European White Women

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by Blacktiger2005, Sep 16, 2007.

  1. Kid Rasta

    Kid Rasta Restricted

    Where in Europe??? You must be gettin' killed there cause the $ is so weak. I got a friend in London who's in the FX business, and he says the $ only going to get weaker next yr.

    The Kid Rasta 8)
  2. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I'm now in London Kid and going to Germany,Sweden,Finland,and Denmark.
  3. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Is your friend still in London? If so let me know.
  4. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Of course. With the biggest slump in the mortgage industry (which accounts for a large segment of the American economy), things are going to be pretty rough for the American market with regards to others. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson says that things will be better and he expects growth but that's baloney seeing as even the Euro is advancing better.

    For more, read:
  5. carlittosway

    carlittosway New Member

    To all Greetings

    Hello to everyone. Just new to the group and want to say that I have a lust and passion for white women and have dated many from around the world. It all rolls into one being themselves and always approach with respect. And that goes for any women for that matter. After some ice breaker conversation you can then determine in which way to pursue it for fun or for something more.

    Much respect to all and ladies hit me up if you near VA,NC,MD,DC.... I love to be laid back and easy with it.

    Kindest regards
    Carllito's Way
  6. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Pleased to meet a expert. Welcome to the site.
  7. SharenoH8

    SharenoH8 Active Member

    Good luck!
  8. Eyvah

    Eyvah New Member

    That was not wat I was trying to say.... It has nothing to do with being a barbie doll! Its the total opposite of that.......

    but, again, its hard to explain... you have to see to understand 8)
  9. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Hope I be able to visit the Netlandz soon.
  10. aozora

    aozora New Member

    Well, I actually have found that generally European women are more down to earth(there are some American women who are great too) but I have found overall that when I was with women from Switzerland, Germany, and Italy, that they were relaxed didn't care about my ethnicity but rather were intrigued that America has such a race hierarchy.

    Also, I have to say that if the Euro is equal to about $1.47 then the American economy is not getting any better. I am hoping soon that I can work in Europe after graduation. I was wondering does anyone know of any international fairs in North America that recruit Americans in Europe, Canada, and Asia?

    I am just a little curious.
  11. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    I don't know the word "fair"... I thought it was the oposite of "unfair", or that it ment "light" (fair complexion) but it apears also to mean something else :D I asume it's the same as a company?

    I'm definately not an expert, but this is how it apears to be for me (based on the stories from all my relatives who work in multinational cooperations)

    If an American company got an office in Europe, they always recruit people from both US and Europe. But if you only speak English, you'll have an easier time finding work in GB than elsewhere. Obviously, since if you're aplying for a job in for instance Germany people who actually know German have the advantage.

    That being said, knowing the local language is usually not demanded. All American companies use English as standard.

    If you go to the webpages of the large companies (Like Phillips), and search for vacancies, you should find a lot. Most US companies, seems to have certain number of American workers at any time. (Like the company my mum used to work for- the local office here had 70 workers, of wich 20 at any given time where Americans.)
  12. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Most Oil Companies are looking for people. That is a global business and they look for Americans all the time, even in Europe.

    Ronja -

    I documented a sit down convo I had with an American who was in Sweden and worked at one of the downtown Casinos in Stockholm. He was planning his trip back to US permanently as his relationship with the Swedish woman didn't work out after 3 years.

    He didn't have any skills that were in demand by most companies near Stockholm or at least his skill set wasn't in-demand. He languished for almost a year until he found work, but by that time in his estimation the relationship was done.

    I'd caution anybody considering moving overseas for an extended amount of time to do your research and I would say if your college educated you would stand a better chance at many jobs for example I wouldn't qualify for because of my lack of a proper education.

    There many good Ex-Pat sites out there with excellent forums, I suggest you use Google, jump on those sites to really understand what your chances are.

    GB is expensive and London is knockout expensive so I would REALLY reconsider living there or relocating there. Even Scandinavia isn't that much more expensive and maybe a good deal cheaper in some cases.

    The dollar is taking a beating and that is basically what as slowed down my venture into living overseas as I really need to investigate just how much money I could make living over there. Most of the Hip Hop DJ's are horrible so I have considered that, but we'll shall see.

    See my post aren't always negative...

  13. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    If I have the skills I would be living in Scandinavia myself. Snow came during my visit but the dark winters will not stop me.
  14. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Of course. You need to research before moving to any forregin country.

    And education is a big plus- it always is.

    Talking about what you earn: GB is expensive, but if you manage to get a job in the larger companies, they will help you with a place to stay. Sometimes housing will even be included (it depens o how desperately they want you). Also, for the "stranger" countries, they might pay more. (For instance US people often seem have this idea that Norway is all ice, snow, polarbears and drunk hillbillies on skis or something, so to get people to work in Norway, they often pay extra.)
  15. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    The easiest way moving around is finding a job with a multinational company in your own country and then have them transfer you overseas. This way they take care of your move, documentation etc.

    My co-worker just moved from Chicago to Munich, I moved from Germany to Chicago all with the same company.

    Also, as far as the language, if you are really good at what you do and can work at the European HQ you don't really need to know the local language (other than for your social interaction once you are out of the office of course). Our HQ is now in Germany and I believe they speak English more so than German overthere.

    Good luck to anyone wanting to make a move. I loved the experience and would not want to miss it!
  16. aozora

    aozora New Member

    Thanks Ronja. I meant "fair" as a convention where companies come and recruit Americans (and other cultures) to work in foreign companies. I know that you should do research as I am looking into some programs that offer you to work in a training program for 1.5-2yrs. I have seen this with a company called abb which has a program for college graduates although I can't apply technically until the spring and still they don't begin the program until Fall 2008 (October). I saw a few other programs such as the company aipt has a program to UK, Switzerland, and France, although to the UK is an expensive amount ($1900). This would be for about 1.5 years and I have to wait for a company to look at my requirements before I can get the job. Other than that I am not too sure on my options. There is a fair in California (San Fran) in February 2008. It is something new the EU is doing for recruiting people within Science, Engineering, and Business/IT so I might go to this "international fair" and see if my chances are better.

    Ronja thanks for the advice on Phillips.
  17. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    See and that's my problem, I don't have a degree in any of those fields so my scope is limited. It looks like a service sector job for me if I do make the move and I believe DJing is my best route as it doesn't require knowing the local language too well at first (especially in Scandinavian countries) and everything you play in clubs is mostly in English anyway, especially R&B/Rap music, no MC Solar that I heard

    I know for a FACT that Norway is not an Ice Cube in the winter. Dark yes, cold, yes, but Bergen for example doesn't see not nearly as much snow as Oslo does and the Southern part of the country gets pounded pretty good in the winter time.

    Maybe not this next trip but later next year I will investigate my chances.
  18. AliasSmithandJones

    AliasSmithandJones New Member

    I know for a FACT that Norway is not an Ice Cube in the winter. Dark yes, cold, yes, but Bergen for example doesn't see not nearly as much snow as Oslo does and the Southern part of the country gets pounded pretty good in the winter time.

    Norway isn't that bad in the winter. I've been in Oslo, Lilehammer and Kristiansan in the middle of February and they are all "OK". Despite their proximity to the Artic Circle, all are relativly 'warm' compared to say, Waterbury, Vermont, which is brutally cold at that time of the year.
  19. ---woman---

    ---woman--- New Member

    I am European, white and a woman. Thanks for finding me fascinating :smt003

    what exactly do you want to know more about me? :p
    I would love to see more diversity where I live. White people everywhere. I wish there were more (hot) black men! :D
  20. aozora

    aozora New Member

    I wish there were more women like you! :D

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