watch so his main concern first & foremost is protecting the whole kingdom against the coming of the Wildlings and ultimately the White Walkers, despite all the political drama & infighting currently going on within the kingdom.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Shit as we've discussed the Starks aren't too keen on oaths
  16. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    John Snow isn't a full Stark.
  17. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    And that's basically why Jon will keep his. Again he was going to break it when he found out about Ned but ultimately didn't. And his breaking his oath and seeking revenge wouldn't change anything. Who would he go to for allies against the Lannisters? All of the nobles who held allegiance to the Starks are either dead or have now sworn their allegiance to the Lannisters or to most likely Stannis Baratheon or some other house or noble that has jockeyed for power.
  18. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    Good point. Have you read the books?
  19. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Yes. All of them except the last one that came out. I was waiting for it to come out in paperback edition but since it looks like that won't happen for quite awhile now I may finally break down and buy the hardcover edition.
  20. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    I'm debating in looking for audiobooks.

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