1. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Hey, Ms J!!! I've missed you...welcome back! :freehug:

    I don't know about that...I'm pretty dull. lol :p

    Hey, Max!!! I've missed you too! :freehug: I'd say 'welcome back', but this appears to be a drive-by type of post. The board isn't the same without you though, and it would be awesome if you'd come back.

    As for facebook, what about it makes you say "No."?
  2. Ms. J

    Ms. J Well-Known Member

    I've missed you too! Thanks for the welcome :-D :freehug:
  3. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Welcome back MsJ.
  4. Ms. J

    Ms. J Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much. :smt039
  5. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Miss J!!!!!!
  6. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  7. Ms. J

    Ms. J Well-Known Member

    Hello Lady!! :freehug:
  8. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

  9. Ms. J

    Ms. J Well-Known Member

    ahhh ;) if only you weren't wifed up - Tarshi's so lucky!!
  10. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

  11. Ms. J

    Ms. J Well-Known Member

    we need to have a slumber party & catch up :smt058
  12. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Awesome idea! :freehug:
  13. Unique4ever

    Unique4ever Well-Known Member

    This ;)
  14. Ms. J

    Ms. J Well-Known Member

    It's cold & snowy here and I've never been to Texas, so...how about I fly there? :mrgreen:
  15. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    It's not snowy here, but it has been cold (even though today was actually nice enough I could feel my toes again, lol). I vote we go someplace warmer and more fun. [​IMG]

    Do you have a Skype or Yahoo Messenger account?
  16. EuroChick

    EuroChick New Member

    I vote you come to Florida. :smt028
  17. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    Sorry about the delay...and thank you. Was just peekin' in and was happy to see the regulars still around.

    Obvious privacy issues aside, my brain can only hold so much. :) Its nice to only concern myself with the few people I actually see in person or talk to, as opposed to the hundreds I havent seen since high school or casual acquaintances I met once and barely remember, yet i can login and see when they buy a new car, stain their deck, have a breakup or get pregnant. Stuff I have no business knowing.

    Simplicity is nice. Especially in this day and age.
  18. K

    K Well-Known Member

  19. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    You're welcome. You need to peek in more often so us regulars can be happy to see you too. ;)

    All of that makes sense, and it has a lot to do with why I never had interest in facebook to begin with. It feels kind of invasive to be dealing with folks I have no interest in socializing with. A lot of my friends don't have facebook accounts either, and of those who do most of them aren't as into it as a lot of folks are. I don't like to know everyone's business because I don't like everyone knowing mine.

    I did finally sign up for it, but I haven't done a thing with it other than add my son. I've already had a ton of people send friend requests...half of them are family members I would never add, and the rest are people I don't even know so wouldn't add them either. It's totally off-putting, so I don't even bother logging on.

    My son suggested using that one as a dummy profile for people like them and make another one under a nickname or something for the people I actually like. lol I don't know what I'll do, if anything at all.

    I agree, simplicity is nice. :smt023
  20. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    This all day. The connection to my relatives the WORLD over is incredible.

    And the link to many unique and fascinating people whom I never would have met were it not for FB, of whom have taught me soooo much, is priceless.

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