Yes, well we've been agreeing all along. However, I just wanted to point out that in some of the videos you posted, the guy did not know what he was doing (in the rectangular cage one, I think 3rd last video or something).
So out of 6 videos, you focused on one where YOU think the guy is clueless? He's in a ring to fight and seems lucid to me. Did you miss how she gets a few round-houses in and a punch in first, and he becomes discombobulated? Clearly the man knew how to fight/kick/punch, so why downplay his skills? I wonder if you say that when you watch male on male cage fighters about the losing opponent. Oh well, personally I give her mad respect. She beat him fair and square.
The exception doesn't make the rule, that's the point. As my nanna would say to yah if she was still living.....girl, you are HARD-HEADED!!:smt119
Girl, are you still tripping?? That's a kid's toy football, designed for 12 year olds. That is NOT a college/NFL stitched leather football. You are grasping.....! EDIT: Only the chick in the last video is throwing something that looks like the football I played with in HS and college.
Every additional gram/ounce in weight has a dramatic affect on the flight of a javelin. Trust me, I know this, which is why I called you on it. And the men's shot is 16 pounds, but I guess that doesn't matter either.
no it doesnt matter that women's sports sometimes come with handicaps, in comparison with their male counterparts that does not matter at all /sarcasm basically, this is all about penis envy. if you want to compete with men so bad, get a refund from god. until then, wake me up when the NFL starts drafting female semi-pro football players
I give her respect too, but he did NOT have the same level of technique as her, his technique was terrible. All the other videos are fine though, I was just pointing out that one.
IMO every single one of those girls in the fight videos was scrapping with 'ringers', scrawny, unconditioned, inexperienced male athletes just so they could say x-girl beat a MAN. Woo Hoo!!! Might as well watch a chick go upside the head of a midget with a baseball bat, for what it really proves.....NOTHING.:smt017
like you said she's grasping one of the videos was from what...1986? lol take a top-flight female MMA fighter...and put her with a UFC /strikeforce/WEC fighter, of the same weight class and let me know how that shit turns out.
:smt037:smt037:smt037:smt037:smt037 I've only skimmed through the responses, but I'm lovin' this discussion. Funny shit, too.
WTF are you talking about? The 12 yr old is throwing a regular football. 12 yrs old, man. Remember, YOU said chicks can't throw, or hold a ball. You act like one pound is heavy and the ball is the size of a damn watermelon!! So can these girls hold, throw and catch a "college/nfl stiched leather football"?? [youtube]XgB-i_tUQ-w&feature=related[/youtube] Can this girl throw??! [youtube]HKKcHId0vto[/youtube] Fuck ouuta here, I have an NFL ball and I can hold it and throw it. You're unbelievable.
SO WHAT if the men's shot is 16 pds, the issue here is the woman's is 8pds, since you're the one bitching that a woman can't lob a one pound football down field.
What?? This whole TOPIC is about the exception. Are you serious? Who is saying its the rule? You're the one saying its impossible! From post ONE I have said there are exceptional women who could play certain NFL you even READ?? Your nanna should have told you to PAY ATTENTION!
Just what I'd expect from you. Yeah yeah, the men 'aint shit and the women are superwomen, that's why they won. GTFOH! So then the women who beat you one on one in b-ball and tennis, and the female soccer player who ran your ass into the ground were just dealing with a scrawny inexperienced unconditioned man in you, huh? You damn well know those men in the ring and those men grappling were as experienced as the females were.
Why am I not surprised the point of the video went over your head? In 1986 she faced discrimination, and it appears not much has changed in attitudes in 2010, based on the like-mindedness of you and Boba. It's pretty disgusting how sexist you both are. She beat her opponent in a legitimate tournament. Even her unfaithful team-mates applauded her. You can't even give the girl her props for that. How pathetic.
I have no desire to play football with men. Thankfully, CB Jaline DeJesus's nanna is the antithesis of yours. And her coach's nanna, too.
You are so feisty! I love it:smt060. These guys should have known better than to cross a female ninja! I like you more and more! Btw, you are right (and no I am not saying it because I like you). Female softball pitchers are known to have some of the strongest arms in the world. Johnny Unitas and Joe Montana are two of the greatest QBs ever, both had average arm strength at best. What made them special was their ability to unite men of different backgrounds and lead them to victory. A woman would probably never be accepted and so she will likely never have the opportunity to prove herself in the leadership role. Because of discrimination, not actual lack of personal ability. As QBs Black Men faced doubts concerning our intelligence and leadership (not athleticism of course). But, because BM where in the league, our intelligence and leadership became evident and it was only a matter of time until we where accepted as QBs. We will probably never know exactly what women are capable of in many athletic pursuits, however. That is no fault upon women.