With Rudy Giuliani out of the race (whew!) in part to his infidelity and the public's dislike of his wife (persued him while he was married with two kids), do you think McCain's past from his first marriage will eventually come back to haunt him? (Divorced first wife - who waited for him to return from Vietnam - for current wife he met and had an affair with while in Hawaii.) Also, how do you ladies and gentleman feel about voting for someone who has been unfaithful to their spouse?
Infidelity is wrong in my book - no matter the circumstance. As far as voting for someone who has cheated on their spouse....i would rather not, but it seems in this day and time it's nearly impossible. :?
i dont like it at all, but when faced with a choice of who i have to vote for, as no one is perfect, i have to go with him
Im sure I speak for most Europeans when I say that I find it very strange that a persons private life would be a deciding factor in voting.(as long as there was nothing illegal) We are still amused by the whole Bill Clinton episode.
Based on what's happened in the last decade....no side of the political argument has a monopoly on "family values and character."
Especially the GOP,recently a congressman from a district in NY was arrested for DUI and was bailed by his baby mama.
and NY Dem Gov Eliot Spitzer, adn the new Gov of New York patterson, and Detroit Mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick, etc
What's amusing if that we (americans) made a politicial issuse out of something that has nothing to do with politics. We like to think of our politicians as faithful, family men and women, when in fact we dont care because even when we do find out their lying, cheating bastards, we still vote for them becuase they may favor an issue thats near and dear to our hearts. So in fact, fidelity, lapel pins, and religion are non-issues because in the end we will vote a particular way, regardless who the candidate is.
As someone who has been heavily involved in politics for a long time, there are good and bad people from both parties. One of the first things I learned is that whenever one seeks a political answer to an issue, you must understand that, at least in theory, politics seeks the "fairest" solution, not the most "effective" or "efficient" solution. Private enterprise, again in theory, seeks themost effect solution with less red tape. So what is a girl to do? In my experience, one should hold politicians accountable for their performance, stay informed on issues and learn how to peel the onion and cut through the B.S., but look to your resources (money, time, energy, knowledge, ect.) to make a difference on issues you care about where you live.
exactly...that's what i try to do. if only more people would do what you said. i think it's so important to stay informed - that's the key to "intelligent voting" (if there is such a thing), but so many just trust what their tv says and then blindly vote. i research...i research hard.