European White Women

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by Blacktiger2005, Sep 16, 2007.

  1. harrydre

    harrydre New Member


    European women holla!
  2. dossou

    dossou Member

    Time and space

    It a question of time and space.whar you're experiencing is according to the place you're living in. I may have an absolute different approach with it .My vision of one an earthling not a "black" "black"was a term used just for I'd say the exremly wide common language in the past and still used today.To a certain extent I would say we're what we say think or do.I refuse to limitate myself to social convention ,cause they so often turn life in society as hell .Just see misunderstanding about I.R dating in some places on the planet
    Here's a tip .We belong to The same Human race . Cos what if one day you see a purple woman extremly pretty just like in sci fi movies? What are you gonna do? Are you gonna follow her .Cool. Anyway you're a being of this planet, either you want it or not.T'will be as apperent as today's differences and no interests issues on ..."racial" and the like.
    Good to have these kind of topics they widen my view points.
  3. mike38

    mike38 New Member

    I'm open to dating someone who is from Europe, as long as she truly understands racial issues.
  4. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Not all European women are perfect Mike.
  5. nocturnalmission

    nocturnalmission New Member

    Location is not as important as attitude... Misunderstanding/dis-understanding are only overcome by understanding, which only comes thru dialogue...
  6. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    I think that is very important...

    If you can't talk to your partner, white, asian, black, whatever, about such controversial topics such as race, that wouldn't be too good..

    I couldn't live with a partner who was oblivious to the fact that racism still exists, especially when it comes to IR dating. I also couldn't live with a partner who was too weak to fight through racism with me..

    if you don't have the "balls" to work at the relationship ( yeah yeah, you can say your relationship is between you and her, and that everything else doesn't matter, but once people start doing sh*t to you two, all of that ignorance goes right out the door), you are just wasting my time..
  7. Hypestyle

    Hypestyle Active Member

    hmm.. I gotta go on a Eurotrip someday.. sigh..
  8. mkandy

    mkandy New Member

  9. Hypestyle

    Hypestyle Active Member

    Re: hi

    Hi! have a nice weekend! :)
  10. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    But its up to u guys to teach us about racial issues. Many of us grew up totally oblivious to the racial problems around us. In many instances we were insulated from all that.
  11. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Mkandy what part of Europe are you from?
  12. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Representing Germany and the fascination is mutual. I cannot deal with the mindset and mentality most German men have.
  13. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    what is the prevalent mindset of German men??

    I've always thought Germans were the most mysterious because there doesn't seem to be a prevailing image of them unlike British, Italians, Russians etc.
  14. caj

    caj New Member

    I LOVE European white women! I LOVE American white women! I LOVE white women from all over the world! I LOVE white women PERIOD!
  15. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Me too from the pale to the dark.
  16. WhiteBeauty

    WhiteBeauty New Member

    Re: It's the RACE focus!

    I love your statement. I am from Germany. It is all applicable for our country as well. Everyone knows about our sad/problematic history. So we are extremely sensitive in these topics. Expressions like interracial, and so on, are highly confusing to me, and would never be applied in our language for human beings. Actually, when I made my first job application online here in the US, and had to mark my race I felt highly confused/shocked/angry... (meanwhile I understand it a bit better as they seem to focus on diversity, even though I am not sure if I can believe this)

    I am very sorry, I do not understand the racial issues yet. I feel simply attracted by the contrast of the skin as much as I am attracted by tall men or masculine looking men, but do not have very much experience yet. What is so wrong about that? Since I am here in the US (1 year) I am getting more and more confused. And no one wants to explain me in which areas racial discrimination is history and in which still alive. I am not stupid and can see that African-American and Hispanic people are living in poorer areas. But could someone give me an example where he/she felt a difference because he/she is in an interracial relationship. I really want to understand it better, but then things have to be mentioned a bit more concretely.
    (Perhaps it will help you to understand me better if you also watch my statement on the topic: Post subject: Re: Would you date someone new to IR dating?
  17. aozora

    aozora New Member

    White Beauty,

    Well, I am glad that you are actually experiencing the American life because for ethnicity it is really big here. I know in Germany they did have problems with the Jews and other groups who were different groups in the 20th century and later the Turks who came when there was work although I believe that there is a unemployment rate that is somewhat high but that might be because of east Germany. America has a lot of race problems. I guess I am summarize this with the fact that it is based on the British heritage back when the people such as the Pilgrims who came to the "New World" to escape religious persecution. Also, there is the fact that the huge atlantic slave trade that happened. African slaves basically never new what the concept of "white" is and neither did most Europeans although most West European countries thought that they were above most cultures in Africa and the new world. In America though, because no indentured servants wanted to do the hard work of planting crops, African slaves took the role. Now you can fast forward this until slaves were free in America in 1865. America had problems with the slaves being free and thought that they were low. Also, white American men were scarred that black men were going to sleep with white American women so the thing of Jim Crow came into effect. This was a system which made both groups (but not Asians or Latinos) to use different facilities such as water fountains, movie theaters, schools, etc. This was passes in 1896. This was in the southern part of the US but discrimination was still strong everywhere. You then have the civil rights movement and finally the law of the land first made everyone able to go to public schools legal, give busing to all groups, and in the 1960s pass civil rights laws and make interracial dating (or interethnic dating) legal in 1967. Thus, dating and marriage has increased over the past 40 plus years. Although the problem with black men and white women linger because of the stigma that was caused by white men. So, if there is a relationship between them in America, then people don't generally think it is okay. Although in reality there is a better connection between the two groups rather than white and asian. Also because of discrimination minority groups in America are generally poorer than the mainstream groups except for Asians which make more than white Americans and have better solid families.

    Lastly, I do like German women because the few that I have talked to (born in Germany) just thought of me as a person which made me feel better than most American women which generally think of your group then what status you are which is pretty discriminate.

    I hope this explanation helps a little bit.
  18. WhiteBeauty

    WhiteBeauty New Member

    Dear aozora,
    first of all, thank you very much for your nice and elaborate (right word?) answer! Well, in principal I was of course already aware of the slave trade history. What I wonder is why that is not a reason for the white population to feel ashamed? Like we do with the Jews. We try everything since 60 years to redress this. Perhaps I have to go a little bit more into detail with this topic as I often experienced that this is something foreigners do not understand. We still feel very guilty about that. We grew up with a lot of history lessons about that time and the analysis how that could happen/be prevented. For example, your sentence "I know in Germany they did have problems with the Jews..." would be never ever expressed that way by us as this implies that Jews made problems. But they did not. Our country was ruled by a completely mad dictator with even more mad/terrible ideas. He wanted to create the "superior race" which were in his mind tall, blond, blue-eyed Germans. If you once had a look at his pictures you could laugh if it wasn't so sad.
    To come back to the point and to help foreigners perhaps to understand our point of view a bit better: Hitler was actually creating his own language. He spoke a lot about this superior race, which is not only looking as I already described, but has no disabilities or mental diseases either or is gay, etc (these people have been killed, too).
    Since very few years we start slowly to deal with this history in a bit more "relaxed" way, which means that you will even see satiric movies which ridicule Hitler (which is a good thing as it puts him back to the status of a simple, crazy man). BUT if a politician would nowadays use the term race for any group of human beings in our country I am pretty sure that he would get directly fired. That perhaps explains best how huge the difference is...
    Your sentence:"So, if there is a relationship between them in America, then people don't generally think it is okay." is incredible for me. Are you sure that the people really think that? I mean the majority? Of course there are everywhere idiots in the world and I would suggest to ignore them as good as possible as they are simply wasting our precious lifetime. Why should they think that? What are their main arguments? How far would you say does this go? You know I see every day handsome looking black man in their suits running their business in Manhattan. Do you think that in the depth of their heart they feel not treated correctly?
    By the way: the expression black man is only used for African-Americans? Sometimes other ethnicities have darker skin types than African-American.
    And sometimes I wonder how very light skinned African-Americans feel. More white or black? Are they considered then black or white? (You must think now that I am completely stupid...but I can only say, I am not, but these are logical questions that are coming up then...).
    Well and your statement:"Lastly, I do like German women because the few that I have talked to (born in Germany) just thought of me as a person which made me feel better than most American women which generally think of your group then what status you are which is pretty discriminate." is just unbelievable! Are u really sure? Then these women/people are highly not reflected. They simply lack of intelligence and critical thinking. This group I would say is a waist of my lifetime, too.

    Sometimes their might be misunderstandings (not saying that you are wrong, only want to add it)... a few weeks ago I saw a mixed couple and had to stare permanently at them as I thought that I know the man. I was not sure if it was him (was in a pretty dark livemusic club) and considered to say hello. Finally I realized (after staring at them a little bit longer) that I was wrong and that I do not know this guy. But both looked at me meanwhile as if they wanna kill me (especially she)

    Well, last but not least I hope that our little conversation will help people understanding us better ;-)
    Would be very nice to hear from you again.

    PS: To all people: just a hint: do not make fun with Germans about Hitler ;-) we do not show it but feel often hurt or at least very insecure ;-)
    PPS: You know what is the most sad thing to me? I am now starting to think about the different races in terms of "if I am doing everything right", "if I say everything the right way", "if I hurt anyone with what i say"... (when it comes to these topics)
  19. aozora

    aozora New Member

    White Beauty,

    Actually relating to the comment about the European Jews in general, I apologize. I was only trying to describe that even though many Jewish people assimilated in Germany that people were jealous that the Jewish people as a group actually decided to work together and thus became prosperous. So most likely jealously was the meaning of why the holocaust happened.

    Your comment about being how I said Americans don't like the relationships between black American men and white American women is based upon the slavery mentality which is still strong today. There is a stigma and most people that told me true cases of how people generally tolerate to an extent but stare at people and wonder "why is the white woman with that guy, I am sure that she is going to be disowned by her family and society." Your New York comment is true. There are successful black Americans. However, American media does not show that. I mean I worked for an internship recently which was run by a black man and a Sri Lankan guy who are running a good small IT company. Although there are good companies that don't show Black Americans in light such as Entertainment, the media would never show companies doing business for their local communities. I live in DC so I do know of black upper class families. I never heard of anyone use the term "black man" to refer to people who were not African ancestry/descent. I have seen darker people than myself who were South Asian (Indian/Pakistani). Sorry about my statement referring to German women versus American women is how for example in my case I like dating a women of different cultures and I generally relate to European women generally better than American women because they are genuinely kinder and considerate of you than American women. By the way dating generally in America is not that great anyway so it does not relate to black Americans specifically. However, myself have tried to dance with white American women before and they look at me and think that they saw some supernatural creature come from the ground, some generally stay away from me and honestly not to sound arrogant but I think that I am a reasonably attractive guy. So, America has a racial dating hierarchy chart for dating as follows White (European ancestry/descent), Latino, Asian ancestry/descent, and Black (African ancestry/descent) sometimes I have heard that this changes over but this a standard and I am hoping at the end of my senior year in college that I can get a job or training program to leave and hopefully settle somewhere else.

    I generally think for your example of the mixed couple that you should not be starring. Next, referring to light skinned black Americans you can think of them having a identity crisis at times such as with people that I have seen either go black or white crowds. Sometimes if they are light enough they can just go into white society and no one would know. Check out Harold Ford, Jr.,_Jr. good example of light skinned black American

    By the way, I know that it is a touchy subject with Hitler so I apologize. I like German people. It is funny that people say (especially my parents how Europeans generally don't like black Americans but I haven't generally seen it. Well if you want to email you can send my one at aozora113(at)
  20. SharenoH8

    SharenoH8 Active Member

    Hi White beauty,

    Americans are always allowed make fun of Hitler. That is their prerogative because their grandparents (including the all black 47th and 48th Quartermaster Regiments, the 1st Chemical Decontamination Company and 41st General Service Engineer Regiment) gave the ultimate sacrifice to liberate Europe, including the liberation peace loving Germans. I know humor is not big in Germany but that is the way many Americans deal with tough situations and I like it.

    To pinpoint all problems to one (1) mad dictator would simplify things too much. Nazism was a system in which many participated. That's what intrigues me because with the right conditions like poverty and hyperinflation, I know it could happen again somewhere. The Us seems a candidate these days so we hope for good economic recovery.
    Please don't project these evil deeds to one person and realize many people simply did bad things. And there is a difference between being a dutiful soldier and a sadist.

    I also feel very sorry for those young German boys that got slaughtered by the millions in the east until they only had 15/16 y/olds and old men. Horrible. Just as the whole execution of "endloesing" was horrific and evil. I don't pinpoint that to Germans anymore because in today's world many Germans are great people. I pinpoint it to myself and realize we all have this dark, evil shadow side inside of us. We must control that at any cost.

    We must stop governments/systems that are evil and desperate at any cost. Never open that box of Pandora again. That is now a global problem not a German one. I am actually down with the Neocons on this point.

    And German babes remain awesome ;)

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