Yeah, that's it...I couldn't remember exactly what she was called & I was too lazy to look it up. I've had the pic for a while though. I collect Barbies (yes, I know that's weird), but I don't usually keep up with the dolls in this particular category. LOL I have seen some funny pics of Barbie. I remember seeing one with her strapped in the electric chair.
Wanna hear something funny? I didn't know that she was called Big House Barbie. I just thought of a name that would fit with Barbie and put the registered sign at the end using the character map on the computer just to be silly. :smt031
With your brilliant & twisted genius mind, I'm not surprised. Good job, Daddy Ra. :smt023 The guy that came up with the idea called his pic story "Barbie in the Big House" & he called her Big House Barbie & Prison Barbie.
Yeah, I googled it last night after your second post where you mentioned she was actually being called Big House Barbie. I ran across the Gangsta Barbie while looking for something for the twins birthday and thought it would be funny with you and IB both being Barbie collectors. (And you and your thinking everything you do is weird. Barbie collecting is a legit hobby.) :yawinkle:
People come up with some funny stuff with Barbies. I went through a phase where I wanted to come up with some designs for them myself, but I don't have any talent for that type of thing (I decided I better stick to writing). I probably should get with IB on the designing side of things...she's the one with the talent for it. I am weird, but in a good way so it works for me.