? For the ladies

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by GrecoJones84, Mar 27, 2008.

  1. GrecoJones84

    GrecoJones84 Active Member

    I was at the gym a few days ago doing my thing, when I noticed a real cute girl doing some core(ab) work outs. She was on the inclined bench doing sit ups. So made my way over to her and asked how many sets she had left , she said she was finishing her last set. So then I explained that I needed some one's ankles to grab while they stood over my head and pushed my legs and she looked @ me kinda puzzled so I explained that while I lay on my back I needed her to stand just behind me and push my feet out in different directions while I snapped them back to neutral. She agreed and she actually joined in, things were going well I could tell she was actually getting a good work out from it. Now here is where it gets interesting. During the last set....some how...the spitefull dragon that is my dick decided to stretch out...and you could see it fairly clearly threw my cloth p.j. pants. So after my last set I thanked her and scampered off quickly. I'm pretty sure there is no way she didn't see it. However she didn't say anything. The next day I saw her in the gym, but I avoided getting close. Now my ? for the ladies is 2 parted. One, how was my approach is it acceptable for someone to jump in and ask you for assistance for a specific exercise? and 2 do you think the boner thing was a deal break?

    And for the record the baseball thing doesn't do $hit....
  2. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    People hit on one another at gyms all the time. Help with a machine, do you come here a lot, wow that's a tough exercise you're doing, etc. I don't think there's anything wrong with your approach. Kinda cute if anything. I'm not a gym goer, I work out at home but when I did go to the gym I used to get creeped out when guys just stared. Without saying anything. I mean, are you looking at my nipples under my sports bra? Or you're thinking that my 5 pound weights are pathetic? Say something or stop staring.

    About the boner, it happened to me once that a date of mine got a bit of that (we went to a sauna). He didn't realize I noticed though, and it didn't bother me. I was a little flattered if anything. What did matter to me was that he was a perfect gentleman throughout the entire date and the entire time since we had met. That he DID have control over. But not all girls are as wise as me.
  3. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member


    A girl asked me "whats up" at the gym once,,,,and then she looked down and knew what was up
  4. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    Sorry but how you going to get a hard on at the gym??
  5. Malik True

    Malik True New Member


    Don't be creeped out by a guy staring it's the ULTIMATE FUCKING compliment. Keep in mind when your looks are gone and your cans are down to your knees the guys that used to stare now stare at the younger chick. Enjoy it, bask in it, most women are sensitive and when you realize men are looking past you it's going to fuck your mind up...

    Guys are HONRY most times throughout the day and look at women in all sorts of manner and imagine all kinds of shit, it's just our nature.
  6. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Okay okay.
  7. csbean

    csbean New Member

    I think the deal breaker was not that you got a boner, but that you saw her the next day and avoided her. She agreed to help you AND got into working out with you probably because she felt an attraction to you. If you like her enough to ask her out, I would say something to her the next time you see her or it isn't going to happen between you.

    If she was truly disturbed that you got a hard on...forget her. Most women understand that this natural occurence happens to men all the time and are mature enough not freak out over it.

    As for
    What a lovely attitude about women. I hope your mind isn't too fucked up when you're older and the younger women you stare at don't want anything to do with you.
  8. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    LOL here's a piece of gym etiquette from Emily Post.

    Manners Do's and Don'ts at the Gym

    During the winter months, the gym is usually busier and more crowded. Exercising at a health club or fitness center calls for considering those around you. Here’s how:

    This is the number one “do” and the most important etiquette rule at the gym:
    Wipe up your sweat, please! This includes mats and machines. Keep a towel with you at all times. No one wants to sit or lie in someone else’s sweat.

    Don’t hog the weight machines.
    When others want to use them, agree to rotate your sets.

    Do reset the weight machines back to a low setting.
    Otherwise, the next person may have to spend resetting them—or worse—could injure themselves by trying to lift a weight that’s too heavy.

    Do limit your time on the treadmill or other cardio machines to 20-30 minutes if others are waiting for a turn.

    Don’t flirt.
    If you’re into flirting, and you find a receptive party, flirt only when you won’t be disturbing others around you. If you try to strike up a conversation with someone you find attractive and he or she gives you the brush off (no matter how politely), drop your overture then and there.

    Don’t stare. Staring makes people very uncomfortable and most people want to work out unnoticed. If another person becomes aware of your “look” then you are looking too hard.

    Do obey the fitness center’s rules.
    These may include wearing correct workout shoes, not using cell phones, and signing in at the front desk.

    Do think about how you smell!
    Arrive clean, remember to apply deodorant, and lay off the perfume and cologne (the aromas get stronger as you work up a sweat).
    Be careful using sprays in the locker room. Out of concern for members with asthma or allergies, limit the use of perfumes, hairsprays and other spray products to a minimum.

    Don’t be late for personal training sessions and group fitness classes.

    Do your part to keep the gym and locker room clean.
    Keep your clothes and other personal items stored in lockers. Clean up after yourself in the showers, sinks, and changing areas. Deposit used towels in their receptacles.
  9. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    when I used to go to the gym (before investing in home equipment like resistance bands, benches, etc), I remember seeing some really pretty (with some tight lil bodies) girls wearing really skimpy, tight outfits..

    It was hard ( in all senses of the word :) ) not to go over and say somethin..or make some eye contact..or somethin

    I understand that working out builds up heat, so they wear as little as possible. I tend to do the same. Nothing like doing a little lifting in tighty-whities.


    This is the reason why all-female gyms like Curves exist. Some women don't want to be gawked at by some horny, sweaty man. But hey, some women are just as dirty as men, and try to get their mack on with men at gyms.
  10. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    What a lovely attitude about women. I hope your mind isn't too fucked up when you're older and the younger women you stare at don't want anything to do with you.


    You're paying waaay too much attention to the brashness and the vulgarities of my language and disregarding the message. Enjoy the attention paid to your youth and beauty because neither will last

    My mind won't be too fucked up when I am older, I am happily married to a model so if she jokes about shrinkage I will laugh and take in in stride...
  11. GrecoJones84

    GrecoJones84 Active Member

    After 2 more attempts I'm 3/3 in making friends. I think it's a good idea and most attractive girls have to be prepared for it i mean if not the gym then the laundromat Mc'Donalds etc etc... So why not the Gym atleast you know your work'n with someone who cares about their body.
  12. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    yeh..if ur attractive...that's just the way it rolls

  13. GrecoJones84

    GrecoJones84 Active Member

  14. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    The female gym in my area went bankrupped within months. Trust me, these women wanna be gawked the same way we wanna gawk at them. What they dont want however is to be gakwd by someone they dont find attractive. Like some fat sleazy loser who goes to the gym specifically to meet girls....lol.....

    But youre correct. Some women just wanna work out and not get stared at. In fact when a girl walks to the beach with a nice body,,,,she doesnt want anyone staring at her. In fact she would walk to teh same beach when theres absolutely NOBODY present because she doesnt wanna get stared at,,,,,,,,yeah right,,,,

    These bitches are out fo the attention....the ones that arent,,,are at home,,,working their ass out,,so they can one day be sexy enough to work out at the gym,,,and get attention...
  15. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    "These bitches"... I think I'll go wash my eyes with soap...
  16. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    I blame the rap music



    lots of guys refer to women as bitches, doesn't make it any better tho..

    wouldn't want someone running around referring to me as ni**er and the sorts..I'd have to punch a girl right in her mouth for somethin like that (unless she was black, different story..they earned that right)

    so I guess that's why I don't use the word, especially around women
  17. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    "These bitches"... I think I'll go wash my eyes with soap...

    Now that was funny, I can honestly say if I was drinking something the liquid would have flown... :lol:
  18. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    Not just guys. :twisted: I was at work yesterday visiting a client in the cells and I couldn't stop staring at this tall black prison guard, his butt looked so nice in his uniform. :lol: How is that appropriate??
  19. megan08

    megan08 New Member

    Aslong as you flirt respectfully like you did its ok, BUT what was\a deal breaker was you avoiding her the next day. Yes all guys get boners its part of like but if you can have a boner and still be respectful and act like it doesn't other you, but dont make it seem like ohh I got a boner look at that. Just still be graceful. Yes we females do notice everything and most of the time it is a turn but how you handle it makes it more a turn. Just still be respectful. Go back and talk to her and someday if you guys start dating go back to that first day and you will laugh about it. Good Luck!!!
  20. dossou

    dossou Member

    yo Megan I love your name MEGAN
    Megan .It sounds nice to spell and say in the mouth .Just like a sweet

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