I'm nerding out. Sue me. [YOUTUBE]yavK0mnE3wI[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]seBpXt8_6xs[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]adW46gsMTXM[/YOUTUBE]
Planking The above pic is part of a new internet thing called "planking" http://www.geekosystem.com/best-planking-pictures/ Maybe we can start a planking thread with members sharing pics of themselves planking.
WTF!! A hairy baby doll with an orange fro? And is that suppose to be body hair or shaveable clothing? Asian folk be coming up with some weird shit sometimes....
LOL! I'm assuming it's hair, but I really don't know. I'd say that toy idea is a big "FAIL", but they probably sold the shit out of them over there. This one is pretty crazy, too: The stretch marks are a nice touch, LOL. And to think, I thought the pregnant Barbie was weird, but it looks like the Asian version has her beat.