First Worlders not being appreciative of the things they have..

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by Kushton Slater, Dec 7, 2010.

  1. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    Wait a second, your shit doesn't make sense.

    OK so let's break it down. We'll do the simple version. There are plenty of arguments about what/if/how developing countries benefit from free trade but I won't even go there.

    I just want to show how it benefits you flaming since you are mostly interested in the US.

    Let's pretend that Americans only need to things to survive. One is T-shirts and one is jeans.

    Each t-shirt costs $5.00 to make in the US and each pair of jeans costs $10.

    Of course, that means if the whole of America had $100 they could buy 10 T-shirts and 5 pairs of jeans. Or they could buy 10 pairs of jeans but that means they'd have no T-shirts. Or two jeans for $20 and spend the rest on t-shirts. ETC.

    They find that another country, let's make up its name to avoid offending your delicate sensibilities. We'll call our country Coalemus has learnt how to make T-shirts really well. They even have a special type of fabric that the US doesn't have. They can make T-shirts for less because they have learnt how to do it really efficiently. They sell their T-shirts for $2.50.

    With the same $100, you can have twice as many T-Shirts. You can then sell your jeans to Coalemus for $15 because it costs them $20 to make them in Coalemus so they are still getting a good deal. HEY presto you have more jeans and more t-shirts, they have more jeans and more t-shirts.

    Of course comparative advantage has its complications but thats the idea. The idea has been there since the 1800's. It results in more goods overall.

    See, that's free trade. Where the hell do you think all those products coming out of the American Labor movement went? Just round and round America? Is that how you think your economy developed?

    Of course protection of labour rights is critical and free trade should not trump it at all costs, but its possible to have both.
  2. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Americans have afforded high dollar items long before 3rd world labor was "expolited".

    Americans were able to afford cars and other big ticket items WHEN THEY WERE MADE HERE.

    That blows your agrument clean out of the water.

    We are tied to the 3rd world not by our needs but by the greed of the ruling elite and their globalist schemes.

    NOBODY needs a funky-ass 3rd worlders labor to afford a damn thing...don't be so dumb.

    We got along just fine without them far longer than you seem to know.
  3. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    Replace t shirts with food. Free trade is not about affording only big ticket items, obviously.

    Presumably the US has an endless expanse of arable land that will never end, so doesn't need to benefit from free trade to both maintain its own supply of food and contribute to the increased supply of others.

    You forgot the bit about what the US does to sell all the shit it makes to support the economy. Not only goods but services, currency, weapons, natural resources just to name a few. I guess what you are saying is the US can just sell that stuff to itself and doesn't need to buy from anyone, either.

    I'm advocating a moderated approach to the free market with sufficient regulation to protect the disadvantaged but enough flow of capital to support everybody, even you. I don't think you know what you stand for.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Yeah that was a time where people only had one car and typically only had three bedroom homes. Now its not about owning a home its where you own a home and its not about buying a car its about both parents having a car and buying a used one when your kid turns 16 and back then people usually had only one pair of sneakers compared this generation of kids who commonly have three. You think Americans would have cell phones and computers and mp3 players if they were made here. We are far greedier than we have ever been. It takes far more stuff to keep us happy.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2011

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    Trust me i know some first worlders who visited my country and smelt like dog poop ok? Funky ass my ass and to think this is in a stereotype and myths thread.
  6. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    Damn, I just noticed I used the wrong form of here/hear .... I meant hear lol

    On a side note I feel like if you work for something you have the right to do w/e you want with it. I understand other countries when they say 1st worlders are wasteful or unappreciative, but at the same time we earned all of the shit we have and because of that, we should be able to do w/e we want with the shit.
  7. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    I wasn't talking about you Brother.

    We're the same blood:smt023
  8. Tirkah

    Tirkah Active Member

    I hate it when the predictable ones become unpredictable.

    I was expecting a reply something along this line. "F*ck Coalemus and Coalemusians. Those effers hate my black ass more than whites do".

    I, on the other hand, would love to visit Coalemus someday, inshallah. And it's neighboring island Trimpapus.
  9. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    :p I can't help but stir him but I shouldn't.

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