Ferguson, Missouri Community Furious After Teen Shot Dead By Police

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Sirius Dogon, Aug 10, 2014.

  1. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    I don't agree with cops executing unarmed civilians then occupying and terrorizing their community..but that's just me.
  2. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Who is our race??

    You're not one of us Chicken George Zimmerman Jr....:smt042

    You don't have a word against the animalistic behavior from the cop that murdered an unarmed member of "our race" so don't get all high and mighty.

    You call people animals(many Black women) then you call for respect for our race....lol...you right wingers are one dizzy group...especially you Black ones...that's IF you are indeed black.
  3. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Chicken George Zimmerman Jr is a TROLL....

    That trash should have been banned from this site long ago.

    He gets away with calling female members whores....black people animals...then gets defensive when anything bad is said about White males.

    Dude would have been better off raised by wolves...his parents didn't do shit for him.
  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  5. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  6. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    Ra, when you KNOW that you have just committed a crime and then minutes later a cop car rolls up on you as one did on the afternoon of August 9th to Michael Brown . . . you don't do something so grossly negligent as hit the arresting officer in the face after he stops you for inquiry . . .

    and you have the damn stolen cigar contraband in your hands :confused:

    He had the chance to just say "Sorry Officer" and get out the middle of the street and quickly jog over to side of the street that his grandma's place was located. But he had to have words :smt091 with the cop and that led to further engagement and observation just because the cop cursed at him and his buddy to get the f@ck out of the street.

    Now imagine if you or your buddy had just robbed a corner store . . . I would have been on my way to my nana's house with the quickness after simply apologizing to the officer :prayer: and there would have be no reason for him to pay anymore attention to me that afternoon :smt102

    But Michael Brown was apparently sauntering down the middle of the street in the middle of the day, just chilling as if he had no place to go and all day to get there :confused:

    It is 99 degrees in the shade and there is not a bit of shade anywhere because its noon . . . GET YOUR BIG BLACK ASS OUT OF THE DAMN STREET (you just robbed someone at a camera-protected convenience store)

    I feel sorry for the family but he brought some of this unnecessary altercation on himself. Did I hit the cop who wanted to handcuff me on my 18th birthday and drive off with me in a campus police car??? NO

    I complied (I lied and tried to get out of it of course but after that didn't work I let the cops arrest me and went willingly) and had to take that long, long ride downtown. I was released out by the campus infirmary after ultimately I gave up the girl's name and room number begrudgingly and they let me go for trespassing at 4 in the morning in an all-girl college dorm ( I had just gotten some :freehug:)

    If the cop has a legal right to stop and detain you . . . do not strike him or resist physically . . . Michael knew that he had just broken the law and yet he made the foolish mistake of resisting an officer of the law and hitting him in the head . . . I would have never, ever done that and don't know anyone of reasonable intelligence who would have :smt107
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2014
  7. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member


    Ferguson isn't South Central, Detroit, Chi-town or D.C. This is the ONLY homicide in Feguson all year.

    Based on their standard we'd be having year round protests in D.C. every time a BM was killed by a cop under questionable circumstances.

    How many consecutive days of protests have there been in Ferguson?? 5?? 7?? Now mofos are looting and starting dumpster fires.

    Maybe in LA yall Negroes live to burn shit down, but if the goal is to change the status quo you have to think bigger than turning your neighborhoods into bombed out warzones.

    Secondly, you really need to cool all that holier-than-thou, God's-gift-to-the-world, condescending bullshit you toss around here.

    You're basic, pretentious and underwhelming, and you really need to check yourself if you think you're in any position to talk down to anyone on this board.

    Especially me.

    You can read my posts.
    But don't let your weak-ass ego trip think for a minute you know ME.

    Protesting without an agenda is just vandalism and self-destruction.
    They've got the attention of the governor, the FBI and the AG who's conducting an independent investigation concerning the circumstances surrounding Brown's death.

    Looting stores and burning shit down only shifts the debate from over-militarization of the police and police brutality to justifying why the Ferguson PD needs to use strong arm tactics to keep its Black folk in check.

    THe activists are losing control of their protests and having them at night is not a good idea because it attracts the wrong element.
  8. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Maybe it's just me but the shock value is gone from cops acting like thugs.

    We've got teens shot up in the DMV for skipping out an IHOP without paying.

    That's why if I have any interaction with law enforcement, I go through the drill and try to end shit without drama.

    I'll still continue to say that holding protests at night is a really bad idea.
    Cops are scared of the dark and think anyone moving in it is a mortal threat.
  9. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    I believe that "reasonable suspicion" is a very low standard to satisfy in any jurisdiction.

    Mike KNEW he had just committed a crime even if the officer did not and that may have played a part in how he responded to the officer once he was physically apprehended. By all accounts Mike hit the cop in the face during the course of the altercation after he was detained. He also had the stolen contraband still in his hand during the time he was being evaluated by the arresting officer . . . this point has been conceded by his friend Dorian Johnson who was with him during the commission of robbery.

    When you have just broken the law and a LEO subsequently physically stops you and begins to question you . . . you should not struggle and resist the lawful detention and then hit him in the head to further compound the issue.

    The FPD has medical evidence that Mike struck the cop in the head before the shooting occured
  10. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    Those images wouldn't elicit a shoplifting charge . . . that would be considered strong-arm robbery because in this country a shopkeeper has a legal right to detain a suspected shoplifter or robber until the legal authorities arrive . . . its something I learned in school.

    If you commit a robbery and then an hour later some cop tries to detain & question you . . . you cannot expect things to go well if you physically resist and fight back by hitting him in his head.

    You KNOW that you have just robbed a Quik-E Mart. Things should have gone differently for Michael Brown that weekend but he did several dumb things, beginning with robbing a Dot-head store (who are notoriously litigious and super-serious about their $$$), and that cannot be denied.
  11. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    The clothing in that video doesn't match up with what Michael Brown was wearing when he was shot. The person in the video was wearing sandals, but Brown was wearing sneakers when he was shot at the crime scene.
  12. satyr

    satyr New Member

    Congratulations for accepting the bait of character assassination that had zilch to do with why the police officer engaged Brown that day.

    The officer did not approach him in relation to what occurred in the store, which makes it irrelevant to the issue at hand. Will it be the talking point on right-wing media outlets? Yes, so it doesn't need to be parroted by your black ass.
  13. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    we don't even know for SURE if that is the kid in the video.
    what we do know is the store owner didn't even report that shit.
  14. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    And since when is that sit punishable by death? Why the fuck do they have batons and pepper spray? Skin alone equals threat now?
  16. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    What they do to us today..... will be done to everyone tomorrow.

    That's what average joe america doesn't understand...that's his son lying face down in the streets, but he's too brainwashed to understand.
  17. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Flame, did you get a chance to see the Darrell Wilson supporters? There were plenty of them there that were black. Maybe they showed up to make it look as if the supporters aren't racist/prejudiced against Brown, or genuinely because they believe the officer acted in self-defense.
  18. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Read the above statement panerio. So much for your argument about blacks killing blacks. If it were not for the cop that killed Mike Brown, Ferguson would not have had any murders this year. You also continue to ignore the fact that police have powers that are not granted to the average citizen. We pay the cops to enforce the law, so they should be held to standards just like any other profession in which malpractice or negligence can result in death. Are you stupid enough to fuck something away on your job that cause the death of a young black man? When it happens feel free to present your lame ass black on black crime argument in a court of law.
  19. satyr

    satyr New Member

    Do you know what the percentage of officer diversity in the LAPD was before 1992? Do you know how different the police culture is in Los Angeles since 1992? Do you know what kind of police chiefs that Darryl Gates and William Parker were? Of course you don't, so shut the fuck up about my city. The riots changed Los Angeles for the better.

    And that's right, we burn shit in L.A. because we accept our history of using political violence as a means for expressing justifiable frustration. We're not sitting in churches praying to some imaginary buddy for justice. Fuck that southern bullshit. By and large, however, our political culture is civil and defined by liberal/left/moderate coalitions that have come to define the coastal regions of California.

    No it doesn't shift the debate. It calls attention to the primary cause of this breakdown of civil society in the first place, but if you want to be a little punkass sheepish Negro, then deflect all you want.
  20. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Do you realize that Mike Brown was shot in the palm and the top of the head? The evidence concur with the witnesses that he was trying to surrender. So wtf are you talking about?

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