From Brooklyn to Berlin

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by mosiah1, Jun 23, 2007.

  1. mosiah1

    mosiah1 Member

    I haven't posted here in a long time but now is as good a time as any to stop by and check things out. Some of you probably have forgotten who I am by now. But this post is not about me; it's about my brother. After living the last decade in New York (Brooklyn to be exact) after being raised in Georgia, he moved to Berlin, Germany two weekends ago. His plan is to stay there for two years and see how he likes it. My brother is an artist and a DJ. He has a Master's degree in Art and he has deejayed all over NYC. Berlin is a city that loves fine art and has an appreciation for black music (including hip-hop).

    He is living with a German girl he knows until he can get his own apartment, which should be soon. There are some things he's in the process of taking care of before he is permitted to get an apartment there. But the cost of living in Berlin is much lower than the cost of living in NYC. He will be selling his art and deejaying there. I do find it ironic that while America (the land of the free) is trying to censor hip-hop, in Germany (the country where Hitler once reigned) they love it and he would have to go there to gain a greater appreciation for his talents. It kind of reminds me of how American jazz artists were received in Paris, France while many Americans dismissed jazz as the devil's music with sinful lyrics and disliked its influence on the young, white community.

    Anyway, my brother is loving Berlin so far. He said that he's been treated like he's exotic by the women there and he gets attention wherever he goes while when he was in New York, most women thought he was just another guy. He has met other blacks in Berlin who are from Africa and the Caribbean. He said the German women are thick and with him being just like me (a man who dates women of all races/ethnicities), he's loving the attention from the lady folk.

    I just thought this was ripe for discussion and I have posted this same thread on another site that was discussing interracial dating. It's good to be back.

    Peace (Mosiah)

  2. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    Hey Mosiah, welcome back. We haven't forgotten about you bro. 8) By the way, whose the lady in the picture?? she's cute. :)
  3. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    Mosiah, of course we remember you.
    Are you going to visit your brother? You should, I haven't been in Germany for a long time but I hear it is amazing and easily keeps up with the big, cosmopolitan cities of Europe. Your brother will have no problem finding beautiful women that adore him.

    Re the Hip Hop, Germans love it. There is a very big scene for German spoken Hip Hop. However don't believe that there is not controversy. It goes on just as much as it does here when it comes to the lyrics and such. I hear there are some hardcore German rappers who constantly cross the line and cause much discussion.
  4. mosiah1

    mosiah1 Member

    That's just a picture of a German woman I found online. Here are some photos of Anni Friesinger, a German speedskater:
  5. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    What up Mosiah? Hey, we haven't forgotten you at all. I hope all is well with you. I honestly agree with most of what you've said and i see where you are coming. The Europeans generally have a much better appreciation for black music. Not that (white) Americans don't, but i agree that the instinct to censor rap music isn't as prevalent in Europe as it is here. Now don't be misguided, there are activists all over there who are not necessarily pleased with the permeation of rap music, among other things, in Europe but for the most part, people are much more accepting.

    I wish your brother gets all what he hopes for. Indeed, life is cheaper in Berlin than in New York City but that is partly because it's a municipiality, much more focused on government and whilst it is an important center for commerce, tourism and culture, is not a major hub, compared to Munich or Hamburg. My dad worked as a U.S consulate in Berlin and i visited him a few times. The city as a whole is very cheap, whilst being healthy and is one of the most liveable cities in Europe. It's very liberal and i'm sure you'd love it over there.

    I wish you guys all the best. Good luck!!!!

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