Female Teachers - Male Students - Sex

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Brutusbro, Nov 5, 2006.

  1. Brutusbro

    Brutusbro New Member

    It seems that every few weeks there is a sex scandal somwhere in America involving female teachers sexing their male students .

    Often the crime ( trouble ) is that the male student is underage .

    Yet , these women ............. educated and often good looking ............ drop their panties for them !

    Let me repeat that !

    These women ........... educated and often good looking .............. drop their panties for them !

    What the hell is going on !

    Is the attraction , that these male students are very young and probably don't carry along a lot of baggage .............. disease ............. kids .........etc .

    Simply Google ............... Female teachers - Male students ........... the web is full of stories about it !

    The list of guilty women is shocking and probably revealing ( to a good psychologist ) .

    I must confess that I have lusted after lots of my female teachers when I was a kid ................ but I never dreamed of acting upon it .......... well .....I did dream about it !

    LOL !

  2. PearlGirl

    PearlGirl New Member

    I have always been into older men, so I can not imagine how this could happen!! Now a male teacher with a female student... well, let's just leave it at "been there, done that"! LOL

    But seriously, I have no clue. I am soooooooo not into the youngins that I can't even wrap my head around it!!

    Alas, me thinks that I shall never be a cougar! :lol:
  3. Brutusbro

    Brutusbro New Member

    The amazing thing is that these female teachers were obviously getting sexually stimulated from these male students . To take the relationship to the next level ( intercourse ) these female teachers were probably lubricating in copious amounts ............. lubricting in uncontrollable amounts ................ for their male student ................... and felt that they had to act upon that feeling !

    I don't understand that ! He's not even fully developed yet ! The military won't take him yet .......... the N F L won't take him yet ............ but these teachers ................

    I wonder if these female teachers were experiencing some kind of a hormonal episode , at the time ???

  4. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Male hormone levels are higher at a young age, particularly when the male is in his teen years, and the higher the hormone level is in a male, the greater the attraction level in women he will create.
  5. Brutusbro

    Brutusbro New Member

    But what about the hormonal levels in these female teachers ............. that's what I'm curious about ? I suspect they were abnormally high ........ but I dunno !

  6. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    As you and everyone else in this site may already know, it works in reverse with females than males. Just consult our female sage (Sassy) and others like PearlGirl for instance.
  7. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I used to fantasize about one of my attractive teachers getting with me. I can't believe some of these guys are having that come true.
  8. Brutusbro

    Brutusbro New Member

    Someone told me it happened again !!!

    Somewhere in Colorado !!!

    Shocking !!!

  9. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member

    :x In my opinion they get off alot lighter because they are females and alot of times attractive :!: It's already bad enough with how alot of men see and treat women as sex objects ONLY...to hear women tell it. So now they just say since he's a young male and wants it anyway then it's somehow not as bad as the reverse :?: :!: :evil:
  10. AquaPeach

    AquaPeach New Member

    There is definitely a double standard; male teachers who seduce their students are seen as petofiles. Females are seen as "unbalanced", or "mentally ill". They're both mentall ill, and they both should be treated the same way, but the justice system seems to have a lighter hand for females than it does for men because we're too pretty to go to jail, or perhaps we're so hormonally overwhelmed that we can't be held accountable for our actions. Give me a break!!
  11. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    i guess the thinking is that young boys are not really "bothered" or traumatized by it the way young girls are.......guys are "gettting" as opposed to "receiving"......its all silly any way you look at it though since young males and females can get screwed up in the process

    but i think there is a difference between a teacher having sex with a 17 year old boy as opposed to say an 11 year old boy....neither is good but punishment can be looked at differently
  12. Brutusbro

    Brutusbro New Member

    Oh no ........ someone told me that it happened again ........... someplace in the Carolina's !

    I'm shocked ....... shocked ........ stunned disbelief ........... I never thought it would happen again ( yes I did ) .......... never .......... but why ....... why , why , why ?

  13. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

    Yep, it DID happen in the Rockies, m8....(See top profile & photo)


    And IF ya take a GOOD, LONG LOOK at the REST of the girls in the article (Take my word, I don't think I hafta tell enny of YOU blokes TWICE!! :lol: ) you'll see that they....well....I *DO* have a SERIOUS question to ASK in regards to this....


    I mean it's NOT like the husbands are some Weedy, Crusty, Old Geezers...

    At least I don't THINK so..

    Somethin's goin' on "at home" that MUST be leavin' these gals FRUSTRATED...

    So just what AREN'T these hubbies DOIN' for their wives?? To make 'em SKIP OUT like that????

    And TRUST me, if *I* were -- ahem -- fortunate enuff ta have one of THESE teachers in MY life Back In The Day (Or - and ESPECIALLY - two of 'em -- one in Middle and Senior High respectively) I'd be the LAST person to RAT on 'em as far as being lasciviously allied is concerned....

    TRUST me on that....

    Just my tuppence, m8's..

  14. Soul_Brotha

    Soul_Brotha New Member

    Back in high school, there was an italian teacher I was very attracted too. Very thick with a nice ass. She had the coke bottle figure. I use to always flirt, but she had no attraction to me.

    Too bad she never found me attractive and acted on her feelings. I definately wouldn't have reported her to the police. If anything I'd make sure nobody found out.

    You have to excuse my ignorance. I don't find male students who have sex with their very attractive teachers victims. If so, I wish I was a victim my whole high school career.

    And the kids who snitch, are haters. You get to bang your teacher and get straight A's without doing anything?
  15. charmer

    charmer Member

    What's amazing to me is that you never heard about this stuff happening with female teachers. So why now is this happening? Why were women able to control themselves in the past, before but not now?

    Frankly, Im shocked to hear that female teachers lust after young, male students half their age...and underage! I can see it with men but with women???
  16. RedFox

    RedFox New Member

    I can see it with men but with women???

    wtf? thats such a double standard.. :evil:
  17. Lexington

    Lexington New Member

    I think those cases coming to light are the tip of the iceberg. There are new stories coming to light practically daily and some of these women have babies for these boys. A married school psychologist was busted last year and a trial just concluded yesterday for a teacher at a Montessori school. I truly do not understand the attraction from a woman's viewpoint. One boy said "it was cool". :lol:
  18. AquaPeach

    AquaPeach New Member

    I think some of the girls think it's cool, too. I know a guy who's a teacher, in his forties, and discretely dates teenaged girls. The girls love it, but if he gets busted, or when they finally come to their senses and start having regrets, they cry rape/abuse, and they don't have to take responsibility for their actions.
  19. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    I notice the opening comments regarding these female teachers ........... "often good looking and educated, who drop their panties" !!!!!!! Does this infer that only stupid, ugly women would drop their panties for one of their students ? :?
  20. AquaPeach

    AquaPeach New Member

    Sarah, i think it's hard for people to understand why a smart, good-looking adult female would go after a young, immature male when she could have the cream of the crop. I don't think any of these women are doing this because they're desperate--they may be doing it out of power, love, or sexual gratification, but certainly not out of desperation.

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