Flirting differences

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Tinkerbell, Nov 29, 2008.

  1. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Most digital cameras have a timer you can set to take your own photos. It's not necessary to do them in the bathroom. Or just ask a friend to take some when you are out somewhere.
  2. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    ROFL, I've seen those on Craigslist.:smt043
  3. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Thanks Rinnaye :)

    hmmm I have to wonder if that would be true of the women you would ultimately be interested in. Sortof like how many women may attract to bad boys but ultimately do not want them in the long run. I see a man in a photo with a woman and I see taken - no go.

    And yes I agree - we can't see the coliseum :(
  4. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Well then I guess without the internet as a way to meet someone...I'm doomed
  5. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

  6. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    It's just a picture. Put the one up that you feel most comfortable with
  7. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Oh absolutely! I just felt the ire brewing against "horrible men" so I thought I'd point out it's an Internet thing across the board. From the personals on this forum no less.
  8. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    No my man, but the point is not about the rejection, I can handle that, but pumping up a woman's ego, one that is already bigger than Alaska, and building her dilusion of grandeur, i.e. (all black guys want me). I'm ok with letting the next guy do that. [​IMG]


    You must spread some reputation around, before giving it to GrecoJones84 again. :D

    You're a very attractive woman KnCA, I doubt you'll ever be doomed. :D
  9. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    ooooh. Yah I don't subscribe to the horrible man thing.

    Somehow not surprised about the personals on this site....there have been several texts posted from those (usually ads posted by women) that were pretty bad.
  10. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    I was gonna say. The personals and the forum are like two different worlds.
  11. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Well aren't you sweet! I wasn't fishing for compliments...but I'll take it just the same :)

    My point was more that I won't do the blatant thing (unless eye contact, smiling, and saying "hi" are mad signals) and so maybe men don't really get that it's ok to approach. But then I guess the right man is going to be willing to take the chance?
  12. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    Ahh, I got ya. I'll still approach, though. For one, there's no way to tell what woman is like that by a glance... and if it turns out that I am pumping her ego., well good for her. Doesn't really affect me one way or the other.

    I definitely know what you're saying, though. I'm just very 'blah' about that sort of thing, I guess.
  13. scylla

    scylla New Member

    two weeks ago I chatted up a girl with the comment
    "so how about me pushing you up against that wall and kissing you until you beg to come home with me?"

    she was like
    "oh, can't we just go to your place straight away?"

    but I wanted to finish my drink.
  14. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

  15. scylla

    scylla New Member

    I can't deside if I should be proud or ashamed of myself.. lol
  16. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    :prayer: Be proud. I love it when people just come out and say whatever the hell it is they feel.

    Like my boy Kels says on 'Go Low'

    Some people sit right there,
    And can't say what's on their minds,
    Some people wanna freak,
    Some are just too damned shy,
    With me that's not the deal,
    Girl I say how I feel,
    When I see something I like,
    I'm gonna keep it real...
  17. untitled1985

    untitled1985 Member

  18. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Anyone ever told you, "Shutup, you talk too much." :smt026
  19. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Glutton for punishment are we??? :D

    But to your point, if there's no way to tell what kind of attitude the woman has, then I say go for it, hit her up! But if I know for a fact she thinks every black guy in the world wants her, (which is what the OP made mention of), then she'll be lucky if I even know she's in the room. Or at least that'll be how I play her.
  20. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Senior Member, Over 500 Posts, and a Join date of November 2008, and you're saying someone talks too much.



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