First Female NFL Player?

Discussion in 'Sports' started by stiletoes, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

  2. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  3. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    But that's the point. She's a girl who's balling at 9 years of age and is the BEST PLAYER ON THE FIELD.

    Anyway her first sport is soccer, she def has the athleticism to be a great player.
    Now it's about her developing the ball skills to match her God given athletic ability.

    It's like a fat man winning the NYC Marathon. The novel or unexpected is newsworthy in sports.
  4. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    but a nine year old boy hasn't...she is an amazing athlete and deserves props.
  5. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

  6. SexyBaltimorean

    SexyBaltimorean New Member

    I dunno' about this one. NFL's gettin' more & more physical.....
  7. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    with all the new penalties and the attention to concussions? I think northside was right about a female kicker
  8. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    im with u on this one

    this is some BS to make women feel better

    guarantee you she won't be playing HS football
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    This absolutely one of the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life. There's a reason why they have different leagues based on gender. MEN ARE ALWAYS GOING TO BE BETTER.
    Men are bigger faster and stronger than women across the board with the exception of maybe possibly race car driving, if that's really a sport, but even in shit like golf women don't come close.
    Shit like MMA. Do you think Gina Carano could last even a minute with Brock Lesner or Anderson Silva?
    You think Lisa Leslie or Sheryl Swoops could win a game against Wade and James?
    Shit if you take the best female runners and compare their times against the middle best men runners they're still getting beaten.
    I am going to assume that since girls go through puberty first that we are seeing the results of that but if it were high school that chick wouldn't make it one game without being in a stretcher.
    NFL? You people are hilarious.
  10. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    this shit was handicapped from the jump

    now we're rewarding fixed competition for boys vs girls

    helluva message USA is sending

    what's next? college vs high school teams?
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    here's the kicker tho...

    many of those boys who she 'ran circles' around now, will be playing HS and probably college football

    where will she be? not playing either

    gimmie a break, Wheaties
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I dont get why we gotta promote this false equality. Its ridiculous.
  13. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Man I've been playing organized sports since I was the same age as this girl, and I've NEVER seen some shit like this. EVER.
    When I was 9 or 10 years old, there were a few of us(myself not included!lol) who could compete with boys 3 and 4 years older, young teenagers.

    What this little girl is doing is not just about her going through puberty earlier.
    She's the same size as those boys, yet her athleticism is still dominating them.

    This is the thing about sports, a top woman athlete may not be able to compete against her equivalent male athlete in her same sport, but if you go across sports, those same women are capable of crushing your average male gym athlete.

    Former Giants cornerback Aaron Ross is married to Sonya Richards-Ross, an Olympic gold medalist in the 400 meter. [​IMG][​IMG]

    He's said more than once that his wife is faster than he is(!) at any sprint more than 100 meters(200/400).

    Can his wife play NFL corner?? Hell no.
    But can she beat most untrained NFL skill position players in the 200 meter and 400 meters?? Of course.

    Yall are so quick to dismiss the athleticism and skillset of female
    I never diss a chick in sports if she's better in a given sport than I am.

    We got the HeMan's-Women-Hating crew up in

    Early puberty, assuming that's what is going on here, doesn't allow girls to be 'elite' athletes compared to boys their same age when they're 9 years old.

    This little girl is a FREAK, and I believe she'll still be a freak female athlete when she gets older.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Am I saying that I could even hold any of these elite women's water bottles? Fuck no
    But in their respected sports they aren't anywhere close to the men. Again that's why they divide the genders.
    Btw you can't compare and contrast sports like that. Just because Sonya-Richards Ross can beat her husband means nothing. My brother is an Olympic level runner and the workouts not to mention the skill set is completely different than the training for a wide receiver/ running back.
    Ross is the gold medalist for the women's 400 meter right? She wouldn't even qualify for the men's competition with her near record speed for women.
    Against average dudes she's a beast against other elite men its not even close fam sorry.
    It's not hating on women its just fact. It's like in basketball where nearly every coach will scout for taller players because no matter how talented one individual might be you can't teach height. Physical attributes matter.
  15. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Yes you can and should compare a female athlete across sports, because most men think they're better than women in ALL sports on any level, which isn't true.

    Other than the OP, no one said this girl could be a future NFL player. But she does have incredible athletic ability regardless of gender.
    When she's 16 I expect her to still be better in many sports than most young men her age.

    You're discrediting this girl because her specific athleticism, in this case playing football, has a ceiling that she's going to reach before she finishes HS.

    What I'm noticing is that this young girl is just an outstanding athlete, regardless of her gender.

    I brought up the specific case of NFL cornerback Aaron Ross because he met his wife while he ran track and played football at the University of Texas. He still fully acknowledges she's the best athlete in the family.

    THere are some women athletes who are so exceptional you can't limit their achievements to gender.
    Just saying, when I look at this vid, I see a great young athlete who happens to be female, not a great girl athlete.

    There's only one girl playing on the field in this video clip, and that one girl is beasting every little boy on the field with her. As I said, I've never seen something like that happen at that age.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Fair enough just not impressed I guess. Anytime I gotta think shes good for a chick like in the case of basketball or track it just reminds me everyone would rather watch the men including other females.
    Well good for her hopefully these wont crush her in middle school.
    She reminds me of icebox from little giants
  17. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    It's over. It's over, the last bastion of male supremacy is over. No more boys only sports for you.
  18. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    First of all people need to read the original post. There was a? Buy it meaning is it a possibility that 1 day there could be a female NFL player. I was pointing out this young ladies athletic ability And other people G even some nails said she could be a kicker 1 day perhaps I never tried to date or deliberately disagree with the men on this site However in this case I find some of the comments lately sexist. I know not all men feel the way that some if you do Send to men in real life who think yeah there could be a possibility there to be a chick playing in the NFL 1 day
    I hope you men don't have any daughters if you're going to question this little girls athletic ability Search all indicates a playing sports is incredible for females
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Yeah so play sports with other girls. No one is saying she's not a gifted athlete and please stop asserting like the article or you were trying to make it sound like you thought she could be a kicker. By posting the article and pointing out she was better than the boys is akin to making an argument that she could play in the NFL doing what she was doing in the video. If the point was she could be a kicker one day it would be a video of her kicking the ball 40 yards.
    No is being sexist its pure biology. With dudes who are already monsters pushing their bodies past the limit to be in the NFL and we are suppose to believe a girl is going to be able to beat these dudes? She better be at least 6'6 240 and grow some balls because she's gonna need the testosterone to put on muscle.
  20. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    I find it very sad that grown man wanted to degrade a 9 year old child athletic abilities

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