European IR dating scene?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by kenny_g, Jan 9, 2008.

  1. Mädel

    Mädel Member

    I'd like to underscore Ronja's point: I also believe that the average European is less racist than the average American. I am from the South of Germany and in 5 years I experienced only one incident of racism, and that was a crazy old woman who picks a fight with everybody about everything, so I can't really take it too seriously. I have never noticed people looking in a funny way at us as an IR couple but when we were in the US together I felt watched all the time. I was actually pretty shocked cos people always have the perception of the US being the most tolerant and liberal society but it doesn't seem to be so. I especially felt unkind feelings coming from Black American Women. On the other hand, I guess they still gave us the foreigner bonus so they were probably more tolerant towards us than usual. Kind of like Heidi Klum and Seal, ppl seem to tolerate them more in the US cos she's German (do you guys agree?). Actually we're thinking of moving to the US some time cos my bf wants to do residency there and I'm seriously wondering what it could be like with ppl giving strange looks like that.
    Now to the initial question: Yes, in the east of Germany it's more dangerous for has to do with the fact that during the 45 years of separation in the West the Nazi past was dealt with and worked through thoroughly while in the communist East they just kind of swept the issue under the carpet and when the Berlin wall fell it turned out they hadn't really digested the whole issue like us in the west. It's also a matter of economic standard (when people are unemployed and frustrated in life they r more likely to look for a scapegoat and turn to racism) which is lower in some areas in the east of Germany. But you can feel very free to visit Berlin and all of former "Western Germany" bf has never had any trouble.
    And btw, yes, there's an ever increasing African population in Germany and yes, almost all of them have German girlfriends. And obviously Germans are also attracted to them. Almost all the blacks here are Africans and among the Africans there are more males than females. Now I have to say the truth...unfortunately in most cases it looks like this: Somebody arrives in GErmany, finds a white gf, either marries her or has a child with her. If he doesn't do that it'll be difficult to get a residence permit unless he comes as a student, but students are the minority. Later the relationship brakes and the guy goes home and marries a girl from his country. I know it's not everybody who does that and I don't want to judge anybody unfairly, but I have watched it so many times so for truth sake I also have to say that. I think the strict German laws encourage this behaviour so many times for the guy it's not actually that he likes WW but it's a matter of necessity. I have seen many cases where the girl was madly in love and the guys just kinda dumped her to travel home and marry an African woman, which makes me sad.But then, there are people with good motives and ppl with bad motives everywhere...
    Bottom line is: Don't be scared of visiting Germany and I can guarantee you lots of girls will show interest in you!
  2. mike38

    mike38 New Member

    I can believe that last comment. I haven't been in Germany for 20 years, but I concur lots of German women wouldn't mind getting involved with IRs. I saw plenty of them while living there twice, especially during the 2nd go round during the 80s.
  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    A buddy of mine from the Army, who was stationed in Germany a while back, used to have a prototypical "blonde hair, blue eyed" girlfriend while stationed there.

    But as always, IR and the people who do it, differs from place to place, time to time, moment to moment...

    which is why I generally stray away from sweeping generalizations.
  4. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Oh yes we agree. Heidi isn't American so most Americans don't really care. If she were from Kansas or some shit, you know her marriage to Seal and her newborn baby won't be on the cover of People magazine.
  5. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Yeah, if Heidi was an All-American girl, there would be major blacklash, I mean back lash.
  6. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Madel,I had been to Germany many times. I had been to the Eastern part only once and it was all good. The skinheads who lived there keep me from visiting that region a lot. In the Western part I have no problem what so ever . Do you live in Bayern or some other province in Germany?
  7. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

  8. Mädel

    Mädel Member

    @Soulthinker: Yes, I live in Bayern...we have the strictest laws but also the safest cities:) So how did you generally like Germany?
  9. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Loved Germany Madel. I always love to visit the minute my plane lands at Frankfurt Airport or even Munich Airport. How was Carnival or Fasching as it is known in Bayern? I had been to Koln but went to Munich a day later.
  10. SharenoH8

    SharenoH8 Active Member

    Germany is mostly a great place because there are German women. I can truly say my country contains more bastards on average than Germany. For some reason German girls also seem more open-minded and upbeat than their male counterparts.
    Can you confirm this for me Madel?
  11. malikom

    malikom Banned

    german women love black men
  12. ladeda

    ladeda New Member

    i thought german women loved david hasselhof?
  13. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    They sure do love the hoff.
  14. SharenoH8

    SharenoH8 Active Member

    Now that is a sorry white man!

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