I came across this story from the Dallas Morning News. Written by Scott Farwell it is about European women contacting death row inmates from Texas. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/latestnews/stories/1 I don't know why they go after those inmates where they can contact Black Men who are not in lockdown.
LOL- white women tend to love their men in bars, OR behind bars, either way is good fo them. It really saddens me at times. They fail to see the flaw in their actions, all they think is because they are "liberated", they can thus act however they please..... I actualy work with a few that do this exact thing, its really hard to feel any amount of sorrow for ANY of them,,,so I listen and laugh my ass off when they walk in office with a black eye.,,it is amazing the amount of married/attached white women that either screw around, or seriously think about screwing around on their husbands or boyfriends....married white women hit on me all the time at work,,and i hardly ever let them down I think this is exactly why in most islamic nations, women are hardly allowed the freedoms they enjoy in the west, due to these weird instinctal behaviors they often tend to have. ( Not to mention voting on issues that have impact on their vaginas or irresponsibilities (abortion) when it comes to very important political figures)....those are provincial issues, small potatoes,,,,these are not issues that should impact a prime minister candidates worthiness so to speak, the prime minister has much bigger fish to fry these days than fag rights and unwanted pregnancies,,and these should be NON issues for any candidate....
Sadly, there is a industry of that sort. Groups of them travel by plane to see them. Since the Euro is stronger than the Dollar they no doubt go more than once. It seems their self-esteem are in the basement.
They get involved in the anti death penalty movement and then get sucked in. Many, many Europeans are involved in anti death penalty activism. Personally I think it has to do with some sort of florence nightingale syndrom where they are looking for someone to save. But, I say each to their own. There is never anything wrong with loving someone. The worlds problems are not due to people who love too much, but those who do not love enough.
I guess this sums up the differences between the USA and the European Union. In Europe we are shocked that the US still sends people to death row - just like China, etc etc Just like your gun laws. But every country makes its own decisions.
Hey...I'm down here in Texas...there are plenty...and I do mean plenty of death row inmates. Seriously though, I don't think all Euro women can be painted with the same brush...just like all BM shouldn't be painted with the same brush. But this particular group does cast a shadow over all WW...even the majority who don't resort to getting "banged by brothas behind bars"...(ooh man...alliteration...LOL) In terms of how women should be treated....a lot of what is done in other countries to supress women of their rights has nothing to do with protecting them and looking out for their best interests. It's simply a matter of men wanting to be in control of what they think belongs to them. I'm not an imam but the things I've learned from my Middle East/South Asian friends, suggest that a lot of the practices have little to do with the Qu'ran and more to do with cultural preferences. That's not to say that American men aren't chauvinistic....we are to some extent collectively...but women in this country have fought hard for an equal opportunity and (for the most part) men in this country realize how important it is for women to have a level playing field...(maybe not perfect but its better than it was 30 years ago...hopefully it will be better in 10 years than it is now).....the female post workers, doctors, lawyers, bankers, judges etc. are an example of that
The death penalty is one of the main reasons why the European Union refuses to allow Turkey into the EU. And i don't blame them.
I think a lot of people, men or women, have a hard time seperating pitty from love. And most Europeans do pitty theese convicts very much. For the huge majority of us, death penalty is extremely barbaric. We hate that it happens anywhere, but it's especially upsetting that it's still going on in another western country (you are the only one who's still doing it). That you've also made yourself the moral-police of the world, makes it even more sickening.
So true....very ironic. We've got more people in jail than anyplace on Earth.....so here is a chicken or egg question........do we have a high incarceration rate because the government insists on "catching as many as they can"...or do we just have so many criminals that we need as many prisons as possible?
I am a death penalty supporter, becuase of stories like this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megan's_Law Before you think I'm a "Law and Order" freak, I do support many things such as drug legalization and rehablitative prgrams, but stop and think about what if this was your daughter?
Ditto...if you take another person's life, you owe a life. There are evil people in the world and they do have to be dealt with. As far as abortion, well, I guess that's about preserving the life of an innocent child as opposed to the life of a criminal----that's my opinion.