Ex-President Donald Trump

Discussion in 'Politics' started by blackbull1970, Apr 30, 2017.

  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Lol. I want to throw in 2 bottles of wine now.
    I'm calling unequivocal bs on your statement above.

    You have zero proof of yet another fairytale - did you just make that up? Where is any proof of your accusation, AB. Seriously. Who told you that?
    Wikkileaks is not Russia.

    Who told you Trump knew, AB? Not even FB knew. And it was $100,000 in ads according to FB.
    FB said the ads created a divisiveness, and both parties were targeted.

    See above answer. FTR, Hillary spent one billion of donors money on her ads targetting both sides and Independents. How did that work out? Did the Ruskies tell her not to stump in States that swung?

    Whooooo did, AB? Where are you getting your "info". Mueller needs to subpoena you!! Lol. Wow.
    Where is the campaign solicitation? Who did it, when, how, what??
    Then lying about it?
    Who lied?? Tell me.

    Manafort is charged with, conspiracy, money laundering and fraud before the election.
    What does that have to do with the campaign??

    You're sadly mistaken. We already know that Obama advised Trump not to hire Flynn, however what does that have to do with Trump winning the election?
    You're not answering my questions.

    Of course Congress will indeed have questions and you're in for a rude awakening when you see what they might ask.
    For you to declare that the Administration will then be officially over? What is wrong with you cognitively - it's just such a ridiculous statement. Stop knee-jerking.
    You need to step-back snd invest in stocks, lol. DOW is breaking records, unemployment is low and our GDP is at 3.1/2 %.
    Bad Administration.
  2. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Agree it would take a major miracle for a Republican led Congress to impeach Trump.
    The evidence would have to be so overwhelming that GOP leaders felt they would lose base support if they didn't impeach him.

    We'll see how it goes, but if Mueller can basically prove Trump has been a traitor to his own country and attempted to throw a presidential election with the aid of Russia, Congress might not have any choice.

    The nation's politics are so tribal and partisan nowadays, even if Mueller presented an airtight case against Trump and his Cabinet, I feel his base support wouldn't give a damn, nor would a majority of GOP voters.
  3. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Bliss the GDP is not at 3.25%, that's the growth over the last quarter, and for comparison look at the chart below for the last few years. As for Trump being responsible for the DOW, he has not been in office long enough for any policies to have any real effect on the markets, here is a pretty fair and balanced link to explain it further http://www.businessinsider.com/trump-stock-market-news-grading-new-record-claims-2017-10.

    Funny, I'm pretty sure I remember you downplaying or dismissing the record stock market gains under Obama's administraion...

  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I've never dismissed any Stock Gains by Obama, what l've dismissed is that you've unequivocally given any gains our current administration has provided...as a credit to Obama. That's hogwash. The gains in the last 12 months have been astronomical, so much so that even CNN have admitted it, whereas 3 mnths ago they all but dismissed it.
    "The Dow has spiked nearly 6,000 points since President Trump's election last year, notching 80 daily record highs since then."


    ( a ^ more current reflection than your Oct article)

    It's now even called, the 'TRUMP BUMP'.
    Be happy. Your portfolio must be bulging. And that tax cut is surely about to help you as a business owner.
  5. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    At most you could attribute some irrational exuberance in the market due to the "perception" that Trump's administration will be more "business friendly". Other than that I would challenge you to list any major policy achievement that directly translated to stock market gains. We are in agreement that if tax reform passes, the markets will continue to rise, whether or not tax reform will continue to add to the deficit and cause more problems down the line remains to be seen...
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2017
  6. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    The reason you don't know anything about what I'm repeating is because you don't watch mainstream media.
    If Flynn is prepared to say under oath Trump directed him to discuss lifting sanctions after the election, that's direct contact.
    Trump repeatedly has said he had NO contact with the Russians and anyone in his campaign that did was operating on their own.

    You really believe that Trump Jr., Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner met with a Kremlin attorney, a former Russian intelligence operative ans sevral other Kremlin connected players, a meeting held in Trump Tower, and DONALD TRUMP had no knowledge of it, or gave his authorization for it??

    Wanna know where I get most of my info from?? A guy I'm sure is NEVER featured on Right Wing media, the author of The Plot To Hack America, former Naval Intelligence operative Malcolm Nance. Look him up on YT. There will be impeachment proceedings for Trump in 2018.

    In many ways, Malcolm Nance has been the Woodward and Bernstein of he Trump/Russia investigation, and yet he's never appeared once on conservative cable news or social media.

    Oh by the way, this dude used to be a registered Republican.

    Read Trump Jr's email's prior to the meeting.
  7. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    The stock market has nothing to do with real worker wages anyway.
    Great if you own stock, not so much if you're hoping for a raise where you work.

    THe Dow Jones is a wealth indicator for the 1%, nothing more.

    Just using the same argument the GOP did against Obama when the Dow Jones spiked under his last term....where are the better, higher paying jobs???
  8. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    ABC News has suspended Senior reporter, Brian Ross, for FOUR WEEKS without PAY, for his erroneous and misleading report on General Flynn and President Trump. ABC News apologized and retracted his error.
  10. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

  11. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Ross reported that Gen. Flynn was instructed to contact the Russians by Trump when he was a candidate for POTUS.

    Actually, Trump instructed Flynn to contact the Russians after the election.

    If Brian Ross worked for Fox, there would have been no correction or suspension.
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Fox fired him, NBC fired him and now he's "quitting" GQ.
    He's clearly unhinged.
  13. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    I think "unhinged" is a little strong. He comes off to me as a true believer, and true believers get burnt out quickly.
  14. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Brian Ross is a scurrilous liar who knew what he was doing.
    It wasn't Trump, it was a member of his transitional team. It was all legal. But he ran with the story anyway, causing the Stock market to drop 350 points and the liberal MSM and their shills to go bananas. Way to uplift the country.
    In addition to that, Mueller was just forced to terminate his most experienced and trusted counterintelligence investigator, senior FBI agent Peter Strzok, from the current investigation, after he was discovered texting out anti-trump propaganda. Keep in mind, Strzok was the lead investigator into Hillary's probe of her private email account of mishandling classified information. (Where she was allowed to talk to Comey off the record)

    Seriously, the alt-Left's behavior outrageously supersedes the alt-right's in terms of Alinsky-esq tactics to usurp our democratically elected President. Your Party can no longer fake any semblence of decency it had so-masterfully manufactured for decades upon its most vulnerable constituents. The DNC dont go high, they drag you down into their swamp.
  15. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    Exactly. This is a textbook example of journalistic integrity. One of their reporters made a mistake so they owned up to that mistake and corrected it. It's what separates legitimate news sites like ABC from the WND, Breitbarts, and InfoWars of the world.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2017
  16. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Whut? Lol. You must not be privvy yo this deranged man's Chicken Little hyperbole.

    Seriously Thump, have you ever read some of his profanity-laced, racist tweets? No wonder even alt-left MSNBC fired the quack. He's not burned out, he's lost the plot, lol.
  17. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    If calling someone a "nazi fuck" on Twitter is a sign of deranged behavior, what kind of mental issue do you believe a person who tweets out threats of nuclear war has?
  18. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    My deranged comment pertained to his hysterical Pearl Harbor analogy, and, "We are at War with Russia!!"

    As for tweeting out "threats of nuclear war" as you noted, is that what he's said?
    And if it is, did they come after NK's deranged despot flew out test missiles? Jong Un's actual threats of nuclear war aimed at us has been building for years, so at what point do you want America to cease emboldening him with just sanction responses? While sanctions do hinder his country, he's managed somehow to accelerate his nuclear missile arsenal.

    So serious question: Can you show me a tweet that threatens "nuclear war", as opposed to a "very severe" response tweet to N. Korea's actual nuclear threats to us.
    It's important distinction, in my eyes.

    Lastly, despite any severe warnings towards Kim Jong Un's escalating behavior, President Trump has thus far continued to rely on sanctions and diplomatic pressure, just as President Obama did.
  19. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Keith Olbermann is a brilliant social commentator and you can FACT CHECK everything he says. You could learn a lot listening to his posts on the GQ YT site.

    If you've followed Olbermann's career, the man gets bored very easily. He felt like he was at the point with GQ where he was writing the same commentaries about Trump, so once Flynn pled guilty, Keith decided it was time to end it.
    Also, Olbermann worked for GQ.....for FREE. NO salary whatsoever. He was just trying to get out the truth about our most corrupt POTUS in modern American history.
    Hard to quit something when you aren't being paid.

    The man is known for being extremely mercurial intellectually and if the particular endeavor doesn't stimulate him emotionally and mentally anymore, he'll tap out.

    That's part of the reason why he had multiple stints at ESPN.
    And be clear, Keith NEVER worked for Fox (NEWS). He worked for their cable sports news department.

    It's only speculation that Olbermann was fired from MSNBC. At the time he was their top rated commentary host and was the one broadcaster solely responsible for turning MSNBC into the voice of the left. Allegedly, MSNBC didn't meet his new contract demands and they let him walk.
    Others have suggested Keith was too radical for MSNBC who wanted to be a more moderate news source.
    For those of us who used to watch Olbermann on MSNBC, he was their biggest star and most passionate truth teller and it wasn't even close.

    Olbermann has a rep of being hard to work with because he's a self righteous idealist.

    That's not necessarily a bad thing.

    Everyone who's ever worked with Olbermann acknowledges the man's brilliance.
    There's nothing 'unhinged' about him, except that he has no time to hold hands with fools.
  20. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Who besides Trump had the authority to tell Gen. Flynn, head of the NSA, to get in contact with the Russians WITHOUT authorization by the president-elect?? Trump gave the order, Flynn complied. No one gives that kind of order to the director of the NSA without Trump's approval.

    And yes, contacting the Russians after the election was legal, so why have so many people in Trump's administration LIED about their 'legal' Russian contacts??
    Why are you covering up something that doesn't need to be covered up??

    As for FBI Russia counterintelligence agent Strzok, he was fired this past summer over negative Trump text messages he sent to a colleague. There are dozens of FBI agents working with Mueller's investigation and the facts will be the facts.
    Mueller is also a registered Republican, or did you forget??

    LOL at you thinking Trump was duly elected, or that he didn't play a role in Russia's attempts to tilt the election in his favor.
    I'm sure Gen. Flynn will have a different story to tell.

    It's going to be extremely difficult for the Right to attack Flynn's credibility, since Trump himself defended all his actions.

    And stop saying 'alt left'. There isn't one.
    Steve Bannon defined the term alt-right when describing Breitbart news, not the Left.
    That would include neo Nazis, White supremacists and White nationalists, the latter of which Bannon has admitted he is one.

    Even staunch Republicans will admit there have been a number of troubling contacts between the Trump administration before, during and after his election, unlike anything we've ever seen with any other country before.

    If you replaced Russia with China, or Saudi Arabia, I wonder how many Trump supporters would pretend there's nothing to see here??

    The image below should give every American pause. Trump held a private Oval office meeting with Russian Foreign Minster Sergei Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak,(both believed to be agents of the Russian FSB), and told ALL American media they weren't allowed to attend.
    No POTUS in U.S. history has ever had this kind of meeting in the Oval Office with the Russians. Sorry, but something about Trump stinks.


    He's too close to a country many in our intelligence community still consider an enemy.
    Iran's top ally is RUSSIA.
    Syria's top ally is RUSSIA.
    North Korea and China's top ally is RUSSIA.

    The Trump campaign already knew the Russians were using social media to exclusively help his campaign, and then arranged a Trump Tower meeting with Trump Jr. to provide damaging info on HRC.

    When Mueller finally completes his report and presents it to Congress, Trump will resign.

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