Found a good spot in south beach actually. Not quite as good as the one in Key West but damn good nonetheless.
"Florida gained more than $4 billion in net personal income from former New York residents alone in 2018." "High taxes are one reason wealthy New Yorkers are moving, experts say. New York State’s top tax rate is nearly 9 percent and New York City’s top rate is nearly 4 percent, for single taxpayers with income above $1 million." The IRS data shows that New York lost $9.6 billion in net personal income that migrated elsewhere in 2018. “As New York, Illinois, New Jersey and California are raising taxes, they’re losing populations ... and people are moving to Florida,” Wilson said. Florida sees surge of new residents moving from high-tax states I seriously don't care what value systems people support but why can't they keep it to their own state? Why come here running from the same fuckery you supported somewhere else??
LOL for any atheists out there, this video is proof positive that there's a God out there: someone's clearly got to destroy us all. (This is a joke. No need for deep religious/philosophical discussion)
That sucks. Anyway the guy in the video had family in Mexico and they thought that he was a distant cousin of his. So he was arrested by the Mexican military and when he got to interrogation, his interrogators stuck a metal rod up his ass and electrocuted him twenty times. After each time they asked him to give information on the cartel but he had none because they had the wrong guy. If you ever been electrocuted before, (I have) you have an idea of how awful it feels. There is nothing quite like it. Just to think this dude had that rod in his ass. Yeah Florida is scarier than that I tell you.