Ex-President Donald Trump

Discussion in 'Politics' started by blackbull1970, Apr 30, 2017.

  1. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Votes weren't counted!! Too many illegal votes were cast!! OMG!

    You do know they check and verify who the voters are with mail in ballots, and voter machine error was with a few machines, not ALL of them. Trump wants his supporters to believe there was nearly a 70% miscount rate in Michigan? How does someone not notice that level of election error and not report it??

    Your boy is a PATHOLOGICAL liar. I don't know why you listen to him when it comes to election reporting.

    Too many state Republican officials/Trump supporters in state governments across the country confirm the election for Joe Biden was legit.
    These are people who wanted Trump to win, but it didn't happen.

    Listen to the judges, the ones TRUMP appointed. Dude is making wild conspiracy claims WITHOUT any evidence.
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  2. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    Anyone who really believes that Biden won because people love him is either willfully ignorant, they get their news from propaganda sources (Newsmax, OAN) or they are a member of Joe Biden's immediate family.

    More Americans Happy About Trump Loss Than Biden Win

    Nearly half of Biden voters say they voted against Trump, not for Biden, exit poll finds

    Just 56% of Joe Biden Voters Say They Were Actually Voting for Him, New Poll Finds

    Right-Wing media can attack Biden's ability to govern until they are blue in the face, and people can post all the memes they want to about how incompetent he is. Nobody cares. The majority of voters wanted Trump gone and that is all that matters to them.
  3. bilbo

    bilbo Active Member

    In terms of the presidency, the electoral map is shrinking for the Republican Party.

    They have now lost the popular vote in 8 out of the last 9 election cycles.

    George W. Bush won the popular vote and electoral college in 2004, but wouldn't have been in place to run for re-election had a conservative majority on the Supreme Court not intervened on his behalf in 2000. Pretty soon their electoral college outcomes will be no different from those underperforming popular vote numbers.

    Their map is not looking good.

    Check out the 2004 map.


    Today Nevada, New Mexico, and Colorado are all blue states with the trifecta of having a Democratic governor, two Democratic senators, and Democratic majorities in their state legislatures. Arizona went blue for the first time since 1996 and now has two Democratic senators. On the other side of the country, Virginia didn't bother with entering a purple state phase and began voting Democrat in 2008 and has not looked back. Obama was also able to flip North Carolina that year. Georgia is on the cusp of change as well. If Warnock and Ossoff win those Senate seats, it will send a powerful shockwave to buttress Biden's win there.

    The Republican Party needs to either go away and die or create a version of itself that would be unrecognizable to what we understand it to be under Trump and McConnell.
  4. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    What used to be the Republican party died in 2016, but that doesn't mean the people who called themselves Republicans will go away.

    What's going to happen is a political strategy called "entryism" (joining a party or group in order to change it from within) It's been happening quite steadily since Trump took office. Northern, educated, fiscal conservatives saw Trump as a disaster for their flavor of Republican politics, so they abandoned the new republican party and have instead infiltrated the Democratic party (or at least the center and the center-right wing of the Democratic party.)

    Did you ever notice how many center-left and right-leaning Democrats there are on cable news? Would it surprise you to know how many "former" Republicans work at "liberal" news organizations like CNN, MSNBC, and The New York Times? Did you ever notice how cozy the Democratic party is with Wall Street? Did you ever notice how much CNN, MSNBC, and The New York Times hate Bernie Sanders, AOC, and all progressives?

    The new fight is going to be "the left" vs. the very left vs. the cult of Trump.
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  5. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

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  14. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Here's your voter fraud. Republican's hiring mentally ill people to "find" fraudulent ballots. Anyone who believes in conspiracy theory's vs actual facts has been shown in multiple studies to be missing cogs and desperate to fit in. There is no other explanation for not accepting facts.

    A Texas man is accused of assaulting an air-conditioning repair technician who he falsely accused of harvesting ballots for voter fraud.
    Pramote Polyamate via Getty Images
    • A former cop in Houston was charged Tuesday with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after being accused of taking part in a vigilante scheme to uncover voter fraud in Texas.
    • The man, Mark Anthony Aguirre, is accused by the police of assaulting an air-conditioning repair technician who he falsely believed was harvesting fraudulent ballots for Democrats.
    • Prosecutors allege that the vigilante plot was funded by a conservative group, the Liberty Center for God and Country.
    • A fundraiser launched by the Liberty Center describes an effort similar to that alleged by prosecutors.
    • "We are working with a group of private investigators who have uncovered this massive election fraud scheme," the fundraiser said.
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  15. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Absolutely! I know we've mentioned this many times here that none of us were remotely close to professing undying love for both Biden and Harris, but many knew that it was important to support this ticket to get rid of the shitshow we have now.
  16. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Agreed! All of these "law and order" types for the self-proclaimed "law and order president" is refusing to accept the rulings from judges who of course are subject matter experts on the law. Go figure! It's only good when the court rulings go their way.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2020
  17. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    And the "ELECTION FRAUD" crowd cheers this nonsense on. Despicable.
  18. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    Why the conservative election fraud theories make zero logical sense, ripped straight from a post on Quora:


    John Blackstock
    , Bassist, currently studying data analytics
    Updated December 2

    Possible? Yes.

    Probable? Absolutely not.

    One of the universal problems with conspiracy theories is that with every narrative that gets disproven by facts, the number of people that have to be in on the conspiracy gets exponentially larger.

    The vote is rigged!

    Say, you start your election fraud claims with “They’re voting using dead people’s names, and faking their signatures.”

    There are methods in place to prevent this. Voter rolls are regularly purged and updated, even more frequently before an election. In fact, in some states, if you mail a ballot, and then die, your vote still won’t be counted.

    So we, being experienced conspiracy theorists are ready for this one. “Well how do you know that the person checking these voter rolls are telling the truth? They’d intentionally leave thousands of people on the voter rolls that aren’t supposed to be there”

    Okay cool. So now we’ve added thousands of elections board workers responsible for maintaining the voter rolls across the country to this conspiracy. Good stuff! So they fill out their hundreds of fake ballots, vote for their candidate, and then send them in. So far so good!

    Oh but wait. These ballots have to be signature matched. We’ve already described how our army of fraudsters is going to make these people appear as legitimate voters, but now we have to find a way to match their signatures on file. Well, I suppose we could draft someone who has access to the database of voter signatures. These signatures, usually, depending on the state, are the signatures that the DMV has on file for your license.

    Look at these insidious fraudsters.

    Now we all know that DMV workers hold a general disdain for pretty much everything, so it’s not too hard to imagine that they’d be in on this too. So we’ve just added several more thousand people from DMVs across the state to our plot as well.

    So now we’ve got our signatures, and just for the sake of simplicity let’s pretend that both our elections board employees and DMV employees are also going to be the ones that are faking these signatures on the mail in ballots. Painstakingly copying the thousands of dead voter signatures on thousands of ballot envelopes.

    Well, it turns out, the automated signature verification is pretty damn good. The software that reads these signatures is remarkably better than detecting a false signature than an actual human. Don’t believe me? Think about how good the facebook facial recognition is at recognizing you when your aunt posts an embarrassing picture of you passed out drunk at the family picnic 6 years ago, automatically tagging you and putting it right on your friends timeline! Not cool KAREN!

    Oh anyways, machine learning has come an embarrassingly long way in the past few years, and signature matching is something that would be relatively simple.

    Now, it’s possible that these machines could be compromised, but that still would require thousands of poll workers to not notice or be in on the fact that a shockingly low number of ballots are being flagged as having invalid signatures. And the process for who processes which group of ballots is essentially random - they take a batch of ballots and give it to one person, next batch goes to the next one, etc. It’s possible that the person that distributes ballots is in on this, but that means that we’ve added two more groups of thousands of people to our conspiracy! One to compromise the flow of these fake ballots, and one to process them. It’s probably simpler to just take our chances with the machines.

    So, we’re lucky enough that say, half of our fake ballots get through. But what about the other half? They go into a challenging process where a bipartisan board of “signature judges” look at the signature on the ballot with the signature on file. If they can’t agree, an independant comes in and weighs in. If they decide that the signature doesn’t match, most states make an effort to contact the voter to give them a chance to correct their signature. Sometimes this is with a letter, but in some states they actually call them to get their attention.

    So we have a few options here.

    1. Several thousand of these contact attempts go out and the poll workers don’t find it odd that thousands of the voters they are attempting to call are dead
    2. The people tasked with contacting these voters are in on the conspiracy too (+1000’s of conspirators)
    3. The thousands of bipartisan signature panels are in on the conspiracy.
    With this step, we’ve added even more people to our conspiracy to elect our fraudulent candidate! Hot dog!

    So, to sum up, in order to illegally cast thousands votes for dead people we’d have to:

    The only reason I don’t go to say it’s full on impossible is because I’m studying data analytics and the idea that nothing is technically impossible is drilled into my brain. However, the chances of fraud on this scale without any hard evidence so far are so mind bogglingly low that we can safely act as if they are zero.

    Keep in mind, this is only what would be required for one specific type of voter fraud. There are tons of other methods to add to this conspiracy, each of which require their own armies of incredibly skilled, stealthy fraudsters.

  19. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Interesting theory from Mike Cernovich today:


  20. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

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