Favorite hair/eye color combination on a white woman....

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by natedogg2772, Oct 12, 2007.


Men-Favorite eye/hair color combination on a ww?

  1. Blonde hair/blue eyes

  2. Blonde hair/brown eyes

    0 vote(s)
  3. Brunette/blue eyes

  4. Brunette/brown eyes

  5. Brunette/hazel eyes

  6. Red hair/green eyes

  7. Red hair/blue eyes

  8. other

  1. graphicsRat

    graphicsRat New Member

    All, ... I love 'em all :D
  2. funkyspirit

    funkyspirit New Member

    Mmm, now how come my brunette/green eyes isn't an option in the vote?!! I'm more than just an 'other,' I'll have you know!

    My eyes do turn hazel occasionally, but they are decidedly green. (Uh oh, tis the witch in me!)

    Personally, I like a more unusual or exotic look. But then again, I'm not in the market for a WW. *grins wryly* I like that we have different tastes; tis why my g/fs and I can go out and know that we're not vying for the same guy and vice versa. Know that you're all goddesses (err, and gods), regardless of your hair/eye combination and others' varied preferences!
  3. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Dark hair and green eyes works for me! :lol:
  4. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    darker hair with blue or green eyes ftw. :D
  5. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    You're right....I didn't list that option. There are so many options and combos with ww and their hair and eye colors. All which makes ww so appealing...
  6. Effie

    Effie New Member

    A song for Miss Funkyspirit; because natedogg so inconsiderately left out her color combination, and because I love this song with it's awesome jazzy organ solo and bass line that makes me go, uh-huh....

  7. funkyspirit

    funkyspirit New Member

    lol Love it! Thankyou muchly, O Kind One; tis a funky tune indeed! *grins wickedly and gets a groove on with Effie*

    And thanks for the favourable comment, Chosen... err, I think :p

    I confess I kinda like the idea that Nate and others expressed about our diversity! Reminds me that there's room for all of us :) *moves over an inch*
  8. jpschumi

    jpschumi New Member

    Red hair and green/blue eyes with tons of freckles
  9. caj

    caj New Member

    I love wonderful white women so much that it's hard to choose from the various hair and eye colors.

    In fact, one of the main characteristics that attracts me to white women is the variation in hair and eye colors.

  10. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    girl, i think blonde hair/brown eyes is beautiful. look at katherine heigel (sp?) from grey's anatomy. she's gorgeous and that's her coloring. there are lots of pretty blonde/brown combos. i'm a blonde/sapphire naturally, but right now i'm kind of auburn/sapphire. maybe i should post pics of each and see who likes what best....haha :wink:
  11. maiseycat

    maiseycat New Member

    Maybe there is some truth to the bm like thick (I mean body style, not thick in the head :lol:) blue-eyed blondes stereotype after all. I can tell from some of the sig pics on this site that this type is popular here. A lot of bm celebs and pro athletes seem to go for the blue-eyed blondes, but most ww I know personally who date bm are brunettes, fair-skinned, dark eyes, thin to average body size. That is what I am. 8) I don't think there really is a "type" of ww that dates bm or that bm go for, though just according to this poll, seems that blue-eyed blondes have a slight edge (in attracting bm).
  12. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I think that stems down to the fact of them being the most opposite in the spectrum of genes to BM.

    Maybe because they are very recessive and very dominant genes tend to gravitate towards that? Opposites attract? Just throwing some thoughts out there.(Of course there's an exception to every rule/generalization).
  13. WhiteBeauty

    WhiteBeauty New Member

    none interested in blondes with green eyes :(
  14. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    They will be after they see your post lol. The blood hounds will be coming.
  15. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Well if it was listed in the poll I'm sure people would be making their vote.
  16. maiseycat

    maiseycat New Member

    Interesting theory. I've heard that blue-eyed blondes are most attracted to other blue-eyed blondes because with a like partner, they have the best chance to pass down their recessive traits (blue eyes, blonde hair). Makes sense, though I've seen more blue-eyed blonde people with dark-eyed, dark haired partners than with like partners (could be just because there is a much smaller number of natural blondes). I, with dark eyes and hair (and fair skin) noticed that most of the white men I've dated are light- haired, light-eyed. I seem to attract men from that group way more than men of any other group. Maybe there is some truth to "opposites attract," though just from what I've seen, brunette ww are much more likely to go for bm than blonde ww. I don't know if this it is just something w/the blonde women I know, but they're all with white men, and on the other hand, I know of a ton of dark-haired ww who are with bm. I think blonde hair, blue eyes are the golden standard, and that is where at least some of the interest comes from. I sometimes doubt that it has as much to do with attraction and real chemistry than it does what has been ingrained in us (myself included - though I'm definitely attracted to bm and have a preference for them, I still have a weak spot for blue-eyed men.). Honestly, looking at celebrities, I can think of many brunette ones that are simply gorgeous, but very few blonde ones that I find to be remarkably pretty. Not to rag on blondes, but I just don't get the wild fascination with them, though at the same time I have the attraction to them (the men, the men!) myself.
  17. caj

    caj New Member

    I love blondes with green eyes, blondes with blue eyes, brunettes with blue eyes, brunettes with green eyes, red heads with blue eyes, ............I love white women PERIOD!
  18. 6foot3geek

    6foot3geek New Member

    red hair/green eyes and brown hair/grey eyes.
  19. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    I'm pissed that you didn't list an option for all of the above. :x
  20. mwahh

    mwahh New Member

    And many of us fair ladies can be all of the above - we are chameleons! Blonde to red to brunette to black. This year i've decided to go red - matches my temper and my freckles.

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