;-) SUFFER!!!! Geezuz, 15 is too goddamn young. Some days I'm extremely glad I don't have children. I think, if I ever have children, I'll lock them in a cupboard until they're 35.
:smt096 considering that little kids in Pakistan were working full-time jobs, hand-stitching soccer balls for the World Cup in France, it's not hard to believe that other capitalist pig-dog norms would be out the door in other areas of the world. if i'm not mistaken, kids were getting married at 13-14 and that shit was NORMAL in places back in the day
or a good place ....those same kids hand-stitching those soccer balls resorted to prostitution and other nefarious activities (true story), just to help themselves and their families gain income once world pressure caused their employers to release them moral of the story is.....if the boy doesn't have fun with the girl, he may have fun with the dog instead :smt030
:? 'Tis his sister, don't forget. This shit is too heavy for the 'Funny Ass Shit Thread'. Take the morals else where, I say. I was just kidding around, for fucks sake. :smt043
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLMk2ouSCNM&feature=channel_video_title OHMIGOSH LOL TOO FUNNY!!! xDDD
ZOMG THIS IS EPIC!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTXO7KGHtjI On a side note, I'm ganna be totally excited for this week to start, for many reasons. :3 So anyways, check out that video; it's totally amazing!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndhzoB6Rt_s&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJbGdd1t608&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XunezwEKHk&feature=relmfu OMFG THE LAST ONE IS FUNNY!!!!!! xDD
Ouchie, really? WOW!! .....I got no comment about that video rayer:. I'm just gonna say that the kid is rather messed. I'm saying that within my own opinoin. :smt102