Osama bin Laden cost the US economy an estimated $2.5 trillion. http://inthearena.blogs.cnn.com/2011/05/03/bin-laden-cost-the-u-s-trillions/ Other related reports: Cost of pursuing bin Laden? Half a trillion and climbing How Much has Osama bin Laden Cost the US? Osama Bin Laden Death Cost $280 Billion to Over $5 Trillion or More Bin Laden's war against the US economy
Cost of pursuing Bin Laden - 2.5 trillion Cost of Bin Laden's death - 1 billion Cost of Human and American lives lost - priceless
I guess when you start putting things in utilitarian context, idealistic notions start to seem like reaching for the stars. In rational calculus, I mean monetary terms and resources,debts, which might likely take generations to pay, cut back on government services, and the impact on quality of life, things start to zoom sharply into focus.