Friends with the opposite sex.

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Serchas, Mar 25, 2009.

  1. Serchas

    Serchas Member

    To kindof piggyback off of the thread "Being Friends with the Opposite Sex", I have a question.If you do have a close friend of the opposite sex,the one that`s "not quite a lover,but closer than a friend",what kind off problems,if any did you encounter after you got in a relationship???? Did your S/O have a problem with THAT particular friend??? Also,if your new lover wanted you to scrap that particular friendship,how would you handle it???

    I´m not in a relationship right now (recently divorced after 28yrs married and 31yrs together-life`s not over,just different),but my ex-wife knew all of my female friends.And when I talked to them on the phone,I never left the room if my wife was there,of course I had nothing to hide.Anyway,what were some of your experiences???

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