Ferguson, Missouri Community Furious After Teen Shot Dead By Police

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Sirius Dogon, Aug 10, 2014.

  1. Sirius Dogon

    Sirius Dogon New Member

  2. Sirius Dogon

    Sirius Dogon New Member

  3. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    This guy is not lying.
  4. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    I completely co-sign your post VT and has previously raised similar point back on page 19 of this thread.

    My take on Trayvon Martin: An unarmed, ambulatory adolescent was being followed afterdark for an ominous period of time

    . . . by an armed, unknown adult in an SUV #FACT

    Said adolescent then investigates this armed Night Stranger and (his suspicions confirmed) subsequently runs away from the "Stranger Danger"

    . . . which for whatever reason incited the Night Stranger to exit his SUV and chase the fleeing adolescent around the corner into the dark

    The adoecent had every right under Florida SYG to incapacitate and render unable to do harm his potential assailant

    . . . one need not wait to be grabbed or stabbed by a Night Stranger (probable felon) in the state of Florida - just need an honest and reasonable belief

    So beating the brakes off of the Night Stranger (Zimmerman) who knowingly and voluntarily presented himself as a probable felon on the night in question was perfectly appropriate under Stand Your Ground

    1. Neglected to honk his horn

    2. Neglected to flash his hi-beams

    3. Neglected to roll down his window and announce his authority as neighborhood watch captain

    As a graduating senior at Seminole State with a Criminal Justice degree he should be held to a higher standard than a high school junior in the aforementioned fact pattern . . . he voluntarily and knowingly originated the unfortunate events which transpired between himself and the deceased adolescent.
  5. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    LOL she put the mirror in Paniro's face..:smt042
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2014
  6. Sirius Dogon

    Sirius Dogon New Member

  7. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    Hey let's try it sometime lol

    I've never had problems with the law. Crazy, I know!
  8. Sirius Dogon

    Sirius Dogon New Member

  9. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    LOL so I'm "anti-black" now because I don't cosign the bullshit that got Mike Brown shot in the first place (at least by the current info that's out there now)

  10. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    Yes you are. UNLESS and UNTIL it is proven that the 'bullshit that got Mike Brown shot' was more than pissing off a pig. Based on the current info that's out there now, I do not see a justifiable reason for this kid to be dead.
  11. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    You're right about that. I don't see a justifiable reason for him to be dead.

    I do see a justifiable reason to assume that no matter which way the verdict goes, we'll have civil unrest from either Wilson's supporters or Brown's supporters, or perhaps even both simultaneously. The day that happens is going to be a grim day for humanity on this entire planet.

    We have also forgotten that the Jordan Davis / Michael Dunn case heads back to trial on the week of September 21st, so everyone would suddenly have to focus on that if news of this dies down to a lower level by then.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    So you want to be expected to be perfect or lose your life? Dude did you bump your head?
  13. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

  14. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

  15. Sirius Dogon

    Sirius Dogon New Member

    Darren Wilson Supporters Rally To Bash Media, Ferguson Protesters



    ST. LOUIS -- Wearing a Bushnell camo hat, Jeremy Arnold held up a black poster with a single blue line taped across it to show his support for Darren Wilson and other police officers.

    As for the man he shot to death? Michael Brown, Arnold said, "got exactly what he deserved."

    Arnold said he traveled from Fairview Heights, Illinois, for the Wilson event at Barney's Sports Pub here on Saturday. It was a public unveiling of sorts for the Support Darren Wilson Facebook page, which has garnered thousands of online followers and helped raise more than $200,000 for the Ferguson police officer. Not all of the dozens gathered at the pub shared sentiments as blunt as Arnold's. But they did seem united in the sense that Wilson, not Brown, is the real victim.

    Wilson's supporters also agreed that the media is a perpetrator. Between chowing on free hot dogs and drinking beers -- with a DJ playing Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" adding to the party atmosphere -- few seemed to stop talking about the ways Wilson has been misrepresented and maligned.

    "It takes two sides to every story, and I think he has gotten such a bad rap," said Sharon, one of the many people who only offered to give a first name or no name at all.

    "Sharon Stone," a friend quipped, before hurriedly leading her away with the admonition that she shouldn't talk to reporters, because they "twist your words around."

    A Darren Wilson supporter counts money raised during a Saturday rally in St. Louis. (Emily Kassie/Huffington Post)

    A 12-person grand jury began considering whether to indict Wilson for his role in Brown's death on Wednesday. Some supporters expressed sympathy for Brown's family, but few seemed to think that the dead 18-year-old should be spared the rush to judgment they insist is happening to Officer Wilson.

    Sharon said Wilson "looks like a decent guy." Another supporter, Gary Enochs, said Wilson has been "crucified" by the "black community." A third attendee, Michael Smith, said Wilson "was just protecting his life like any of us would do."

    There are 12 million arrests per year and only 400 or so police killings, said Enochs. "I would hope that it would be less," he admitted, "but 99.9 percent, that's a pretty good average."

    "He had cause for shooting this boy," said Sharon. "Seems like they overlooked the fact that he robbed a convenience store." Ferguson police have identified Brown as the main suspect in a convenience store robbery, but he was shot at least six times before he could be arrested.

    Unlike at the Ferguson protests, the only cops in attendance on Saturday seemed to be Wilson supporters. No BearCat armored cars, riot gear or tear gas -- just wrap-around sunglasses and $20, blue Support Darren Wilson T-shirts.

    "E," who said she was a Support Darren Wilson Facebook page organizer but would only give a letter to identify herself for fear of her safety, said she expected the rally to raise thousands of dollars. She introduced the gathering by saying that she did not speak on Wilson's behalf.

    "E" was elusive about just how closely the Facebook page has been working in concert with Wilson or his family, but she claimed that she was making sure personally that all the money raised at Saturday's event would wind up with them.

    "E," one of the organizers of the Support Darren Wilson Facebook page. (Emily Kassie/Huffington Post)

    The current GoFundMe campaign for Wilson has raised over $70,000 in the last two days. The money is being collected by "Shield of Hope," a charity that has the same address as the local police union in Missouri, BuzzFeed reported.

    There have been three nights of peace in Ferguson since the last skirmish between cops and citizens. But most people who spoke to HuffPost focused more on the looting that occurred in the early days of the protests.

    The Wilson rally, said a man named Denny, was "much different" from those in Ferguson. "More calm, more civilized. Nobody's throwing bottles of urine."

    If the atmosphere between the camps was different, so was the racial composition. While both black and white protesters have come out every night in Ferguson, no African-Americans appeared to be in attendance at the start of the pro-Wilson gathering.

    Supporters insisted that "I don't support a race, I support the truth," as one sign had it. "E" said she deplores the racist messages that have repeatedly appeared on the pro-Wilson Facebook and crowdfunding pages.

    "E" said she has black friends who support Wilson, but they can't publicly declare their feelings for fear of angering their family members. Another Wilson supporter, Scott Holtgrieve, was less sure why all the attendees were white.

    "That's a good question," he said. "Never really thought about it."
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    The lines are being clearly drawn and we are going to be forced to decide between what's right and what's easy.
    Damn the fact I'm writing this on my phone proves one thing I've always thought. Our technology far out paces our maturity.
  17. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    A Wilson supporter said he wonder why all the people around him have not Black-Americans? Hello! That guy is either clueless,sarcastic or both.
  18. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    SD,Westboro and the Palestinians don't know nothing of Black Males.
  19. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    SD,I wonder if those fools pozin with selfies at Love Park feel if the dead body was one of their relatives?
  20. Sirius Dogon

    Sirius Dogon New Member

    Daren Wilson supporter Tina Morrison (left): "It was a good shooting, you know. It was a good kill."


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