My opinion is - it depends on the woman. It really does. For some women income is very important. One woman needs you to be able to provide a certain lifestyle, period. For another, it's more important that you have a head on your shoulders and are getting somewhere in your life, even if you're not there yet.
for me, not the income itself plays a big role, but the man's ability to acheive smth in thise life, if u know what i mean. and I definetly dont wanna my man to earn less than me, u know. I want him to be better than me, and i wanna him to have authority with me!
I feel odd about the whole "women makin more money than men" thing. I know it sounds a bit barbaric, but I need to make more than my spouse. It makes me feel comfortable. However, I do know guys who appreciate a woman who brings in more income, than they do. It probably takes a bit off of their shoulders. As for authority, I have known some abusive men, who made less than their women, yet still maintained authority over them, if you catch my drift. I'm not sure if that is what you meant. Probably not. Oh yeah right, i'm not a woman. Why am I responding to this?
income I would say they don't have to have a certain income-but preferably close to what I make or more.As long as he is intelligent and is somewhat ambitious-it really doesn't matter if he makes a lot of money or not.(I am 44 so he has to have a job)! LOL
Re: income a guy with no job, has not been cool since high school you know, the broke badboy type, that you women loved to be around.. because he was sooooooooo cool.. now you're older, and realize that a man needs more than cool, to survive :wink:
re I've had experiences with men who made more, the same as, and less than me. I'm not concerned about what a man makes in comparison to me, but it is important that he is self-sufficient and upwardly mobile. It irritates me when some men fly off the handle and start using words like "golddigger" just because I ask what they do for a living. That shows me that they are insecure about what they are doing. Your career can define who you are as a person. I'm a teacher and I think it reflects my personality. That is why I ask. I understand that sometimes you just have work to gain an income, but some guys get too touchy about this question. Then there are the guys who are looking for a sugar momma. I've dated a two bm who still lived with their Mommas, and expected me to pay for everything (they were also phenomenal in bed-best I've had). It didn't last long for both guys because they didn't have much to bring to the table. To finally answer the question, yes income does play a role when women look to men for relationships. This is not because we want to take your money. It is because income is indicative of many secondary things like education, motivation, and stability.
I don't care about income but I'd rather that I was with someone who did a decent job and enjoyed what they did. Passion and enthusiasm is more attractive than loads of cash...and I really hate people who do a high profile job that lots of others would love, and just constantly moan about long hours or being bored, even though they chose it and they're earning stacks of money...
I never really think about money. In fact it turns me off somewhat if a guy is very materialistic, and works non stop just to buy the best car. As long as he doesn't expect me to pay his bills (which I couldn't afford anyhow) then it's all fine. I prefer someone who has less money but has both a brain and a soul. None of the women I grew up with (in Greece) and those in my current social circles (in both countries) seem to care about money either but judging from the media and online forums we seem to be a minority...
This is a tricky question. Income isn't that important. What is important is that he's career-oriented and either working in a job that he's moving up or already where he wants to be, but the most important thing to me is this: it's not so much how much money he makes, but is he living within his means? Is he making $80K a year, but in debt up to his ears and living beyond his means? Or is he making $30K a year and saves up money, no matter how small the amount? That's what I look for. It's not how much money he makes, but how he handles the money he makes. That's my 2 cents. :wink:
:lol: I can't stand guys who act like their car is a freaking big deal. Like this one I met online. He thought his car was so hot. When we were first chatting on the phone, I was asking him all sorts of questions just making small talk, and when I casually asked him what kind of car he drives, he got all serious and said he wouldn't tell me. I'd see when I see him. :shock: Okay, it's not like I care anyway. Then we finally met and I see a stupid red Audi priced at 35,000.00 Dude, it's okay to be proud of your car, but don't think it's such a big deal to somebody else! In the end we stopped talking because all he did was call me and talk for hours when he was bored and never invited me out or anything. We never got beyond the first date and I said screw it.
Income does not matter to me, what matters to me is that they have realistic ( not a footballplayer, every little boy´s dream) goals. If a man truely wants to be a cab driver, because they love the conversations or something, I´m cool with it....
dreams are good to have..but I feel you on that one.. dreaming about what you could do in the future, may work against whatever you should be doing now... I still have dreams about acting in a movie tho..but I also have a tangible occupation which pays my bills. I always wanted to jump off an exploding rooftop, like Bruce Willis in Die-Hard
Petty, you in the wrong city for that! You betta see if you can transfer to LA and get you some head shots and an agent, before you get too old and wished you did! If it never works out you can just go back home to that 9 to 5, it'll be waiting there for ya'. Lotsa hospitals out here too.
i've been checking out an audition website, which lists them by city, and quite a few were in philly.. not as much as in the LA/New York City area, but I was still a bit surprised... figured I go to one just for the experience, even if I did not land any spots... and you're right...why wait until i get old while wishing I did whatever?