Evidence for the Big Bang Established

Discussion in 'Science, Technology, and Green Energy' started by satyr, Mar 23, 2014.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Hell yeah. I have a deep respect for people willing to go into the most dangerous situations to bring news to the masses. You should check out Vice that shit is amazing
  2. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I saw a few episodes and it's a good show. But it's really nothing that actually kept me entertained along the way. I'm sort of funny like that when it comes to my tastes or what interests me.

  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I enjoy it because it's not meant to entertain like the mainstream media. It's weird living in an era where newscasters no longer give us the news. There are no more Walter Croncrites just a bunch of Jerry Springers
  4. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    All you need to do is go back to 1988 and that's when things officially started in regards of the modern media circus. Don't get me wrong, I truly enjoy investigative journalism and the people of Cronkite and Murrow are a thing of the past. However, we still have certain networks that retain their educational dignity.

  5. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    As the late, great Dr. Carl Sagan had observed on his tv show Cosmos( one of my favorite shows on PBS)," We're all made of "star stuff."
  6. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Humans will never be able to prove what came before the Big Bang or the Creator (if you're so inclined). It will forever be unknowable because that would mean that there's an "edge" to the universe with something beyond it that came before the universe. But that doesn't make sense. Or does it? Science has proven that the unverse is expanding, so apparently there is an edge.

    If it's expanding, what is it expanding into? That would mean that the universe is essentially a cell with something beyond it. But what could that something be? Another universe? Darkness? A void?

    If you think in terms of this, the only explanation that makes sense is that we will never know everything about our universe and it's machinations. No technological advances or theoretical theories can explain why the Big Bang came into existence and what was before the universe.

    The Big Bang has essentially been "proven". So this isn't quite as interesting as it could be.

    And I'm with AB, if you can tell me WHY it happened, that would make for some interesting and thought-provoking reading. :smt023
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2014

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