Forum Etiquette

Discussion in 'General Site Information - Guidelines' started by tuckerreed, Aug 14, 2006.

  1. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    Can you please show me where having an opinion not held by others and an interest in posting on a certain thread is not in the rules.

    It seems some of the members here think that me having free speech is wrong while they have a right to it. this is what a forum is about, isnt it, having ones own opinion and not the opinion of others.

    I dont want to mention any names because I think they all have the right to their opinion even about Me and they all have a right to hate me and my views but if I address the posts as written then it is within the bounds of the rules here.

    also, please can you tell me what spamming is? I dont know what it is.
  2. webmaster

    webmaster Administrator Staff Member

    Well, everyone has the right to their opinions (within the guidelines of this site) but I think what others may be referring to is "forum etiquette."

    In general, it is good forum etiquette not to:

    ... always be contrary solely for the sake of being contrary or negative.
    ... feel that you have to respond to every single post or topic in the forum.
    ... cut and paste the same post over and over again.
    ... beat a dead horse by refusing to drop a topic everyone has abandoned.
    ... stalk other posters.
    ... insult others without making a point.

    I am sure folks can add to that list.

    Not that those all apply to you. You'd have to look at what they're saying, compared to what you're posting, and see if there is any relevance to what they're saying or accusing you of.

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