I was surprised at how well he did with the role. I was a big fan of the books at the time. So, I came in very skeptical. But, he killed it. Have you watched the new show?
I agree that he did well with the part, and even though he comes across as an iffy person, overall he's a pretty solid actor. I'm a fan of the books as well, and I pretty much approached the movie with a wait and see attitude like I do a lot of movies based on books I've read. I typically don't have high expectations when the books are good. lol I did enjoy the movie though. I haven't seen the new show yet (I'd forgotten all about it), but I don't watch much of anything these days. I'm so far behind on my watch list, it'll take me a long time to catch up. Is the new show worth watching?
It's good, too. But, in a different way. They changed some things. Moved the timeline up a little. Louis is black. The brotha' who played the leader of The Unsullied on Game Of Thrones plays him, here. They upped the homosexuality quite a bit. There are more changes. I won't spoil them for you. But, it's still a well done show. However, the same can't be said for The Mayfair Witches' show. The first season was decent. But, season two just isn't good. Very late stage Scyfy Channel feel to it. I watched the first two episodes and haven't felt the need to return for more.
Thanks for the info. Sounds like it'd be a good addition to my watch list. As for The Mayfair Witches, it didn't really pique my interest, and it sounds like I haven't missed out on anything. lol