Ferguson, Missouri Community Furious After Teen Shot Dead By Police

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Sirius Dogon, Aug 10, 2014.

  1. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    To be fair, the majority of people that has been apprehended aren't even from Ferguson. But yes, agree.
  2. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Police report was mostly blank. No real information except basic, concrete things about the situation.


  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    My God greatest string of words I've heard in awhile.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Since when is anger and rage logical. Not like this shit was calculated. I can't imagine how I'd feel if I were treated like shit in a place I've lived my whole life. Especially if my greatest crime was being born.
  5. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    That is also true, but it still doesn't take away from the fact stated above. Besides, the people that traveled there certainly calculated their move to go there.
  6. z

    z Well-Known Member

    First I would like to give my deep condolences to Brown Family; my heart goes out to them...

    Now if you want to talk logic, here it goes my unsolicited .02 cents

    My take is a little different on this one….

    To me, Trayvon Martin and this case are not similar.

    Martin was being harassed by pathetic trigger happy racist neighborhood watch guy who has got anger issue and has clearly been failing at LIFE. Martin was minding his own business and walking back to his dad’s apartment. His only fault was being blk in that neighborhood. As we all know, life is a bitch, and fate had it for Martin and he had to cross that Zimmerman loon in that rainy night. Unfortunately he came across with zealot self appointed Captain of neighborhood watch guy that harassed Martin to the point the kid had to get in scuffle with him and ultimately paid dearly with his life. Any logical human being knows that GZ deserves to be behind bar, but we all know how our justice system works!!!! His well paid lawyers played great ball in court and he walked scot free.

    Brown was jaywalking after robbing a store. Both are crime but should not have to pay for it with your life. If there is a true justice then this cop (Wilson) should be prosecuted, all evidence from dash board should be examined. He needs to be accountable if Brown had his hands up and got shot, if Brown was surrendering and the officer continued to unload six bullets on him, which is uncalled for, unless Brown was physically fighting and reaching for his weapon, then it comes down to survival…..

    Here is food for thought, if you just robbed a store that is equipped with security camera; why in God’s name drives you to do jay walking?? Common sense tells you to be inconspicuous, and quickly walk back to your crib or to your boy’s home. I am not condoning the robbing or him being shot, just posing logical question. And for whatever reason if you decide to jaywalk then why don't you straighten up your act immediately when a cop is in the radar. If the cop approach you whether for justifiable reason or not, why not be in your best behavior, and maybe attempt to videotape the encounter and walk. If you do you get to live another day and THEN get a good civil attorney and sue the shit out of the city. Having an argument with law enforcement or even worse getting in scuffle will ultimately causes your demise; we have seen this over and over. The outcome is not great for a Minority, especially for blk men . To me we need to teach our young brethren about how to interact with law enforcement, we need to teach them at home, church and at neighborhood gathering. This is called survival, if this was done then Brown would have lived to see another day and attend college in couple of weeks.

    Again, I don’t want to come across as insensitive douche bag asshole here, I am just examing the situation. I sympathize with Brown family pain, Nothing you can say or do will bring back their son.

    Amerikkka is racist, I know SHE is and have experienced it first hand, so pls spare me the lecture on it. Having a blk president does not mean shit to blk folks, I have said that a gizillion times before, & will say it again. Having Obama in WH has brought more racial tension than harmony, yes we are better than 1960s but nowhere to be post racial as some black folks implied in 2008 during the election of BO, I never subscribed to that BS.

    I also agree with few posters, burning your neighborhood does not do any good, yes it brings attention to the issue at hand but you’re literally destroying your own community. Some of the stores you are robbing and burning are owned by black ppl, who suffer the same racism and oppression in America just like you, why burn their shit down??? they did not do shit to you, they were just enduring the same racial profile crap as you and trying to make the best out of their life.

    Another point, why do we have to see Race pimps like Sharpton on every racial issue, who appointed him to be the leader of the community??? He has caused more chaos than help to win a fucken case, be it Tawana Brawley case, Jena 6 etc… We have so many articulate & highly educated brothers and sisters in high places BUT all we get is these types of self righteous race pimps at every turn, so they can cash in big and live large at expense of the marginalized, this is just a shame.

    Now that I have posted this , let the insult rain, lol
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2014
  7. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    In response to that, I would just post this. I have come to the conclusion that the quality of the police force that we have in this country is what causes about half the problems/inadequacies in our society. This is why we lead in incarceration rates, non-violent arrests, legal issues, overdockets in courts, other kinds of disputes etc. With most police officers, minorities (especially us) are public enemy #1 in their eyes. To a lesser extent, women are too and they go after black women first. Interestingly, our country also leads in the female incarceration rate in comparison to other countries across the entire world. It's not entirely about black people screwing up, it is about a system that is rigged/manipulated against a society that has the intention of just wanting to arrest and kill as many people as possible. This is because there aren't very many requirements for someone to successfully become employed as a police officer. The requirements in most states include some variation of at least having a high school diploma, passing a physical examination, proof of US citizenship, and perhaps voluntary enlistment in the military. We need to discharge or lay off a lot of police officers and completely revamp the process for hiring police officers that are fair and competent. Some links below explain what's wrong with the police force.

    Officer in Ferguson relieved for remarks
    An officer assigned to crowd control in Ferguson is relieved of duty after video of controversial remarks surfaces.



    Last edited: Aug 23, 2014
  8. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    So stay playing baby thug in these streets with over-armed, racist law enforcement looking to fuck with you and racist sentencing guidelines ready to lock you the fuck up and if and when you ever get out, strip you of the right to vote in some states. And a record will keep you from working, but never mind that. And don't worry you don't have to prove your value to society at all just keep coonin, there will be no societal backlash for ghetto behavior

    Alrighty then
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    So you're ok with a system that holds you accountable for minor infractions to the point it results in your death while other mofos actually commit murder and get to live.
    This isn't a time to demand blacks to be saintly it's a time to demand equal treatment under the law fam.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Or people side with Mike Brown because his actions didn't need to end in death whereas people supporting the cop are racists who want to see black people die.
  11. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    Shady niggas in the streets doing God knows what but expecting positive outcomes

    The facts are always obscure but when they do eventually come out it's some troubled hip-hop generation crack baby behind some garbage 98% of the time

    The system is rigged against us! I know, let's double down on the ratchet behavior and play right into the white man's bullshit! No need for us to outthink him at all

    Ya'll pretending it's 1957 and innocent saintly blacks are going to school/work/church and the KKK jumps out the bushes with police dogs

    Now we can talk about the militarized police, and how they happened to be in a nowhere place like Ferguson, and how they were nowhere to be found for Cliven Bundy but deployed against blacks, cool

    And we can talk about REAL police brutality like Amadou Diallo or Eric Garner

    But don't expect me to cosign some dumb country mofo shoplifting from a store, bullying the owner on videotape, going out into the street and fighting a cop until said cop shoots the guy. And that's probably not even the real story as I am first to admit I don't know all the facts!!!!!

    And then dead silence for black on black crime, business as usual. I'm more likely to die by my own black brothers stray bullets or robbery gone wrong than law enforcement and that's real

    Social media outrage is easy, thinking your way past the traps is hard
  12. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    I don't think it's about bm expecting positive results from piss poor behavior. I think it's about something as simple as expecting not to be murdered over petty shit by the same people paid to protect and serve, just because they can.

    People who commit a crime need to be held accountable, no doubt. However as long as skin color determines our sentences, I'll never give the benefit of the doubt to the people upholding our current justice system.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    What the fuck is black on black crime? Every human on earth is more likely to die by the hands of someone who looks like them, its called proximity of opportunity fam. The issue that should give you pause is how every infraction is met with far more excessive scrutiny and accountability by those paid to protect and serve abd regardless of what Mike Brown did or didn't do ratchet or not his death shouldn't be acceptable especially when other motherfuckas actually kill people and get apprehended. Do you want black people to stat silent and become pious so we can win the unwinnable favors of people who don't look at us like humans to begin with. We need to be perfect citizens to be treated equally under the law when others don't?
    I'm not advocating for extra consideration just treat me like a fucking human being.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    My God thank you. It's too weird to read other bm adopt the perfect negro doctrine. Be perfect then you won't have anything to worry about. Treyvon Martin taught us differently. We pressumed guilty of something even nothing is going on and God help you if you dare question it.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    If Jews in Nazi Germany screamed antisemite when soldiers shot Jews be antiChristian by default or would they be reacting to their circumstances at that time?
    Eye rolling your last comment, you love going for unsupported bs don't you lol.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    The number one cause of black folk and most Americans is heart disease.
    Paniro is your automatic go to argument that blacks can't and shouldn't expect equal treatment under the law of the country we preside until we straighten up?
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Ok what does that have to do with the post you just responded to?
    And that's no true I feel like Raider has a similar story where during her formative years she gravitated towards bm because those are the men who appreciated her most. Same with Nicole, same with LS, same with several white women on her. I raise an eyebrow when its someone who suddenly"discovers" bm coincidentally after they've already had kids and/or got divorced from a wm. It seems many realize theur stock is better with bm and thats why they "choose" them. I digress continue with your deflection campaign young man.
  18. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    I bet if Brown were named Benitez(and several shades lighter of course) you'd care a LOT more.
  19. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Please stop feeding that racist troll.

    Dude is a George Zimmerman fan.
  20. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member


    He's not going to read that..it destroys his entire argument and agenda.

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