french shemale

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by chubbymonika, Nov 22, 2008.

  1. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Like I said lets discuss it in the religious section of this forum.
  2. Amazonka

    Amazonka Active Member

    I try not to be judgemental but sometimes i think all that " shemale/gay" thing is so @@@@ UP in NORTH AMERICA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! too many gay men, he /she , guy kissed a girl and find out she has a penis- whats up with people ?!?!?! It's sickening sometimes dont you think ?!?!....little girls watch too much tv and at age 15 they decide they are lesbians ???...

    To each his own but ....

    yeah its hard for me to understand .
  3. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    good luck with your sex changing. ;)
    sometimes i wish i could change sex too, but not for the same reasons lol
  4. scylla

    scylla New Member

    It's not sickening, it's sickening (to me, it breaks my heart) that people judge others like you just did..
    Even if it's hard to understand, it's nothing strange about it, it's just how it is. Some are born like this, some like that.
    In the end, it's all still about the right to feel comfortable in your own body and with your own sexuality. It makes me sad when people judge others like this and say that something is sick.
    TV never made anyone a lesbian. It might help people to come out of the closet, but you cannot make anyone change their sexuality.
    For example, no matter how much conservative propaganda I ever read, that will never make me straight.

    To make a sexchange is a HUGE decision, and I'm very very impressed by people who decide to do it, despite all the prejudice and all stuff they get to hear of how sick and wrong they are.

    A society where people can express themselves without fear of getting killed/hurt/imprissoned/misstreated is a place I much rather live in, then one that tries to force people to live after a moral standard set by old fashion values.

    You have the right to feel that it is sickening, yes, but respect should always come first. Nobody else has any right over anybody elses body.
  5. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    I was waiting for you to get your hands on this thread. Agree 100% with what you said except I'm straight, lol.
  6. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    thank you for the explanation and welcome here.
    I can imagine that the transitioning process it must be hard. And its always hard to be "different" from others.

    All of you, did anybody see the movie "Transamerica" with Felicity Huffman? She is an amazing actress! I saw it with my Dad and we both laughed and cried together, the movie is absolutely recommendable.
    wiki link

  7. Amazonka

    Amazonka Active Member

    [/quote]It's not sickening, it's sickening (to me, it breaks my heart) that people judge others like you just did..
    Even if it's hard to understand, it's nothing strange about it, it's just how it is. Some are born like this, some like that.
    In the end, it's all still about the right to feel comfortable in your own body and with your own sexuality. It makes me sad when people judge others like this and say that something is sick.
    TV never made anyone a lesbian. It might help people to come out of the closet, but you cannot make anyone change their sexuality.
    For example, no matter how much conservative propaganda I ever read, that will never make me straight.

    To make a sexchange is a HUGE decision, and I'm very very impressed by people who decide to do it, despite all the prejudice and all stuff they get to hear of how sick and wrong they are.

    A society where people can express themselves without fear of getting killed/hurt/imprissoned/misstreated is a place I much rather live in, then one that tries to force people to live after a moral standard set by old fashion values.

    You have the right to feel that it is sickening, yes, but respect should always come first. Nobody else has any right over anybody elses body.[/quote]

    no no no...i dont judge people the one who really was born like that and go through the hell in their lives. What i was saying is that there are way too many young people !!They know NOTHG about their sexuality yet and they go and do things like that...:confused:
  8. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    I have no problem with anyone's sexual orientation or their sexual identity. Chubbymonika, it is your decision to make. Do what you feel is best for your life :)
  9. veema

    veema Member

  10. Sneakeedyck

    Sneakeedyck New Member

    We need to hook up monika with socalvallleyguy.

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