I think it was the Great Impressario PHINEAS T. BARNUM who said something like: "There's A Sucker Born Every Minute"... If so, then here's one who's high on the list: http://austrianindependent.com/news...4897/Woman_loses_%8023000_in_online_cat_fraud Yes, I *am* aware that....it *should*, perhaps, be in the "News" category..... ...but, as it is pretty much a HOOT (not for here, of course..) to tell...methinks this is the *more appropriate place* for it. Hey, babe...wanna tell us how many prospective guy pals *you* also sent moolah to for airtickets to come over *your* way? Or how many Nigerians you sent funds to so *you* can forever be on Easy Street? If ya have, let *us guys here* get on the bandwagon, too, eh? 'Nuff Said!!!! OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK