European White Women

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by Blacktiger2005, Sep 16, 2007.

  1. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure if a thread has ever been created on this subject of European white women. I find them so fascinating in the many cultures they come from whether it's Germany or Ukraine. I'm especially interested in women from the former Eastern Bloc countries. I would like to know more about them and how they see races of men from other cultures. Women from Hungary and Romania interest me the most. Yes, American white women have the lead on sophistication and elegance, but the European women i see who immigrate here are something else. What an interesting world this is indeed.
  2. Seychelles

    Seychelles New Member

    You don't know what you're talking about when you say that about ''the lead in sophistication and elegance" :p .

    All jokes aside, you don't see women here dressed in jeans and snickers or just throwing some clothes on them in the morning and spend the day like that, and only dressing ''nice'' for special occasions or going out in the evening to a nice restaurant, no way.

    High heels, or elegant shoes, with a nice outfit, are the ''uniform'' everyday. during the day too not just for going out in the evening or an occasion. Romanian women are VERY, VERY elegant and sophisticated. My Romanian friends who traveled outside in Western countries and the good old U.S. of A. all said they were a bit surprised by this difference, as they were used to the way Romanian women dress, that women in other parts of the world usually dress comfortably, or as the mood strikes them, or very often snickers and jeans during the day.

    You don't really see that here. No matter the budget available, a Romanian woman puts emphasis on elegance and looking good rather than comfortable slumpy clothes. A colleague who just returned from US told me if I dressed the way I dress here in US, people would pick on me cause they would see Im a foreigner right away just from this, and would probably think Im excessivily elegant for daytime and stare or even think its slutty (he was reffering to the high heels thing).

    Oh well, I dont know, never been there, its just what I heard from people who have.

    As far as the other races thing, there are women who are attracted to other races, and women who aren't, and don't care, so Romanian women are open minded, don't have a problem with it, dont object to or interfere with it, its a ''whatever suits you'' policy about men. When we talk about men, we never talk about race, but about the individual. Race is not an issue, how he treats you and if he is dedicated is, and I think that's normal. Even older generations who are more stuck up in some families, well if a guy treats their daughter right and proves he is serious and respects her and loves her, they give up on whatever objections they may have had initially.

    I dont' know about Hungarian women. I think they are more traditionalist, stick with their own kind kind of thing in this aspect, but Im not sure. I live in Transilvania and we have a large Hungarian population here as it was once conquered by Hungarians, and well, what I can tell you is that the ''rumour'' here is that Hungarian women are very good and ''liberated'' in bed. :wink: They say they are passionate and not prude, take initiative, arent shy but do stuff, ok I just woke up and dont wanna think about this now. But I heard they put a lot of ''feeling'' into love making and arent lazy. Ah, and they also cook divinely.
    DA ! :)
  3. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    Does European women include English women. Or do we get a category of our own? :lol:
  4. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    "Romanian woman puts emphasis on elegance and looking good rather than comfortable slumpy clothes"

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. Seychelles

    Seychelles New Member

    Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?? :) Did I use English in a wrong way?

    JREMINATOR New Member

    Hahaha...MistressB, I believe English women definitely have to have a category of their own!!!

    I have to admit, having lived in two college cities here in the US (Baton Rouge, aka LSU town and New Orleans) that young American WW dress extreeeeeemely casually...flip flops rule, crappy jeans...I guess they just feel more comfortable like this!!!
    I didn't see that when I lived in Europe...
  7. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    I think that depends on where in Europe you are (or maybe those american women are just extremely casual... ) cause my BF keeps complainting about how sloppy women here are...(me included by the way. I love sneakers and jeans...)

    JREMINATOR New Member

    Well, I guess Ronja, that if your BF came here he would probably have a heart attack after seeing some of these college girls :D
  9. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Maybe he really should go there, so he'd learn to apreciate having a woman who takes such a good care of herself...
  10. JD

    JD New Member

    IMHO European women have the lead on sophistication. Many of the classiest and sophistiacated women I have met are European. Esp, the Eastern Europeans. They know how to dress, how to go out on the town. I dated europeans from Romania, Spain, Germany, Albania, Poland and find many to be very cordial and easy to speak with. For a time I wouldn't even date an american woman of any race. I find many american women to be crass, unsophisticated, and with a narrow understanding of the world. In my experience, many american women think the world revolves around them...
    Bottom line: European women all the way!
  11. EarthAngel

    EarthAngel New Member

    Great thread! :lol: :lol:

    The clothes definately depends on where you are in the country. In and near the bigger cities, everyone (or as good as) dress very very nice. But out in the middle of nowhere, they dress very casually.

    Jeans and a t-shirt does not do wonders for a female body :?
  12. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    Which is actually the opposite to this country - although there are some stylish, or very rich, or avant garde dressers in London, the overall style is quite grungy and I suppose quite casual. Apparently women in the sticks in the north of England are a lot more stylish in a smart way: they wear more high heels and dresses on a night out, London are happy in their jeans and ballet pumps. I blame it on our extortionate costs of living, longer working hours, faster pace of life and higher stress levels :lol:
  13. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    Great responses. I have learned something here. Seychelles, you have given me much insight into women in your part of the world. I know i'm not as woridly in thinking as you, nor Ii have ever been to europe. But i say this one should never limit oneself to what this world has to offer. For me i thrill to the possibilities of what women the world over can bring into ones life. I think from what i have learned here is that despite the difference in culture what women the world over want is men who respect them and treat them right. I might be a bit prejudice to believe american women have the edge over the rest of the world. But who am i. I let the women teach me. I have so much to learn.
  14. EarthAngel

    EarthAngel New Member

    :lol: :lol:
  15. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member


    What you said was so was funny..
  16. Seychelles

    Seychelles New Member

    ok flaming, for a second I thought I just made up a new word in English language: slumpy (instead of sloppy) I ocassionaly do that :lol:

    I have one thing to say to you: Shame on you for never having been to Europe, and pack your bags RIGHT NOW !! Ok, 2. But you're missing on a lot of things, really.
  17. joliemarie

    joliemarie Guest

  18. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    Joliemarie, i want to visit your country one day. How can i prepare myself? Is it difficult to learn your language? What do i need to read up on on your history and culture? As a black man would i be accepted in your country? What means the most to a Romanian woman?
  19. joliemarie

    joliemarie Guest

  20. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    I'd like to see some of those Medieval castles..

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