European White Women

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by Blacktiger2005, Sep 16, 2007.

  1. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    According to some of the guys here we're more easily approachable...And we all seem to be quite god looking...

    (And I have no Idea why the American women on this board don't object to it more often than they do. I'd be hugely insulted by some of the stuff the before mentioned guys manage to say, if I was American.)
  2. designer

    designer New Member

    Well some people are more apt to making big general sweeping statements than others.

    There are people who'll say “I hate it when white women think all black men are the same and just because she got played by a brother she won't date bothers anymore.”
    “Well these American women only want money, or they talk too much or they are not like more traditional women like European women so I won't date American women anymore.”

    I hate borders when it comes to dating but I for one can't cast off all American women.
    HOWEVER if a person says that they are ready to do that for whatever reason I think we should give them that freedom.
    Hey if they find what they want in Europe I say more power to them.

    In the end I think Lipstick said it best....
    You find what you want to find.
  3. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    Hi Ronja,
    the US women here have objected but after a while you get tired of having the same arguments and continue to beat a dead horse. I am a European woman living in the US so I am stuck up enough to think that I have a unique perspective on this subject (by the way I side with the US women on this) but at the end of the day you just get tired talking about the same thing over and over again and as far as I am concerned I say "to each his/ her own". Who am I to say that a guys perception of a euro woman is not true, it's all in his perception versus someone elses reality, how do you ever compare the 2?
    The only item I find sad is that some people here confuse being a novelty with genuine interest in the person beyond nationality, accents, being Hip Hop etc.
  4. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    LOL this was funny :)
    US women say later and Brit women say la'er
    US women say panties and Brit women say knickers
    US women say guy and Brit women say bloke

    lol what else? I think we need to start a brit slang guide lol
  5. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    You say potato, I say potato, let's call the whole thing off :lol:
  6. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    I don't see why some guys make a big deal out of it. To say one group of women are better than the other is more stereotyping. And not all European women are the same. I'd be happy regardless if I lived here or somewhere in Europe like England or France becasue I'd still be able to date white women!
  7. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Russian woman are good looking and beautiful. Back in the day from the Czars to the Soviets a brother can date a Russian woman without harassment.
  8. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    DI the difference between American and European women are not only the ocean but the attitude. Euro women are a lot more open minded and friendly. Their boldness is legendary. Stereotypes sometimes helps but it depends on the brother of their desires. Some European women love brothers much more in some of the countries like the UK,Germany,and parts of the countries of Eastern Europe. Wished some professor make a survey on which European country loves Black men the most.
  9. porcelainsnowbird

    porcelainsnowbird Restricted

    Actually they do not down us nearly as much as they do the women of their own race, but I feel it's coming once IR becomes a non-issue and more commonplace. I've noticed since many white men date Asian women lots of black men want to follow suit and will probably offer the same reasons for doing so. They are definitely beginning to taunt American white women in favor of Europeans and Asians from what I see.
  10. porcelainsnowbird

    porcelainsnowbird Restricted

    That's the bottomline. Why aren't these women clamoring for "real" relationships?
  11. porcelainsnowbird

    porcelainsnowbird Restricted

    You still believe this after making regular treks to Europe without snagging one?
  12. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    I know :(

    It's also interesting how they assume, that because people are friendlier and more open with them when they're somewhere on a short vacation, that's how the "locals" are every day.

    If someone is genuinely interested in a certain group of people/ a culture etc, then they should move there for a while. They can't learn how the people really are, until they do...
  13. DirtyBlonde

    DirtyBlonde New Member

    It's the RACE focus!

    A scandinavian perspective:

    I'm Norwegian, and even though I live in the capital city I'll be the first to admit that my country lacks cultural diversity. Even so, I think the main difference is the American focus on RACE. Expressions like INTERRACIAL ect ect would never be socially acceptable to utter in public here. Cultural differences or different skin colour are not taboo to discuss, but to say that someone belongs to a different race than you - over here, the usage of such expressions are reserved for dogs and racehorses, as a synonym to breed. I personally dislike the expression "interracial" - it sounds like you're dating someone outside your own species! Cultural differences I can understand, i.e if you're a native from Scandinavia and dating a Brazilian - but what skin colour has to do with your personality is beyond me. I'm pretty much exclusively attracted to black men - but that is because of how a black man look. Black men differ as much in mind and body as do everyone else. Hence, European women vs Americans: I think we both appreciate the apperance of a fine black man, but for Europeans, black men do not come with a stereotype. Ergo: He is a black man - but WHO he is you need to find out for yourself.
  14. ---woman---

    ---woman--- New Member

    Re: It's the RACE focus!

    But unlike America, if the population is all white(mostly) there is no reason to focus on race, is there? :)
  15. SharenoH8

    SharenoH8 Active Member

    Re: It's the RACE focus!

    Touche, woman, touche :)
  16. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the site Dirtyblonde. You come from a young country with a rich history. Ironically the location first African-American ambassador to a European state was Norway. Clifton R Wharton Sr. was there from 1961-64. Also,Earle Hyman the African-American actor lives in Norway. Norway does not have a history of race relations.
  17. aozora

    aozora New Member

    I think generalizations are wrong. I have had a few good experiences with American women. There are generally good people out there. I have to say though my experiences with European women were better possibly because the way they are raised compared to women in America. This might be the main reason. Although there are both bad experiences with both European and American women that always happen but generally with the European women that I have met there have been better impressions than bad ones.
  18. DirtyBlonde

    DirtyBlonde New Member

    Re: It's the RACE focus!

    Well, my point exactly: No, there is no reason to focus on "race". Whatsoever. People are people - we all have our differences, but they are not related to how you look. And I wonder: Even if you do have a black/white population - why focus on race? Arent you all Americans, first and foremost :wink: ?
  19. aozora

    aozora New Member

    Yes, that is true although because of the transatlantic slave trade, America's history with other cultures such as the American Indians, Asians (Chinese,Japanese,Indians), Latinos, and Arabs/Middle Easterners, there tends to be a racial hierarchy which should not be in the country today. Also given that Black America has problems with itself moving on without referring to someone's racial group is an obstacle when their economic/life situation is not going well. As I said before, I think that as with anything that at times we do put European women as a trophy most likely because of life experiences. Really, I think that some American women are great people. However, I think finding a person to be with is hard for everyone so I am unsure why I find that European women are generally more friendly but I know that you can't generalize a whole group of people based on where they are from.
  20. ladeda

    ladeda New Member

    Re: It's the RACE focus!

    i love your first response.


    in the United States the equation is:

    financial control/power+race=image/perception+structured reality=control method to seperate the people, make money and continue the US's death march.

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