European White Women

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by Blacktiger2005, Sep 16, 2007.

  1. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    GRAPHICS RAT..... I AM HURT, consider yourself spanked :twisted:
  2. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Euro women are the best in my opinion.
  3. graphicsRat

    graphicsRat New Member

  4. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    One way or the other i must go to europe to see for myself. I may live there.
  5. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    Hey people......I'm new here and it is good to be here! Anyway, I encourage brothas to go to Europe. It is a MUST to go see beautiful scenery and gorgeous white women! I've been to several countries (England, France, Italy, Switerland, Spain, Germany) and everywhere I've gone I've seen plenty of hot white honies to make you drool! Don't sleep on those Germnas; I have a buddy who's in the military (AF) and I visited him there. He married this smokin' hot blonde there and the brotha was grinniin' from ear to ear!
  6. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    natedogg2772, i have had brothers tell me who have been to germany that german women are very aggressive and that they take what they want. Is this true?
  7. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    I think it is true somewhat in regards to black men. Our country did a smart thing putting military bases there! My friend tells me they love military black men. How ironic...the country which was once ruled by one of the most cruel, racist dictators in the history of the world has its women now going for American black men! Hitler must be rolling in his grave! lol
  8. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    Lots of German women love black men, more so in cities where the US Military is present. I just wish the guys there would not be such sluts, BM in Germany who are in the US Military have the worst reputation and most give BM a really bad reputation. Sorry to say...
    Funny thing is when I meet an ex military BM now in the US and we talk about Germany all I hear is "Oh I am so sorry I messed it up with this or that girl, she was the best girl I ever had" I have not met ONE ex US Military guy in the US who did not regret messing it up with a German girl if he was ever so lucky to have one :D
    So you all go to Europe and knock yourself out just PLEASE don't be the next asshole in line, be nice :wink:
  9. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Go for it. Hope you be able to tell us about it once you moved over there.
  10. blackmale22

    blackmale22 New Member

    I cant agree more (from europe myself). Italian, Dutch, German, Nordic, French women are the ones i like best. My ex-gf was a nordic..
    Havent got any experience with russian women.
  11. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    I concur with 95% of what has been posted already.

    My .02 -

    I was only in London a short time, unless your got it stacked up in the bank or know somebody in town, stay out at least until the dollar gets better sometime after Bush leaves office.

    UK women are, ummm okay. some "birds" just aren't that pretty and the girls pictured on "Page 5" are usually aren't much better than 8's I find in other countries, so their view of beauty is off-center.

    That is NOT to say you won't find some stunners, you'll just have a hard time tracking them down. I was at Timberland's afterparty and while it was good a cross-section, it didn't compare to what I saw in Bergen, Stockholm, Oslo or Kiev just walking around the city centers.

    European women wear JEANS, don't get it twisted. They just tend to be in shape and have nice shoes and makeup on most of the time. They have STYLE!

    Funny but I don't think they have "What Not To Wear" in any other country than the UK (the original seen on BBC America) or the direct US version on TLC... One look at those shows and that tells you ALL you need to know about how most women dress in America.

    Too casual

    No Clue At All

    Stuck in Some Time Wrap


    Hoe Gear


    Yes European women cause a bit of stir in America because we (men) are not use to women actually taking time to make sure she is presentable in public. Even for minor things like going to market, they are not over-dressed just show preparation and I did not see ONE woman with CURLERS in her hair at the supermarket.

    If I could figure out how to do the ex-pat thing I would do it in a heart beat at least for a few years just to experience what I did while I was there (35 days) on a full time basis. I would be looked at differently by local women as well, not like a short time visitor and Yes that worked against me at times.

    I strongly encourage the men on this broad that have not been to Europe to save up and go, as Yoda said "There is only DO, there is no TRY". If money is an issue, go in the off-season, backpack it and stay in hostels...

    German women like black men yes, especially if your in an area close to a major US installation.

    I saw many more average looking women in Germany than I thought, I am not in a total hurry to return save for to "pick up something" I will purchase early next year.

    I like what I saw in Scandinavia, I want to go back and do Iceland and Denmark as well.

    I had a chance to go to Romania but went to the Ukraine instead.

    I would like to see more of Eastern Europe, is not unsafe like Cris would have you believe.

    I dated a Hungarian woman last summer, she was interesting....

    I wasn't sure how Eastern European women felt about American Black men until I talked to a few people and joined a web site or two.

    I would like to travel down this path as well.

    What I am looking for is over there, which country I have NO IDEA...
  12. Eyvah

    Eyvah New Member

    OOOOOOOOOOoh no dont ever say european woman are less elegant then american ones, especially when it comes to clothing!

    in my opinion american women dress themselfes really badly (in general!!!!!!)

    In europe it seems like we are years ahead when it comes to fashion. It doesnt really have anything to do with wearing high heels or wearing make up. (Because you can wear ugly high heels of course) And also nothing to do with dressing sexy.... Its just a "sense" of fashion and style that some people just do not have.
    Its really hard to explain and i think you can only understand what i'm saying if you have been here....
    If you look at the girls in holland they dress really good. An in other european countries (like scandinavian) as well. But not all european countries i must say.

    I have to admit that hungarian people are not the best dressers (I was there on vacation with my friends this summer) but hey, i have only been in budapest and siofok so I can't judge i guess?
  13. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Eyvah where had you been? It had been ages. Yes I do admit the European women do have style in their dress. The women in the Netlanz are hot indeed. Some of them have lips like Kim Basinger and Julia Roberts.
  14. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member


    If I were afraid of committing overkill on the topic, I'd tell ya about how I **LOVE** the Icelandic, Dutch, Australian, & Swedish women...But I *AM* .. so I *WON'T!**
  15. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Indeed and tall...
  16. SharenoH8

    SharenoH8 Active Member

    Hollands best

    I don't know about the being well dressed part but many Dutch women love to be around black guys. Places to hit Amsterdam, Utrecht for sure but don't forget the other provinces if you have the time :)
  17. NeoGen85

    NeoGen85 New Member

    I don't know. My father was in the US Navy. I've been several places in Europe and plus more. What's your definition of dressing nice; pictures please! Maybe I wasn't paying attention. I do think that there are particular women in Europe who have taken pride in what they look like everyday. But isn't that everywhere?

    I don't know. I think my generation is a little bit more comfortable with wearing what they want. It's good to see a young lady trying to make a good first impression though. You should know I have a unusual varying taste in women. For instance, I love English accents especially when it's heard from a women I've found to be provocative. But also I have taste for the southern belle voice here in America. Both can hypnotize me the same way!

    Women just look gorgeous; both Barie Doll and Plain Jane. For myself; the only thing that's physically attracting to me is a woman's walk(or at least most noticeable). And it doesn't always have to deal with having a booty and a small waist. She could have nice legs. It could also be the way you carry yourself when you walk. Style enhances that somewhat though. But my taste in what women dress in isn't really etched in stone yet. Nothing can sometimes be better. :oops:
  18. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    During my visit to A'dam I met a Dutch woman but, to my regret I didn't get her phone number.
  19. aozora

    aozora New Member

    Yeah, actually I have to agree that from another poster that American women are crass, unsophisticated is true. I also sense an area of superiority that American women tend to have when women from other countries don't try to portray. Women that I have met from Germany, Switzerland, Norway, and Sweden are down to earth people who immediately I had a connection with without any serious problems. I tend to realize that America puts you into a type of mind set that is different from other countries and that I hope in the future would subside but I realize that I am just wishful thinking.
  20. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I'm now in Europe trying to find some. Hope I have some success.

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