well my lil' homie.. you asked a question, and I'll supply an answer or two, as to why I don't use the chatrooms that often.. for one, I prefer to chat with women (drop down n' get yer eagle on, gurl!) from this site, in real time anyway.. I shouldn't have to explain "why." :wink: two..if I like a woman from here enough, or if I dig what some cool brotha is rappin' about ( kickin' knowledge around, sharing a mutual interest in white jawns, firmly agreeing that neither of us takes it up the bum), I'll get instant messenger information.. the chatroom, in itself, is pretty laggy and sub-standard. People get randomly booted from it now and then, and the sorts.. three...re-read my first reason, pimpin'.. As to why some other people don't use the chatroom...some people are probably too busy, to sit down and hold a decent conversation, in a chatroom.. Not everyone is adept at typing either, and would rather take their time and put up new threads, or responses to other posts... plus, sometimes you get the occasional white guy, who comes into chat trying to pick up buff, well-hung studs, to do his wife while he wanks off with KY-Jelly and a fifth of Vodka.
lol that's so true; I've never seen anyone in any of the rooms ever! I'd be up for chatting if others joined. Though the other thing is it seems to log you out after only a short amount of time, so tis not like you can just lurk and do something else in the meantime. *shrug*
Well, for example, I'm in the chat room now..alone...all by myself...with no one to talk to...just me.... This is not fun.
Aww@Effie sitting in the chatroom all on her lonesome! That'd be cos t'was Wednesday afternoon in Australia and some of us were at work I wonder whether it would work to make a time to meet? It depends on time zones. This site shows the different times globally if we want to set up a time: http://www.worldtimeserver.com/ It'd be great to get a number of us together to chat 'live'! We've tentatively got Effie, Injera and the self-proclaimed funky one so far..................... *grins cheekily*
We need to set a time people and I shall be there. Does anybody have yahoo? we could set it up that way.
I used chatrooms when I was in high school, when AOL was a viable resource for such a thing. Believe it or not, this was before the "bot" invasion, ramped child predators, and silly/meaningless chatter. I met my fiancee on a dating website, and we speak on rare occasions through Yahoo messenger, but that's been the extent of my chat room use or anything like it since my teens. If I wasn't with her I would be nostalgic, because I met some great girls in those rooms every now and then.