Fear/hatred of the (young) black male is ingrained/natural

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by SardonicGenie, Jul 6, 2006.

  1. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    This one may get a lil' deep, but I sincerely would like everyone's feedback on this.

    Undoubtedly, the myth is still the legend.
  2. Seychelles

    Seychelles New Member

    Luckily, I don't live in the USA, so I have no idea what u're talking about. Fear BM????????
  3. alessandra

    alessandra New Member

    I have never heard of that.....I don't think it's true. It may be called 'natural' by somebody raised in a household who thought that way but I was never afraid of BM. Neither were any of my friends or relatives, none who have been in IR relationships. I think it depends on the atmosphere or environment a person is exposed to. Some people may think it but I don't think its true at all.

    JREMINATOR New Member

    "When I was a baby I was not prejudiced
    Hey, how about you?
    This is something that I learned in school
    Something they taught us to do"

    Lyrics from a song by Ben Harper (How many miles must we march)

    In the US especially, but in many places elsewhere, it is (the fear of the BM) unfortunately quite deep-seated in people`s mind...even those who do not suspect that it is...because that`s what "they taught them to do"
  5. hellspawn72

    hellspawn72 Member

    Yeah, I absolutely agree that it's still alive and well in this country. Look at the Baton Rouge serial killer a couple of years ago. At first, authorities thought they were looking for a white dude. When they found out they needed to look for a brotha, I heard from my relatives in the city that white people's attitudes had changed a bit. Various white women were going to gun shops to purchase firearms for protection.

    I've noticed that people in general get paranoid every few years when crimes involving black men become more apparent. That seems to be the way the media portrays it. I mean, how often are black male professionals really recognized in media these dayz?
  6. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    Its true, in the United States, In Asia, in Britian, Russia, Brazil. they have a stereotype that black men are dangerous, steal, are sexed up, all poor, victims of oppression, uneducated--thats why there are white supremist groups, even in Canada. This was mainly due to colonization from Europe.

    i dont know how it got to Asia, but it is very big there. Japanese and Koreans think black men are big, and dangerous.
  7. madscientist

    madscientist New Member

    It is not ingrained. The reason why there is a fear of black men is because of the media. These fears didn't exist before the modern era, though. Black men were not considered dangerous in the medieval or classical periods of civilization, and were rather looked at highly.
  8. DaphneL

    DaphneL New Member

    No way

    No way ingrained. I grew up in a military household and because of the racial diversity in the Army (slightly post Vietnam War though my father was in Vietnam) we played and had many friends of different racial and socio-economic backgrounds. My father as an officer honored men based on merit, values etc...My choice to even date black men (whom I did not exclusively date) was never a factor for us providing the guy had a good haircut and the "right" political views!
  9. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    same here Daphne, though my father was Captain in US Navy. But the bases were filled with racial diversity. I had white black hispanic and asian friends from all over the country and world. If they were nice, good manners, the right political and faith background, the family was cool about dating, for friends it was everyone :D
  10. Seychelles

    Seychelles New Member

    I don't feel fear for BM, if anything, I feel respect, depending on the individual, of course. And maybe a lil intimidated.
    I also think fear can't be ingrained in someone. It is developed, by what others tell you, by own experiences, etc etc.
  11. Seychelles

    Seychelles New Member

    How can it be natural to fear another human being ? when human being are social animals, they are ingrained to live and socialize and interact with each other
  12. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Folks, bear in mind that I placed this topic/rumor in the appropriate forum for a reason...

    and, pretty much all of your replies speak for themselves in regards to what I was getting at from the git go. I really appreciate the honest feedback I got in here on this also.

    Oh, really? I guess if it really were a white dude, then they wouldn't have anything to worry about, huh? :roll: Another score for superior white intellect.

    You really can't blame them you know, after all, even though most of the world's serial killers, pedophiles, tax cheaters, wife beaters, cannibals, womanizers (Hugh Hefner, Charlie Sheen, etc.) male porn stars, porno-addicts, meth-heads, metal-heads/cult-followers/satanists, incest trailer park dwellers are almost always white men, they are talking about black men, so I guess it's understandable, but then again, these white men I have described may just be victims of oppression also. :wink:

    Overall, THIS may explain a lot of it...

    I find this reply to be the most interesting...

  13. Seychelles

    Seychelles New Member

  14. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    I just found it to be the most interesting, simply because of what you stated.
  15. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    hatred of conservative black men is just the same for sure and is ingrained in black masses and white liberals. so dont feel bad black males, someone one hated even more than you.

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