Family: Racism Caused Connecticut Shooter to Snap

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Sneakeedyck, Aug 4, 2010.

  1. z

    z Well-Known Member

    1. If there is a video of him stealing, then fucken leak the video already, let see it. where is the fucken video?

    2. Everyone knows most ppl who work at beer company take a beer here and there. How many beer did this guy take? did he take by dozen and sell it? show me the fucken evidence.

    3. I am pretty sure the killing has a lot to do with racism than being canned from the job. The guy prolly took lots of racial abuse for years and snapped.

    4. Ppl try to label him a racist militant blk, smdh. The guy had an ex white girl that he dated for 8 years and a current living in White girl friend. I dont think the guy is racist. He helped his ex girl's family when they were struggling.

    5. If he specifically targeted and took out the ppl that caused him pain and suffering then so the fuck be it. Dont fuck with someone, dont put down someone, dont bully someone, that is a listen for the dead, oh well too fucken late. But I really hope he did not just shoot folks randomly tho, that part I strongly disagree....

    my .02 cents
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2010
  2. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I dont get why peope defend his action, regardless of racial abuse...
    maybe he was a target for racial abuse, maybe he wasnt? We really dont know that. Maybe he was just a man on the edge and used it as an excuse.

    I dont say he wasnt, most likely he was, but jumping the bandwagon and blame his victims is not right.

    Some things transcend color... this is one of them, he snapped, period. Whether it was due to racial abuse or not... this is not the answer. It makes you worse than your abusers.

    There is a lot of racial abuse and injustice in this world, it does not justify you shooting anybody, racist or not.

    When it comes to people like this, white, black or green, the issue is deeper than this. People that shoot like this have serious mental issues.
  3. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Sorry, he killed 8 people. He gets no sympathy from me. People in the UK are doing the same with right now with Raoul Moat (not sure if I spelled it right) but basically he shot his ex girl and her new man then shot a police officer and went on the run for a week and people are calling him a hero, wtf?! I don't get some people.
  4. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Not sticking for the guy coz he is blk. But if the guy has been victimized for years and he took out the right target, then good for him.
    I rally around victims regardless of their color, white, black, yellow, or blue. If they belittled the guy for years & that has resulted in major mental anguish leading to acute psychosis then the abusers had it coming. Fuck the abusers and the buggy that they came with....

    How is that for sunday morning, huh? I am christian but a logical one, lol

    It is like a rape vicitm, who has been victimized for years and takes the law into her hand, good for her. Fuck transcending race, we aint transcending shit in America, especially in Obama era. Anyone who thinks we are post racial coz we voted a blk guy into the white house must be one delusional fucker and I have a syringe full of haldol waiting for your ass.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2010
  5. z

    z Well-Known Member

    YES, 8 ppl. If they were children, innocent and decent elderly victim who got caught in Shooting rampage, then let Omar burn in hell.

    But if they were 8 pigs and bullies who drove this guy in to melt down, they should've known better. This is a lesson to them racist piece of shits, fucken late, well, maybe in their 2nd life. :smt005
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2010
  6. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    You're jumping to conclusions. The people he killed have no way to defend themselves and you have no real proof that he was subjected to abuse. Sorry but in my eyes an eye for an eye makes everyone blind. Seems like this guy was just pissed he was being sacked/made to resign but that's besides the point. Would you defend the Columbine shooters because they were bullied? Was what they did right...?!
  7. z

    z Well-Known Member

    I aint jumping into any conclusion. If the guy is a theiving scumbug who went around and shot everyone in the building then he is the piece of shit & let him burn in hell...but if he was targeted by racists piece of shits with abuse for years and got placed in major scrunity to lead into emotional break point = then 8 ppl, oh well, lots of innocent ppl die every day in unnecessary war let alone scums

    The Columbine in other hand, took so many young innocent lives, that is uncalled for
  8. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Unchosen1, I think you're a great poster, but I can't believe that you are condoning what this guy did. I'm with LS, you are jumping to conclusions.

    And I also wholeheartedly agree with FG. I could give a rat's ass if everyone in that fucking building was racist towards him, that does not give him the right to shoot up the place.

    As I read it, one of the men that was killed was actually trying to let Omar keep his job. So what do you say to that?

    I really can't believe what I'm reading. Nothing at all condones what this man did.

  9. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Books, reread what I posted. All I am saying is if he was continously abused for years, then they had it coming. I am not shedding any ounce of tear to any piece shit regardless of color, religion or ethnic background. Continously harrass innocent citizens and expect no repercussion, fuck them....
    The moral of the story, leave ppl the fuck alone.
    When shit like this goes down all the time I feel very bad for innocent ppl who are caught in the middle of it. But if the victim takes out only his target i.e the abuser, then I am not losing any sleep over it.

    Assuming the guy has been targeted with abuse
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2010
  10. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    GZ you arent't making sense. People are harrassed everyday. In a lawful society they handle it in peaceful fashion not buy a gun to off everyone who crosses their path wrongly or says a cross word to them. What has he solved?
  11. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Yes, we sue the heck out of the company! He should have took pictures of the racism and sued.
  12. z

    z Well-Known Member

    He supposedly took out 8 worthless folks (this is assuming the media is right), lol.

    I am not talking about mild harrassment. I am talking about major ones that lead decent human being to the point of emotional breakdown. Anyhoo, for bastards like that if the chicken come home to roost then I am not shedding any ounce of tear, fuck 'em.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2010
  13. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    I hope your co-workers never mess with you. They might be looking down the barrel of a gun instead of across the desk from the human resource manager over harrassment charges. ;)
  14. z

    z Well-Known Member

    My coworkers know I am a No non sense type of guy. I do my shit & good in what I do. I dont need to steal, in fact ppl steal from me. All I do at work is handle my biz, flirt with good looking babes and boof I am gone home b4 you know it.
    I am very fit, quick and smart enough to defend myself in a fist fight. I've trained in martial arts and played foot ball, plus I know the human antomy very well. I dont need a gun, I can easily drop my enemy to the ground. Noone has fucked with me and will never will. But I have witnessed innocent ppl being harrassed since grade school and if they are standing up for themselves and in the process harrasser gets taken out, then I dont give a shit.
  15. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    UC1,you hit it on the head. Where is the proof? The brother is dead anyway. Also,from the family show proof as well. I can't condone what that homeboy did but, I like to see the evidence.
  16. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    also , according to the shooters family he reported the harassment but the company saying different.

    I feel a cover-up in the mix
  17. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Utterly idiotic way of looking at this horrible situation. These people that were gunned down were INNOCENT. Nothing positive comes from this travesty...nothing.

    Let me guess, you probably thought there was some good that came out of the Virginia Tech shooting massacre too huh?? ("Hey, on a lighter note maybe this will teach people to not bully others derrrr!":rolleyes:)
    Anyone that decides to open fire on innocent people is a psychopath and should be locked away forever or fried.

    The guy that killed his coworkers is a loser, coward and murderer. Period. He is using the race card to justify his horrible act and trying to gather sympathy. Fuck him.
  18. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Its really comforting to know that a moderator on here is yucking this up. Wow.

    "He called me a poopyhead, so I blew his brains out your honor":confused:

    "Also, I saw a racial slur written on a bathroom stall, so thats the reason why I killed those coworkers your honor":rolleyes:
  19. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Be surprised all the fuck you want and ask me if I care.
  20. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    No, chi is right. Should we just mourn and leave it at that so this can happen again? This isn't the first time a person has gone crazy and shot up his place of employment. Nothing can be done to save any one of the people that died but we have to learn from this experience so that it doesn't happen again.

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