EXTRA correspondent and the Aussie Football player

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by Bliss, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. DonnyJ

    DonnyJ Banned

    I truly believe you are a white guy. If not, what kind of polish you use on master's shoe?:smt079
  2. buglerroller

    buglerroller Well-Known Member

    you hit the nail on the head, the darker skin toned people are hung up on skin tones like no other!

    yeah but you seldom see light skinned guys with dark skin women.
  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Haha get em!
  4. buglerroller

    buglerroller Well-Known Member

    thats because they want their offspring to not be as dark as them.
  5. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    lippy likes your kinda white:smt060 is that the palms of your hands and the bottoms of your feet
  6. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Um, or they could just be attracted to l/s guys. Geeze.
  7. buglerroller

    buglerroller Well-Known Member

    ah hahahaha. true.

    the vodka and redbull has me posting sideways today. :mrgreen:
  8. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    what kind of martini is that;)
  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Oooo, no tokey-toke today?? ::smt033
  10. buglerroller

    buglerroller Well-Known Member

    its the kind that gives you wings.

    not until my last meeting is over, 5 down, 2 more to go. :weedman:
    my new g-pen arrived today and i am counting down to lift off.
  11. MilkandCoffee

    MilkandCoffee Well-Known Member

    These are the same guys who complain if you post a black chick in the men's locker room.

    A bi-racial bm with a ww is seen as ir, but a bi-racial bm with a bw is not.

    A bi-racial bw with a wm is seen as ir, but a bi-racial bw with a bm is not. For example, Halle Berry's first marriages weren't considered ir by the general public but when she married a white guy it was.

    Here are some examples of how guys react if you post a bm with a non-full white women in this sub-forum:

    There are other examples but I don't have the time to look through this archive right now
  12. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Well the site is whitewomenblackmen.com

    Do mixed women identify with being white or black

    If they identify with being black and they're with a black man it doesn't fit
  13. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Federick is the very vocal resident anti-bw-posted-on-this-site member. He doesn't hide it, and isn't going to stop. Iggy, well quoting Iggy is a non-factor, lol.

    ps: Halle didn't marry Gabriel. Halle's first marriage was considered a bi-racial marriage and referred to as such often. They often mentioned their racial commonality in interviews.
  14. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Don't feed trolls.

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