Fearing Death

Discussion in 'Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy' started by Blacktiger2005, Aug 28, 2009.

  1. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    maybe more curious what after if there is something.. but i dont fear death

    some people fear what will happen after, more that the death but to me is i dont worry about this not even about heaven or hell because i think in away hell is earth.. :p
    so cant be any worse after i die.. :smt043
    i hate life so if hell and heaven exist then i put my signature in to go to hell i have nothing to do with god anymore done nothing for me in this life
  2. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I ain't skeered of nuthin!!!
  3. Am I scared of dying? No, but then, I'm in no immediate danger. And as a man, and therefore a fighter/doer by nature, if I were faced with the prospect of immiment death, I would do everything to prevent my fate.

    Just because I'm a Christian, it doesn't mean that, if my plane starts tumbling, I'm gonna start singing "Kumbayaa".

    Nor does it prevent me asking those criticising their own existence, "How fucking dare you?" Your body comprised of billions of atoms, and all matter in the entire universe is just as densely divided. The chance of the group of atoms that comprise YOU having the property of life, as oppposed to being inanimate, is countless TRILLIONS to one.

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