1st Osama and now Gadhafi . whoa. how does this look for the POTUS versus the other guys and POTUS re-election ?
This situation is different altogether. Not a lot of people were on board with this, especially since we were not directly involved with it altogether. We played a supporting role, but the UN were handling all this with their NATO forces. Also, we are not at war with Libya, in the same way we were with bin Laden and Al-Qaeda. Lastly, it's all about the economy. The situation in Libya and the death of bin Laden, and Anwar al-Alwaki won't really boost the President's approval rating as long as what's going on here economically is in disarray still.
You know the rule. Anything good that could be attributed to this current POTUS will be brushed off as something that was "in the works" when the previous POTUS was in office. :smt042
LOL. no doubt. They will try to dismiss it as ...we would have done it different or we should not police the world.
Yeah!! Knowledge is essenital!!! .....but if you're like me, i'll accidentally forget the info 5 mins later xDD on a side note; this cellphone is being super retarded! It won't lemme view my yahoo email Dx
hahaha yeah. At least sending texts is a breeze. Speaking of which, did ya get my msn email last night? LOL! XDD
Ya'll give those shit-eating politicians WAYYYY too much credit. The office of the potus IS A CEREMONIAL POSTITION THEY DON'T RUN SHIT
And on semi-related news, CNN keep showing Hillary Clinton's reaction to the news and Huma Abelin, Weiner's wife, gave her the cellphone. She's really deep into the pregnancy.
Okay, I see the immaturity thing now Jordan. Hah. Anyway, I'll c&p what I wrote on Facebook... As much as I think it's great that Gadaffi is dead, it's kinda fucked up that he was captured THEN executed. It doesnt look good for NTC. Part of me thinks he should have faced trial at the Hague and answered unanswered questions about Lockerbie and Yvonne Fletcher. Anyway, I hope Libya manages to rebuild their country and establish a democracy with human rights. Of course if I lived in Libya under his rule I'm sure I'd find his death in those circumstances more than appropriate considering the atrocities he put the citizens through - mass rape, people 'disappearing', lack of education and healthcare etc...
I'm more concerned for the safety of the black Libyans who were treated like shit by the resistance or new government entity.
We can't pick and choose which criminals and animals we do or do not deal with fairly. Yes he should have been brought in and tried. I think it looks bad and it makes us look like those we condemn. I am sure emotions are high in Libya and that played a part, but still. Repped ya too.