First Worlders not being appreciative of the things they have..

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by Kushton Slater, Dec 7, 2010.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Capitalism as it stands now won't allow it. There has to be a section of the population who's labor is less valued in order for yours to be worth something. You think that Chinese workmanship is really so bad that it deserves to be valued far less than everyone elses or cheap labor is required in order for maximum consumption. The goal of capitalism or coporations for that matter is to create as much consumption as possible not balance. If people in the third world lived a first world existence it would require less consumption and more harmony with our resources but too many selfish entitled asses won't give up on owning the latest iphone or getting the biggest tv imaginable.
  2. thefieryphoenix

    thefieryphoenix Active Member

    :smt038These are great points. The sad thing is if you say them too loudly, Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin might call you a socialist. LOL But then, somebody needs to pronounce the shortcomings of this unjust capitalist system. :)
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I don't understand why socialism is so bad. Maybe just the way its been practiced in the past. Or maybe a new system all together because capitalism isn't working out well for everyone.
  4. Cranberry

    Cranberry New Member

    :smt038:smt038:smt038 This is what it boils down to. Western nations are well off because of cheap labor from the third world as well as colonialism in populations that minorities usually belong to (Latin America, Asia, Africa).
  5. Cranberry

    Cranberry New Member

    Dude! "Breeding"? You use that word to describe what human beings do? They "breed"? Only animals "breed". Your hatred for brown people really is just pathetic. :smt086
  6. Cranberry

    Cranberry New Member

    I will say one thing, I agree that we in the First world do take our high living standards for granted. Immigrants come to this country and are willing to do any job because they know it's better than what they have back home.

    Even the Black businesses in my area (the few that we have) are preferring to hire recent immigrants over the natives. I wish it wasn't this way but the reality is that the work ethic is much different among immigrants than it is for Americans.

    The concept of family is different as well. "Mi Familia"....The most important thing for many immigrants and believe me when I say this, they work hard and do those jobs that Americans don't want to do to take care of mi familia and build strong communities because they know that is the only road to financial security in this world. Americans, specifically Black Americans, could learn a thing or two from people from the third world.
  7. Cranberry

    Cranberry New Member

    Yup! You are the only one in this thread who is telling it like it is. It seems that "some" posters want to absolve the corporations and Western power structures of any responsibility as to why things are the way they are.
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well for most on here or in first world nations for that matter why would they want to rock the boat. Its worked out for them thus far.
  9. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    As if those many of those "brown people" don't hate your Black ass:smt039

    Seems like you have a thing for taking up for those that are racist against Black people.......:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I'm with you on that. Certain individuals get my sympathy but as a whole they just suck. They show more disgust with us dating their women than white people do.
  11. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    The myth of fair share

    The myth of the fair share

    In short, yes we are not generally appreciative enough in the West of what we have.

    I try so hard to remember that my relatively wealthy family is only that way because my parents had the freedom to escape persecution/death as refugees from two separate wars in Europe.

    They worked very hard, but were also supported in that work with a democratic system; a free economy that maintained the necessary regulation to protect the poor; and a country rich in natural resources. Try pulling yourself up without those things.

    However, objectively the equal distribution of wealth in the US and the concept of a fair share is somewhat of a myth. Although the original hard data is from 1983, a consumer finance survey in that year was the most comprehensive conducted.

    It showed that the bottom 40% of income earners held only 1% of the wealth. You may think, wait, but that data is so old. Yes, but the data available since then show it has only gotten worse not better and the wealth becomes more concentrated at the top over time. Now, could it really be that all those at the bottom are just lazy? Methinks not.

    If you are referring to the US having more than its fair share compared to the rest of the world, well that's a different story that I won't touch here for fear of being flamed out. However most economists would not say that US wealth allows all to have their fair share.
  12. APPIAH

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    Jay-Z thought he hard life in the ghetto till he visited ghettoes in South Africa and realised there was worse shit than being brought up in compton, watts, inglewood and all the ghettoes in america .I am told chicken is soo cheap in america its called poor people's food. Well it is a king's food in africa that should tell you something
  13. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    In a nutshell about one type of food you have really summed up the whole thing.

    On a lighter note, you right about the chicken. Trust me though, it doesn't taste the same.

    Seriously, they are like two completely different things. I'm in Australia but it's the same deal. Of course most would prefer to have more, cheaper chicken even if it doesn't taste so good.

    But 'cos the birds are mass raised they have nowhere near the same flavour and niceness as in most parts of Africa
  14. cocytus

    cocytus New Member

    How "appreciative" are you supposed to be?
    By stating that "First World" people aren't appreciative of what they have as far as goods and opportunities, you are forgetting that people in the Third World could have similar items if not the same things if they desired.

    Why don't they?
    There are myriad reasons usually related to poor governance, serious divisions among the people, not accepting change in their society,etc.
    Unless serious changes are made in their societies, they will remain teh troubled backwaters that they are currently.

    My not being appreciative of what I have does little to change that.
  15. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member


    People in the 3rd world don't know jack about the AMERICAN LABOR MOVEMENT...!

    They think things are better in the states because our wealthy are more generous than their wealthy:rolleyes:....

    It never crossed their minds that our standard of living came at a PRICE.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Yeah and they're the ones who usually pay that price fam.
    You don't think you're able to pay 5 bucks for a tshirt because manufactors here are nicer people. Its because they use third world cheap labor at the expense of how these people live. Try going to Hondorus and finding employment outside of working in a factory for pennies a day. The people are badly mistreated but it goes on so those of lucky enought to live in industrialized countries can enjoy this lifestyle of disposable abundance.
  17. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    This country did fine without honduran T shirts for longer than you seem to know.Nobody needs them or their labor.

    Damn near everything used to be made right here in America and people somehow managed to afford T shirts.:smt039:smt039:smt039

    You act like the way shit is now has always been like this.

    Am I the only mofo in this country with a memory that goes back more than 5 years???

  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You're right but we're a nation of wants not needs. Americans want cheap tshirts we want ipods and Jordans and big screen tvs. We define success and the good life with a lot stuf and the only way to afford a lot of stuff is exploit third world countries. Can imagine how expensive the iphone would be if it were manufactured here? But everyone wants one and until we curb our selfish wants we're going to be tied to the third world.
  19. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    how about you stop taking electricity for granted, unplug your computer, and stop wasting time on the internet

    didnt think so

  20. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Point is, we take a lot for granted.. we feel entitled to "stuff"... and dont feel grateful... "we deserve it"..
    A lot of counties dont have the freedom to demand stuff (lest they get shot) or use and/or afford protection to not reproduce as "rats".

    this country and many others - are where they are today, based on slavery. Its not all about stopping to reproduce as rats or demanding their rights.

    That and weather patterns that give certain areas an advantage over others in terms of growing crops and sustaining the livestock.

    Edit: why am I stating the obvious????
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2011

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