:smt038 LOL I like that idea. Sounds fair. Since Im no cheater I would always be on the safe side anyway :smt083
Dude their emotions will never allow them to comprehend that sometimes things change and despite how a dude my feel about them emotionally, biologically he needs side ass. I don't get why everyone thinks they're the exception. Its like believing you're going to be the one person who can breathe underwater indefinitely. Maybe there's a person who can but most people will frickin drown.
There are ordinary people who every day remain faithful to their partner. It's not an exception. They use love and willpower. You should try it sometime instead of excuses for your weakness. I bet if you told your new lady right now I will NEVER be faithful to you...........I bet she will hit the door to find someone else.
LOL.. I agree with everything you said.. But I still stand by my statement... HIS bad decisions is what's making her (or any womean) want to take half their money..it is malicious.. a way to make him hurt too.. he had his fun with the other woman, and so now she's gonna have fun taking his money.. You said she dosen't need the money... Well.. he didn't need that other woman's sex.. he simply should not have cheated.. or at least hidden it better. Sex is sex, and money is money. And I agree if it was the other way around I'd hope Tony takes half her money too...lol Like I said I have a weird way of looking at things:smt043
JC in under any guidelines regarding any other system where the failure rate is 50 percent it would be considered a failure, why should marriage get a pass? Right now I don't want anyone but her but I'm dillusional enough to believe it will always be this way and if things happen to change I'm hoping we can discuss it honestly.
Great post, Jordan. And yeah, it's awful when people don't consider themselves worth more than someone who is willing to risk a relationship with them just because they can't turn down temptation.
Eva is cold blooded for wanting alimony. She makes millions. They have no kids. What a cold blooded bitch! lol She is smart for waiting until Tony got a fat contract. She is also aware that she isnt a good actress and she is approaching 40 so she knows she wont be getting many big roles after Desperate Housewives is over with.
So yeah, the men on this site have made me never want to enter a committed relationship, nevermind a marriage. Not in a bad way, but in a realistic way.
Not just the guys on here but you guys have made me realistic about relationships. I think a lot of girls have this "ideal" in their head that isn't the ideal that guys have in their head. Like I said it's a good thing I think. I think it's made me more open minded in a sense. If this makes any sense at all lol... ya know me and my rambling.